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Title 災後重建推動環境永續部落示範策略規劃專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫選定阿禮與社頂兩處作為示範部落,並針對部落特性進行策略規劃,其主要工作內容包括:(1)蒐集並評析國內外研究原住民型環境永續部落之概念、理論與個案經驗。(2)研析環境永續部落建設輔導指引。(3)邀請至少二名原住民文化專家學者參與,針對國內個案進行比較,並至少選擇兩處災後部落,研提推廣環境永續家園示範部落重建之策略規劃建議。本計畫完成(1)國內外環境永續部落案例彙整,各地區雖然推動永續發展的方法都不盡相同,但最終目標都是希望邁向「環境」、「經濟」與「社會」永續願景。(2)完成兩場專家會議與部落共識會議。(3)完成環境永續部落指標的訂定與輔導指引手冊草案的編寫。(4)依照訂定之指標與輔導指引手冊研提示範部落策略規劃建議。
EngTitle Reconstruction strategies for promoting environmental sustainability of tribes after the 88 flood
EngAbstract This project selected tribes of Adiri and Sheding as two exemplary cases, and proposed strategies according to guidance manual. The main tasks of our project include: 1)Collect and assess the domestic and foreign environmental sustained concepts, theories, and experiences of aboriginal tribes; 2)Study the construction instruction of the environmental sustained tribes.; 3) Invite experts of aboriginal cultural to assist in comparing domestic cases, and select two or more tribes damaged by the 88 flood. Then propose strategies for “Sustainable Homes Plan”. In this project we have done with 1)Collected cases of domestic and international environmental sustained tribes. 2)Held two expert conferences and tribal consensus conferences. 3)Established environmental sustained tribes indicators and guidance manual. 4)Completed proposed strategies according to guidance manual.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 生態社區推動方案室
ExecutingOrg 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會