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Title 98年度嘉義市固定污染源許可稽查管制及空污費催補繳查核暨揮發性有機物稽查與減量輔導計畫
Abstract 98年度計畫目標,主要為落實法規制度、推動許可制度、更新固定源排放清單、稽巡查輔導作業。本計畫自98年3月2日~98年12月31日,各項工作成果摘要如下:一、落實法規制度本計畫今年度執行 5 根次煙道排放標準檢測、 15 點次異味官能測定、5 點次粒狀物排放標準檢測、10 點次油品硫含量稽查抽測作業以及 15 站次加油站油氣比及氣漏抽測,其中,油品1件次不符合法規標準、異味檢測則有1廠次超過管制標準,依法處分。空污費徵收方面,本年度共計完成97年第4季至98年第3季空污費徵收審查作業,總計60廠次空污費徵收作業,平均申報率及到繳率為100%,四季徵收金額為1,008,892元;並完成核收及結算公文寄發作業。硫氧化物及氮氧化物空污費查核方面,本年度共計完成45件次,完成率為100%,查核合格率為98%。揮發性有機物空污費查核方面共計完成30家次查核,完成率100%,VOCs空污費查核正確48%、有誤52%,主要缺失在於控制效率、小數點取捨有誤,但經輔導修正,不影響申報金額。二、推動許可制度本年度收達許可申請資料進行書面審查作業件數已達20件,包括已核發許可證共計16件、補件中計2件、待試車檢測報告1件、逾期未繳納許可申請相關費用予以駁回1件以及試車檢測書面審核通過共計3件資料,本年度計畫在各類許可申請案件審查平均日數為6.9日,均符合法規規定之30日之審查日數,在許可試車檢測報告審查作業上,報告平均審查日數亦符合法規訂定之15日內。為有效落實許可制度,督促廠方確實依許可內容進行操作,本年度執行許可查核60件次,工作達成率100%,依查核結果進行統計,現場與許可核發內容相符者共33件,其所佔比例為69%,而不符者為15件次,在許可查核之整體不符合率約為31%。三、更新固定源排放清單更新及維護作業預計維護資料庫QA/QC作業200件,本年度共計完成203件次的公私場所資料的現場勘查更新與資料庫資料更新建檔及檢核作業,作業達成率100%,各列管公私場所經現場資料更新擴充後,公私場所製程無異動者占83%、停工或無污染源解除列管者占9%、製程設備異動者占1%、污染源異動2%與進行基本資料異動者占3%。經更新後,嘉義市固定污染源總列管公私場所為364家、操作製程413個、污染源1,220個、314根排放管道及151個控制設備。由完成建檔的固定污染源資料庫資料統計顯示,製程污染排放量部分,粒狀污染物為138.03公噸/年、硫氧化物31.24公噸/年、氮氧化物134.05公噸/年、揮發性有機物266.34公噸/年、一氧化碳32.28公噸/年。四、稽巡查作業為落實固定污染源計畫執行與各項管制作業成效,主動稽查掌握轄區內污染源最新動態,計畫目前共完成稽巡查作業674件次,工作達成率為100%。巡查次數以金屬建築組件製造及其製品批發業,巡查比例350%為最多。稽查作業部分,其中陳情稽查佔50%為最高、其次為一般例行稽查佔27%,執行期間將持續加稽查與追蹤改善作業。亦唯有透過稽查管制要求改善,如此才能創造更好的生活環境品質。五、本年度於3月20日於嘉義市垃圾焚化廠簡報室辦理1場次固定污染源法規符合度講習會,出席率52%,會議針對許可線上申請、空污費網路申報作業,以及針對最新頒布之法令規章進行宣導作業,另外,本計畫於6月3日假台灣中油股份有限公司油品行銷事業部嘉義零售服中心8樓會議室辦理1場次之98年度加油站列管事業法規宣導說明會,出席率97%,會議中針對加油站管理辦法、油氣回收宣導及設備維護進行說明,促使業者瞭解相關設施維護及法令規章。本計畫於98年12月14日上午9時,配合辦理98年度度成果發表會議,並於當天下午2時,辦理1場次技術轉移會議,主要議程內容包含固污資料庫、空污費徵收作業以及空污費審查系統操作說明。
EngTitle Abstract
EngAbstract The examination of stationary sources of pollution permission and the air pollution charging fees urge making up plan, also the examination of volatile organic matter and guiding reduction plan, which includes: fulfill the laws and regulations, promote the allowance system, update the stationary resources emission list, and guiding procedure inspection. The abstract of operating achievements are shown as below:I. Fulfill the law and regulation: The exanimation of pollution resources operating system:The plan for this year focuses on the emission standard of stationary pollution sources, also carries out the 5 times of flue check, mainly examines the PAR , SO2, NOx, and the most results of the exam are all qualifies to the laws.As for the foul smell organic sense examination, it has been accomplished on checking the public and private spaces, which had been reported over 15 times. In TSP grainy material examination TSP, aiming at gravel plant, 5 times of check up were carried out. About the measurement in the sulfur content of the oil which is used to the stationary pollution sources in this year; it is finished amount to 10 pieces and carries out progress 100%. About the examination of gas station which has oil gas recycling facility function in this year, altogether checking 15 stations and caring out progress 100%. Air pollution charge urge charging and making up fees planThis annual plan grasps for 60 places public and private to levy Air pollution charge and respectively for declare SO2 and NOx industry 45 public and private places have been incorporated, 30 of VOCs. The statistic shows that in the year of 2008, and the 1-3 quarters of 2009, the racial amount of paid money that it is altogether NT$ 2,065,587. It is to check 74 pieces in the public and private places in this year and reach rate of job is 100%. II. Laws and regulations fulfilling planThis year 20 applications were received for review in writing, which included 16 cases of permit issued, 2 case is in process, 1 cases were turned down for not returning their overdue permits. This annual plan applies for the case to check in all kinds of permission the number of days is 6.9 days on average, 30 days according with the regulations of regulation.60 cases were checked for permits this year, the reaching rate of the job is 100%. By accordance with checking the result is counted that cases which conform with permitting authorizing the content amount to 33 at the scene and its proportion is 69%. Cases which do not accord with are 15, and the coincidence rate is about 31%. III. Stationary pollution resources emission list uniting and confirming:The condition of stationary pollution resources emission has the numerous affect to the air quality in the certain area, in order to completely control the pollution emission condition in certain area, also strengthen the database of the stationary pollution resources in perfection and updating. This year 203 public and private places data were updated and checked. The rate of accomplishment is 100%. where had been carried out the date expanding and updating process by After expending and updating the on-the-spot data, 83% of public and private places remain its manufacturing process, 9% of them shutdown, an 2 % fo them change its manufacturing process. After updating,364 public and private places have been incorporated , 413 making procedures, 1220 pollution spots and 314 discharged flues .Shown from the stationary pollution sources well-fulfilled database statistics, finish upgrading the emission altogether in the current year, 138.03 metric tons of granular pollutant per year, 31.24 tones of sulfur dioxide per year, 134.05 tones of nitrogen oxide per year, volatility266.34 tones of organic matter per year, 32.28 tones of carbon monoxide per year. IV. Guiding procedure inspectionIn order to fulfill the stationary pollution resources the implement with every operation effect, check and grasp the newest trends of pollution sources in the certain area. 674 public and private places examinations have been accomplished; the reaching rate of work is 100%.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 嘉義市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 瑩諮科技股份有限公司