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Title 宜蘭縣98年度垃圾減量、資源回收專案作業查核追蹤管制及宣導活動計畫
Abstract 本計畫自委辦日起(98年12月16日)至99年5月20日止各階段執行成果分述於后。包括:十一大販賣業者逆向回收查核完成940家次,購物用塑膠袋及塑膠類(含保麗龍)免洗餐具限用對象稽查完成2,168家次,指定電池之事業稽巡查完成810家次,限制塑膠類托盤及包裝盒使用完成稽查39家次,限制產品過度包裝完成稽查579家次,限制水銀體溫計輸入及販賣稽巡查完成663家次,販賣場所之責任業者稽查完成115家次,成果鍵入環保署系統資料庫共5,254件次。垃圾減量、資源回收輔(宣)導工作部分,包括10場次宣導活動,分別1場次大型活動(幸福城市.樂活家園)、8場次小型資源回收宣導,及1場次再生品(料)廢玻璃砂宣導說明會;電子媒體成果共完成433,902則數(電視、網路、廣播及客運車內電視)。針對執行環保署資源回收考核工作部分,99年度宜蘭縣政府獲評為優等;在其他協助辦理項目包括「98年度宜蘭縣加強辦理垃圾減量、資源回收工作績效考核計畫」、「98年度資源回收業及個體業者之形象改造工作成果」及「98年度資源回收考核項目執行成果及資源回收執行成果報告」等均已完成成果提報。
EngTitle The Plan for Evaluation, Follow-up, Regulation and Introductory Activities of the Waste Reduction and Resource Recycling Program of Yilan County of 2009
EngAbstract Achievements from each stage of implementing the plan, started from been authorized on December 16, 2009 until May 20, 2010, are described separately as follows. For counter recycling, the evaluation has been completed for 940 subjects of the 11 major types of vending. For limiting usages of plastic shopping bags and plastic-type (including polystyrene) of disposable tableware and cutlery, the audit has been completed for 2,168 subjects. For business with designated batteries, the audit has been completed for 810 subjects. For limiting usages of plastic trays and packaging boxes, the audit has been completed for 39 subjects. For limiting excessive packaging of products, the audit has been completed for 579 subjects. For limiting the importation as well as distribution of mercury body temperature thermometers, the audit has been completed for 663 subjects. For retail merchandising area responsibility, the audit has been completed for 115 vendors. For data entry, a total of 5254 outcomes have been entered into the computer system database of the Environmental Protection Administration. For advisory and introductory works related to waste reduction and resource recycling, a total of 10 sessions of introductory activities have been hold. These include one large-scale activity (Joyful City & Lohas Family), 8 sessions of small-scale resource recycling introductory activities, and one introductory workshop for regenerated products (and materials) made by glass sand wastes. Also, a total of 433902 of electronic media achievements (on television, on the Internet, on broadcast, and on television of those passenger buses) have been completed. As for the parts of conducting evaluations for resource recycling of the Environmental Protection Administration, the Yilan County government has been rated as excellent in 2010. Other missions which Yilan County government has assisted in the process include “The Evaluation Plan for Work Efficiency of Yilan County’s Reinforcement on the Process of Waste Reduction and Resource Recycling in 2009,” “The Achievement on Image Renovation of Resource Recycling Business and Scavengers in 2009,” and “The Achievement Report on the Implementation of Resource Recycling Evaluation Criteria and of Resource Recycling in 2009.” These items mentioned above have been completed and reported.Excellent State Technology Co., Ltd.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 上境科技股份有限公司