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Title 中部及雲嘉南空品區污染減量推動計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要工作內容包括整合分析空氣品質資料及污染成因探討、評估空品區減量管制工作推動及推動六輕離島工業區空氣污染減量工作三項。主要成果摘要如下:(一)空氣品質分析及污染成因探討分析中部及雲嘉南空品區近10 年來(89~99 年)空品不良率變化趨勢,中部空品區空氣品質不良率(PSI>100)在民國93 年達最高5.66%,之後即呈下降趨勢;空品區之指標污染物乃以O3 為主,惟彰化縣與台中市PM10 空品不良比例仍高。雲嘉南空品區空氣品質不良率較中部空品區差,各縣市間差異不大。99 年(1~10 月)空品不良率明顯較過去改善許多,區域平均不良率約僅1%;比較污染物變化發現,各類污染物大都有下降情形,僅台中市NO2 近年並無改善趨勢。由光化測站監測資料顯示,台西站明顯受六輕離島工業區排放影響,特定污染物種不定期會發生異常高值;台南測站二甲苯測值亦曾發生高值,比對污染源許可資料發現,部份石化業及溶劑使用工廠,可能是主要來源,特定行業管制應持續加強。由近年PM10 空品惡化事件分析結果,彰化、崙背及朴子站明顯受到河灘揚塵影響,有鑑於污染事件頻傳,除環保單位的管制工作推動外,水利單位近年亦逐步推動相關河灘管制。(二)空品區減量管制工作推動99 年度空品區減量推動工作主要著重於營建工地管制、涵容總量目標達成及VOCs 污染源擴大掌握等,推動成果說明如下。雖然99 年1~9 月各縣市營建工地削減率,除台中縣市及嘉義市未較98 年同期提升外,其餘各縣市削減率皆有增加,其中又以南投縣、彰化縣及嘉義縣削減率增加最多。然由於營建工地數量增加,致管制後排放量仍大幅增加,營建工地管制仍須再加強。為達成空氣涵容總量管制規劃之減量目標,本計畫第一次空品區專案會議,即請鼎環工程顧問股份有限公司說明中部及雲嘉南空品區涵容總量管制策略,中部及雲嘉南空品區分別於99 年3 月31 日及99 年4 月2 日召開之空品區會議中,擬定縣市減量空間及規劃減量目標。彙整各縣市99 年1 月至9 月各項進度,空品區年度減量未達涵容總量目標之項目包含:中部空品區SOx 與NOx,雲嘉南空品區之NOx 及VOCs。但各縣市自訂之減量目標,其累計達成率除雲嘉南空品區之NOx減量未達預期進度外,其餘項目皆已達預期進度。依據其他縣市查核經驗,塑橡膠製品及化學材料製品業之未納管率不低,且其使用有機溶劑之機率相對較高,因此本年度推動各縣市針對前述行業之廠商進行普查。應普查工廠以彰化縣979 家最多,其次為台中縣之869 家與台南縣之438 家。目前各縣市普查進度仍低,其中以台中縣及彰化縣未普查家數較多。由於工作數量較多,台中縣將於99 年底發包專案計畫執行相關工作。各縣市普查成果以彰化縣與台南縣新納管家數最多,分別為242 家與233 家,其次為台中市47 家;而掌握新增排放量前三名依序為彰化縣、台南縣與雲林縣,排放量依序為97.350 公噸、37.470 公噸、7.502 公噸。下年度本計畫將持續追蹤縣市普查成果,及縣市對污染納管狀況。(三)推動六輕離島工業區空氣污染減量由於六輕離島工業區VOCs 計量方式差異及部份污染來源未納入,致目前六輕申報排量屢遭質疑。分析六輕離島工業區排放量資料顯示,在油漆塗佈及冷卻水塔部分,因環評及空污費計量項目未明定,致排放量未計量,初估二項目排放約有1,200 噸/年,建議未來納入相關計量規定。而設備元件因使用排放係數不同,致排放量差異達2,077 公噸/年;另廢氣燃燒塔因削減係數差異,排放量差異亦達191 公噸/年。經本計畫查核後發現,六輕離島工業區污染源操作,仍有部份不符合法規要求。包含廢氣然燒塔H2S 濃度超標、儲槽呼吸閥VOCs 濃度超標及部份申報資料缺漏等,皆已請相關單位處理中。
EngTitle The plan to reduce the air pollution in the central and south Taiwan
EngAbstract The three main tasks of this project include: 1) to integrally analyze air quality data and diagnose the causes of air pollution episode days; 2) to assess the performance of air pollution reduction control for air quality areas; and 3) to promote air pollution reduction for the No.6 Naphtha Cracker off-shore island industrial zone. The critical results are abstracted as bellow:1) Air quality data analysis and air pollution causes diagnosisIn the last ten years, it can be seen that poor air quality rate (PSI>100) of the Middle air quality area reached the highest, which indicated 5.66% in 2004.The key pollutant is O3, but the poor quality rate of PM10 in the Changhua County and the Taichung City are relatively high. The poor air quality rate of the YUN-JIA-NAN air quality area is higher than it in the Middle; however, there are no obvious differences between those counties and cities in this area.Comparing to the poor air quality rate reviously, it has improved in 2010 (from January to October). The average rate of poor air quality is merely 1%, with most of the air pollutants reduced. But the NO2 concentration in theTaichung City was not improved.According to the data from the photochemical monitoring site, it is apparent that air quality at the Taishi site influenced by No.6 Naphtha Cracking Unit of FPCC because the concentration of specific pollutants were especially high.The high concentration of xylene in the Tainan site also occurred. Mapping these symptoms with pollution source registration data, the petrochemical and solvent consuming industry might be the primary sources of the pollution.Therefore, further operation control should be enhanced continuously.In addition, the Changhua, Lunbei and Putzu sites were evidently affected by the wade dusts based on the PM10 episode analysis. It shows that water resource agency should also put more and more efforts on wade control as environmental protection agency on pollution source control to reduce air pollution episodes.2) Air pollution reduction control for air quality areasThis task emphasized on construction sites control, achievement of total mass reduction objectives, and the extent control of VOCs sources. The main results of this part were addressed as followed.Besides the Taichung County, Taichung City and Chiayi City, the reduction rate of construction sites in 2010 (from January to September) of counties and cities were comparatively increased to the same period in 2009. The NantouConunty, Changhua County and Chiayi County increased the most above all.However, the total emission amount increased with the number of construction sites. Therefore, emission control of construction sited should be continuously enhanced.In order to control the total mass under the limit of assimilative capacity and achieve the reduction objectives, the first action meeting of air quality areas was held by this project. The Environmental Volunteer Engineering Consultants, LTD. was invited to introduce the total mass control strategy for the Middle air quality area and the YUN-JIA-NAN air quality area. Thereduction tolerance and objectives of the counties and the cities within the Middle air quality area were planned in the meeting on May 31, 2010, and those of the counties and the cities within the YUN-JIA-NAN air quality areawere planned in the meeting on April 2, 2010. To summarize the progress from January to September in this year, only the reduction objectives of SOx and NOx in the Middle air quality area and NOx and VOCs in the YUN-JIA-NAN air quality area were not met.According to the checking results from other cities and counties, the numbers of plastic and rubber products and chemical products industries that are under supervised are little, and the use of petrochemical products and organic solvents is relatively high. Therefore, to promote the general survey towards the aforementioned industries in each county and city is the criticalwork in this year. 979 factories are scheduled to be investigated in Changhua County, followed by Taichung County 869 factories and Tainan County 438 factories. For the time being, the progress of general survey is still low and lots of factories are left unchecked, especially in Taichung County and Changhua County. As a result of large workload, the parts in Taichung County will be executed by another project contract in the end of 2010.The best outcomes with newly supervised 242 factories and 233 factories are in Changhua County and Tainan County respectively, followed by 47 factories in Taichung City. Moreover, new emission controls as the top three are inChanghua County, Tainan County and Yunlin County. The amounts are 97.350tons, 37.470 tons and 7.502 tons. This project will continue to track the surveyresult and the status of pollution control in countries and cities next year.3) Promotion of air pollution reduction project in the No.6 Naphtha Cracker off-shore island industrial zoneDue to the difference in measurement methods of VOCs and lack of some pollution sources, the emission amount reported by the No.6 Naphtha Cracker are always questioned. Since the environmental impact assessment and measurement of air pollution fee are not identified clearly, the emission amount of paint coating and cooling towers are not calculated. Preliminary estimated amounts of these two pollution sources are about 1,200 tons per year. It is proposed to include them into measurement in the future. In addition, although the equipment components and exhausted gas urning towers are listed items, the coefficient measurement method is in different ways, and the actual operating status of the burning tower is not confirmed, the estimated emission amounts are, in fact, with big discrepancy.The project also found that there are still some violations of regulatory requirements on the operation of air pollution sources in No.6 Naphtha Cracker; for example, exhausted gas burning tower contains excessive concentrations of H2S, tank breather valve contains excessive concentrations of VOCs and parts of the declaration data are missing, etc. The relevant departments are involved in dealing with those problems. However, parts of the violations are caused by the unclear laws and regulations. It is proposed to amend the relevant laws and regulations to implement the control target accordingly.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 中興工程顧問股份有限公司