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Title 海域油污染生物指標檢測技術建立(2/2)
Abstract 漏油污染頻傳,其事件的發生,對環境、生態與經濟造成莫大影響。污染源追蹤與鑑識相關技術亦不斷地被研究與應用發展。由於油品中所含的生物指標化合物如類萜烷與類固烷具有來源穩定、不易受生物降解及其他風化作用影響等特性,因此其指紋相對分佈模式與特徵因子比值對比分析技術,即被廣為應用於油污染源鑑識上。經由生物指標指紋與特徵因子比值分析對比方法,找出污染者或可能的污染者,也是最有效的來源鑑定方法。本報告,依計畫書執行工作內容,持續蒐集彙整相關檢測技術文獻及論文報告,特別是有關於洩漏油品風化過程與其鑑識之研究。於海域油污染檢測技術建立方面,為檢視儀器準確度,以環檢所提供之中東地區進口原油,配製不同的四種濃度,使用自動注射的方式進行分析,結果顯示準確度與再現性皆極佳。有關於國內油公司油品生物指標指紋與特徵因子比值分析油品數據資料庫,本年度計畫共完成由委託單位行政院環保署環境檢驗所提供的20個進口原油樣品及台灣中油公司所提供的6個進口原油樣品分析,完成常用特徵因子比值之建立。同時完成船用燃油、高硫燃料油與重質柴油煉製油品揮發風化作用與溶解風化作用模擬實驗,分析部份指紋與特徵因子比值變化情形。並將建立之油污染生物指標檢測技術,實際應用於巴拿馬貨輪擱淺石門外海海域漏油污染與其他實際案例之檢測分析。最後完成上一年度計畫之海域油污染檢測技術草案之修改。
EngTitle Establishment of the Biomarker Measuring Technologies for Offshore Oil Spills(2/2)
EngAbstract Oil spill accidents occurred frequently that cause great impact on the environmental and ecological systems as well as the economy. For this reason source tracking and identification related technologies are constantly being developed and applied. Oil contained biomarker compounds like steranes and terpanes which are source specific, bio-stability, are more resistant to biodegradation and other physical and chemical weathering effects. Therefore biomarkers analytical technology is widely used in oil spill identification. It is the most effective method for identification of the suspected oil source by comparison of the diagnostic ratios of biomarker and related chemical fingerprinting.This report, in accordance with the proposed plan, has continued to collecting oil spill identification related technologies documents and papers particularly focusing on the weathering process. Regarding the development of the oil spill identification method and technology, the accuracy and repeatability of the GC/MS instrument have been performed and validated. Next, 26 different oil samples from different regions and countries are analyzed to establish the chemical fingerprint distribution and various diagnostic ratios of the biomarkers. As for the investigation of the weathering effects, particularly for the evaporation and dissolution processes, testing of three oil samples were performed as well. Finally the drafted standard procedure for biomarker measuring technologies of offshore oil spill is revised and real applications including the recent Parma’s ship oil spill accident are demonstrated.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 環檢所
ExecutingOrg 台灣中油公司探採研究所