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Title 98年度重大污染源連線監測與查核計畫
Abstract 本計畫之計畫期程自98年4月22日起至99年3月21日止,計畫目的在於提昇環保局現有通訊架構,以解決公私場所連線所遭遇之困難、配合環保局端系統功能之提昇,輔導協助業者傳輸模組之更新、驗證連續自動監測設施之監測數據可信度,並輔導建立品質保證作業制度、落實監測品保制度與查核作業,提升監測數據可信度及可用率、執行相對準確度測試與標準氣體查核,比對監測數據與檢測數據之相關性及提昇環保局連續自動監測系統運作速率、執行固定污染源管道、周界及使用燃料之稽查檢測,以確保固定污染源排放狀況符合法規規範,並配合環保局執行其他相關之現場查核工作。計畫執行期間,各項工作皆依預定進度執行,至期末報告整體階段工作達成率94.0 %,工作成果摘要及進度表,詳如期末報告本文表1.4-1。計畫執行期間除定期執行局端之資訊系統維護及協助環保局審查各類文件外,於現場查核部分共計完成監測設施功能查核22根次,各廠之查核缺失亦逐一輔導追蹤,以確保各廠之連續自動監測設施皆能符合規範。另執行RATA稽查檢測8根次,僅永豐餘新屋廠P002稽查檢測發現二氧化硫相對準確度超過法規標準,本團隊隨即對該廠進行輔導改善,該廠於99年1月12日進行改善後自行委託檢測公司進行RATA檢測,並由環保局依99年1月26日提送之檢測報告核定其改善完成,其餘各廠檢測結果均符合管理辦法之標準。為確保廠方監測設施之準確度,本年度亦執行標準氣體查核8根次,其中華亞汽電P101氮氧化物及中油P030氧氣監測設施之查核結果偏高,但尚符合法規規格值。由公私場所上傳資料統計,各廠每季有效監測時數百分比皆大於90%,可符合現行CEMS管理辦法規範(85%);而上傳率皆維持95 %以上,亦能達到污染即時管制之成效。另針對光電業之CEMS設置,本團隊除協助環保局進行報告書審查,亦提供公私場所法規實務諮詢服務,計畫執行期間受理友達光電、中華映管、達信科技之相關報告書審查及輔導。在固定源定期檢測及稽查管制作業方面,共計完成固定源管道檢測30樣品數,周界檢測10樣品數,燃料含硫份檢測15樣品數,生煤使用污染源管道檢測10樣品數及完成定檢報告網路審查861根次,其中管道檢測發現9樣品之排放濃度超過法規標準,已由環保局進行告發,並要求進行污染改善作業,以維持良好之空氣品質。府前廣場之大型顯示看板在本團隊維護下,目前狀況良好,除了提供空品資料及CEMS監測數據顯示外,亦配合播放各類政令宣導資料共75件180則,充分利用看板資源達到宣導成效。另本年度亦建制固定污染源稽巡查表單整合系統,提供各固定源相關計畫線上整合平台,以利環保局可即時查詢各委辦業務之查核情形。
EngTitle The great pollution sources line monitored and checked thx plan in 2009
EngAbstract The execution of the project was scheduled from April 22, 2009 to March 21, 2009; the purpose was to enhance the current communication structure of EPB, resolve linkage difficulties encountered in plants, coordinate the enhanced system functions at EPB, consult and assist plants in the transmission module renewal, verify the creditability of the monitoring data from CEMS, provide consultation and establish quality assurance operation, practice the quality assurance system and auditing operation, execute the Relative Accuracy Test Audit (RATA) and Calibration Gas Audit (CGA), compare the relativity between monitored and inspected data, and improve the efficiency of EPB system, quality assurance operation, and onsite inspection. The project also including flue, area surrounding, and fuel inspections of stationary pollution source. It to ensure that the emissions from stationary pollution source status of compliance standards. All works were executed according to the schedule during project operation, the overall project has greater than 94.0 %. Results and progresses were detailed in table 1.4-1.During the project operation, besides periodical maintenance of EPB information system and assistance in document inspections, 22 onsite inspections for functions of the monitoring system were completed. The inspection-found defects in all plants were separately guided, improved and traced to ensure the full compliance of the operation of CEMS. Additionally, there were 8 RATA inspections performed, all the inspections results met the requirement standards, in addition to Hsinwu Mill of YFY ENTERPRISE CORP (P002) that the relative accuracy of SO2 over the standards of regulations. Our team then counseling for this plant improvement, after implement RATA on January 12, 2010 by itself. By the EPB pursuant to January 26, 2010 RATA report submitted to the approval of its improvement to complete. And also perform 8 CGA, all the results in line with the standard.According to the statistical results of plants uploading their data, the effective monitoring percentage had all been greater than 90 % for each plant in every season. This was in compliance with the CEMS regulation (85 %). The uploading ratio also reached above 95 %, which achieved the real time uploading control effect. For the photo electronic industries, our team also provided plant regulation consultation services in addition to the regular document inspection. During project execution, we inspected and assisted applications from AUO, Changhua picture tube company, and Daxon Technology Inc..The audits of stationary pollution sources have completed 30 stack inspections, 10 area surrounding inspections, 15 fuel analyses, and 861 examinations of analysis reports in internet. There are 9 sample over the standards of regulations and denounced by the EPB, requested to improve the operation of pollution in order to maintain good air quality.The large display at the plaza in front of the Taoyuan County Government was in good condition under our maintenance works; besides the air quality and CEMS monitoring figures display, the screen also promote many government policies, totaling 180 broadcasts. People can get the information of guidance form (the Government by using) digital signage. And set up stationary pollution sources integrated system of forms of investigation, facilitate the EPB to immediately checking business cases.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 桃園縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司