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Title 被動式半透膜應用於環境採樣檢測之研究
Abstract 國內現行的採樣標準方法,多用主動式需外加能源及人為控制的抓取採樣方法,短時間內採集離散的少量體積樣品,後續使用標準方法檢驗,得到採樣時段的檢測結果,數據符合品保/品管規範,可以適時找出超出法規管制標準的污染源,達到管制的目的。然而,對於與時俱變、且濃度變異甚鉅的汙染物,則須提高採樣的時間長度和頻率,方有可能釐清汙染者,導致工作量日增、且花費不貲;對於超微量污染物、或是生物累積性及可利用性毒物,也需加長採樣時間,以採集到儀器足以偵測到的數量,也會遇到類似的問題。被動式採樣技術不需用外加能源及人為控制,適合長時間連續的採樣,在歐美先進國家已被積極開發作為一種生物暴露風險評估模擬之工具。本計畫因此研發適合國內污染場址現場長時間被動採集待測污染物質之技術,包括半透膜採樣裝置(semipermeable membrane device, SPMD)和極性有機化合物累積採樣器(polar organic chemical integrative sampler, POCIS)。本計畫選定地下水及工廠放流水中常見之有機溶劑汙染物,提供20篇被動式採樣技術論文之中文摘要,研析25篇近年之論文,確認SPMD和POCIS被動式採樣技術應用的可行性;建立評估半透膜材料和截存材料的程序,挑選出較適用的半透膜和截存材料,SPMD為半透膜LDPE搭配截存材料pump oil,POCIS為半透膜PES搭配截存材料Tenax 吸附劑。成功的自製SPMD和POCIS被動式採樣器,實際應用在模擬實驗和真實樣品(地下水監測井和放流水排入之河水)的採集及檢測,有一致性和相關性結果。但是採樣器易遭不肖人士偷竊的問題,尚待克服。對於未被列入標準方法中的某些待測物具有截存性,提出「水中有機物被動式半透膜採樣方法草案」。建議以水樣為優先適用對象。99年度計畫以鋼鐵、光電半導體、焚化爐及交通源等代表廠址為對象,使用GC-MS檢測周界空氣中常見持久性有機污染物(POPs)和有害性空氣汙染物(HAPs),研究風向、風速、溫度、溼度等動態變化對污染物檢測結果之影響,並作採樣條件最佳化。被動式採樣技術要應用到法規管制,須有完整的驗證數據,初期所需的採樣器,統一由單一單位提供,以降低變異性。
EngTitle Application of SPMD in Environmental Sampling
EngAbstract The domestic standard sampling method usually need external power and controller. Collect a small amount of dispersive samples, and then using standard method to analyze. If the data match the quality control and quality assurance regulation, we can find contaminating source over legal regulation. However, for contaminants which concentration changing with time, we need to prolong sampling time and frequency so that we may recognize the contaminating source. It leads to heavier workload and higher expense. For ultratrace contaminants or bioaccumulating and usable toxin, we also need to prolong sampling time in order to collect detectable quantity. So the same problems happens. passive accumulation technique doesn’t need external power and controller. Besides, it can do consecutive and longtime sampling. It has been used for biological exposure risk evaluation. Therefore this proposal is to develop a technique for long time passive accumulation, including semipermeable membrane device (SPMD) and polar organic chemical integrative sampler ( POCIS)(1) This proposal chose the organic contaminants that usually see in factory waste water and groundwater. Provide 20 chinese paper abstract about passive accumulation. Study 25 paper which in recent years. Insure the workable of SPMD and POCIS technique. Estimate and pick the semipermeable membrane material and sequestration material. For SPMD the semipermeable membrane use LDPE and the sequestration material use pump oil, For POCIS the semipermeable membrane use PES and the sequestration material use tenax adsorbent. we successfully made SPMD and POCIS passive accumulation devices. We used it for lab expose and outside expose.(groundwater and factory waste water ). The data has same tendency between lab data and outside data. It should be mention that the device may be stolen. For some compounds that can be accumulated but not been chose. We bring up [ In water organic matter passive semi-permeable membrane sampling method draft ]. The first half of the year 99 annual plan applies SPMD (including use reagent water),POCIS. (a) Industrial district waste water is our target. Use GC-MS and LC-MS to quantitative analysis. (b) The control pollution site ground water is the object, the SPMD sampling and GC-MS examines widespread qualitative and the semi-quantitative analysis. In the second half of the year establishes the specific category source of pollution ambient air pollutant the passive form sampling technique and the application. The passive form sampling technique must apply the laws and regulations control, must have the complete confirmation data, the sampling instrument which the initial period needs, unifies provides by the sole unit, reduces the changeability.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 環檢所
ExecutingOrg 國立清華大學