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Title 98年度揮發性空氣污染物調查及管制計畫
Abstract 本計畫之執行期程自98/6/25至99/3/23止,共計9個月。本報告中各項作業皆依預定執行進度完成相關作業,其中主要工作項目包括:揮發性有機物管制、污染減量輔導作業、稽查檢測作業、中油桃煉廠專案管制、協助空氣污染防制費審查、辦理各類宣導說明會等工作項目;各項作業內容與進度均依原規劃執行並符合合約要求,工作成果摘要及進度表,詳如期末報告本文表1.4-1。本年度計畫重點工作為台灣中油(股)公司煉製事業部桃園煉油廠管制作業,執行成果包括:(1)製程設備元件清點/建檔作業:清點確認完成5製程,並輔導廠方陸續完成9製程之設備元件清點/建置作業,以符合許可、申報(如:空污費、排放量、季申報)之正確性與一致性;(2) 廢氣燃燒塔相關法規符合度查核:包括輔導廠方完成8座低、高架廢氣燃燒塔之流量計裝設,且其流量監測及與2號地面燃燒塔之濃度監測已完成與環保局連線作業、確認完成廢氣燃燒塔使用報告書之廢氣流向及相關參數之正確性與合理性及並要求依法提送異動申請、掌握3座H2S高架廢氣燃燒塔之現況並要求符合相關法規規範;(3)廢水處理廠之油水分離池法規符合度查核:加蓋之6座區域性油水分離池已有5座完成廢氣收集設施有效處理廢氣;(4) 98/10/14完成「台灣中油股份有限公司煉製事業部桃園煉油廠空氣污染防制工作自主改善事項研商會」,並於98/12/2、99/3/11完成「台灣中油股份有限公司煉製事業部桃園煉油廠空氣污染防制工作自主改善事項」進度檢討會,階段性輔導/追蹤中油桃煉廠之改善事項承諾執行進度,確實做好管制工作。其它具體工作成果包括:完成150家全廠清查作業、完成設備元件檢測點次10,127點、完成5製程紅外線影像氣體微漏偵測儀(FLIR)篩選作業、完成管道檢測作業32根次46個樣品數、掌握揮發性有機物行業法規申報符合率(至99年3月之月申報審查符合率皆達100%;98年第一季至第三季之季申報審查符合率皆達100%)、完成5廠家減量輔導作業並達成VOCs減量216.78公噸/年、掌握1,322家空污費徵收對象並執行213家次催補繳(29,045,796元)及872家次之空污費現場查核(包含VOCs小於1公噸/季查核作業659家次)、完成第三季空污費申報排放量之審核工作等,各項相關作業內容及詳細成果,均分述於本報告各章節中。目前有關揮發性有機污染物排放量計算方法與基準落差頗大,尤其是管道檢測之檢驗時間與取樣之代表性,皆對管末濃度之影響頗大。造成申報排放量與空污費徵收排放量差異較大,建議應以質能平衡,要求各行業逐廠建立排放經驗值,以檢核廠家申報之真實性。
EngTitle Annual Survey of volatile air pollutants and control plan in 2009
EngAbstract The project was executed from June 25, 2009 to March 23, 2010, nine months in total. The main objectives of the project were control of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), guidance of pollution emissions reduction, the auditing of analysis process, investigation on Taoyuan refinement plant of Chinese Petroleum Corporation (CPC), assistance in examination of air pollution control fees, hold of all kinds of guidance councils, and etc., which were completed on schedule in this project. All work and progress were executed based on the contract and filled the bill. The detailed outcomes and progress were in Table 1.4-1.The aim of this annual project was control of Taoyuan refinement plant of refinement services department of CPC. The results involved (1) making inventories and filing all equipments and operation components: accomplished checking out five processes, and guided the factory to achieve making nine processes inventories/files, to get the accuracy and consistency and fit in with permits and declarations at air pollution control fees, emission and quarterly report; (2) examining the flare obeys the Act or not: guided factory to set up flow meters on eight ground and elevated flares, that flow monitors and concentration monitor of No.2 ground flare had been connected with Environmental Protection Bureau computer, confirmed the accuracy and rationality of exhaust way and the related parameters of flares operation report and asked them to send the change application in legal, and confirmed the present situation of three H2S elevated flares and requested them to meet the Act and regulations; (3) audited the compliance to regulation of oil-water separation tank in waste water processing station: completed five tanks of six regional oil-water separation tanks with cover to dispose of exhaust emissions effectively; (4) completed “Air pollution control and improvement by themselves of Taoyuan refinement plant of refinement services department of Chinese Petroleum Corporation’s consulting conference” on October 14, 2009, and ”Progress report conference of air pollution control and improvement by themselves of Taoyuan refinement plant of refinement services department of Chinese Petroleum Corporation” on December 2, 2009 and March 11, 2010. Phase-guidance/tracing on improvement item and progress of Taoyuan refinement plant of CPC, then make sure of the control indeed.Other outcomes of the project included: completed 150 firms for making inventories, 10,127 spots for testing equipments and components, 5 processes for screen by IR Camera-GasFindIR (FLIR Corp.), and 46 samples of 32 flues for analyzing pollutant, confirmed the coincidence rate of the VOCs trade regulation declaration (monthly coincidence rate were 100% until March 2010; quarterly coincidence rate were 100% from the first to the third in 2009), completed 5 firms for decreasing 216.78 tons/year VOCs emissions, detected 1,322 firms of levy subjects and pursued 213 firms of air pollution control fees (29,045,796 NT dollars) and audited 872 firms of air pollution control fees (included 659 firms for lower than 1 tons/quarterly of VOCs spot audit), completed emission audit of air pollution control fees in quarter three, etc. All contents and detail results were described on each chapter of this report.It is an extremely variation in calculation and criterion of VOCs emissions at present, particularly analysis time of flue and representative of sampling, to influence end-of-pipe concentration seriously. Then, it caused emissions much difference between declaration and air pollution control fees. We suggested that VOCs emissions should be calculated by mass-energy balance. And we asked various industry categories to set up experience values of factory emission to reflect actual conditions.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 桃園縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司