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Title 98年度臺南縣營建工地及逸散性污染源管制計畫
Abstract 本計畫執行期間(98年9月29日至99年9月28日),營建工程申報件數計有6,551件(其中有114件屬需申報但免繳交空污費),申報金額為80,941,086元;至於施工中工地則為8,093處,而其所產生的TSP原始排放量總計為8,923.16噸,經污染管制後TSP實際排放量為4068.71噸,平均污染削減率為54.80%。另外,期間本計畫共進行9,121件次之巡查,並列管5,147處(列管率為63.59%)、推動78處營建工地配合進行道路洗掃認養,洗掃執行總長度為27,642.88公里。至於在稻草露天燃燒管制方面,計畫執行期間共計發現676件稻作露天燃燒案件,燃燒總面積為118.32公頃,協助滅火總面積為35.71公頃,總抑制量為199.23噸,總抑制率為29%。除此之外,並推廣7個契作單位簽訂「勿露天燃燒稻草」條款,總簽約面積為1,012.33公頃,旗下契作農戶共617位。另外,在裸露地改善方面則完成17筆裸露地改善,改善面積約為34.62公頃,改善方式主要以綠化植生為主。而有關相關宣導文宣、活動部分,期間共印製營建工地宣導摺冊5,000本、露天燃燒及紙錢減量宣導海報各500份、夾報文宣60,000份,並辦理10場宣導說明會及45場專案宣導活動協商活動。有關今年度本計畫工作執行項目應完成之數量請詳表一,而執行至98年9月28日止,本計畫已達成計畫執行應完成工作項目之預定目標。
EngTitle 2009 Management and Control Project of Construction Sites and Fugitive Emission in Tainan County.
EngAbstract 2009 Management and Control Project of Construction Sites and Fugitive Emission in Tainan County which followed the past years’ rountin on inspecting the construction sites and promoted latest relvent regulations. Until Mid-Term of this project, from Sep. 29, 2009 to Sep 28, 2010, this project completed objectives in the arranged schedule. During this period, total of 6,551 new contruction sites declared Air Pollution Fee which amounted to 80,941,086 NT dollars. Among those sites, 114 sites only needed to delare documatations without paying Air Poillation Fee. Fuhtermore, there are 8,093 construction sites still under contruction, which could produce up to 8,923.16 tons TSP emission acrroding to our estimative calculation . Through this project’s management, the average reducing rate was 54.80 % that casuesed actual TSP emission to 4068.71 tons. In order to increase employers’ awareness on eviromental protection, this project proceeded with 9,121patrols, 5,147 sites were under this project’s observation list. The patrol members not only inspected on-site condition and reported to Bureau of Evironmental Protection (BEP) but also gave suggestion on air pollution control facility installation by the regulations. In addition, we promoted adopting street wash and sweep to construction site’s employers. 78 employers agreed to involve with this movement, and 27,642.88 kilometer (km) was executed as agreement requested. Rice is the major agriculture product of Tainan County, but the traditional open-air straw burning caused air pollution after haverst season. For this reason, this project assited EPB on promoting cocepet of non-open-air straw buring through varity way to general public. We also made agrrement on “Non-Open-Air Straw Burning Article” with contracted farmers and 7 rice manufactures of famers’ association. There were 617 contracted farmer partipated in this agrrement and total rice paddy reached 1,012.33 hectare. However, 676 sites occurred open-air straw buring during the period of this project, burning area were 118.32 hectare. Patrol members assisted to put out fire on 35.71 hectare, amounted to 199.23 tons, control rate was 29 %. Beside issue of open-air-buring, there were 17 uncover-suface sites improved under this project consulted. The mainly improving method was by implanting green covering plant or grass, the improving area arounded 34.62 hectare. Moreover, this project promoted EPB’s regulations by printing relative advertisment and holding conference or activity. During the period of this project, printed 5000 copy of construction site’s handbook, printed 500 posters on non-open-air burning and pray money reducing, and published 60,000 newspaper advertisment. On part of conference and workshop, we held 10 explanatory conference and 45 special-case explantory workshop.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局)
ExecutingOrg 堃捷工程股份有限公司