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Title 彰化縣玉弘企業股份有限公司整治場址調查評估計畫
Abstract 玉弘企業股份有限公司位於彰濱工業區線西區,該場址前身為和協化學股份有限公司,和協公司於民國88年因火災導致生產過氧化二異丙苯製程區燒毀,且因救災時將儲槽內化學物質(原料為異丙苯)帶入地下而導致地下水污染,惟玉弘公司雖已提具調查及評估計畫書,經查核計畫執行情形明顯落後,環保局擬依據「土壤及地下水污染整治法」第12條第1項規定,代為執行整治場址之土壤及地下水污染範圍調查及評估計畫。本場址為架橋劑(過氧化二異丙苯)生產工廠,所使用之原物料種類主要有異丙苯、1wt%氫氧化鈉及20wt%氫氧化鈉三種。本計畫針對場址製程進行相關文獻與物質安全資料表(MSDS)蒐集,原料異丙苯,密度0.862(小於1),且不溶於水,指標污染物酚pH值6.0,密度1.06 (略大於1),且溶於水。本計畫運用幾項試驗了解現地水文地質狀況如:CPT試驗、土壤物理性質分析、微水試驗與水位計施放等,綜合上述試驗結果顯示,本場址土壤屬砂或粉土質砂土壤質地,水力傳導係數K值約10-3~10-4 cm/s,地下水流向為東北向西南流,現場屬一良好地下水傳流土質,有利於污染物流佈,潮汐的影響以廠區西側影響較明顯(尤其大潮)越往廠區內陸影響愈小。本計畫合計進行10點次土壤採樣與40口次地下水採樣,土壤檢測結果以S07中異丙苯濃度最高為895 mg/kg,地下水則以SW-15監測井(淺水層)總酚濃度最高為3.04 mg/L(法規值0.14 mg/L),另一指標污染物異丙苯以GW-5監測井濃度為最高達177 mg/L(紐澤西環境保護協會工業區建議值為0.7 mg/L),地下水高污染區以結晶區、母液區、UV安定區與區外綠帶等區域為主,其中總酚污染深度為地下-2~-9m,而異丙苯污染深度為地下-2~-5m。並透過地下水自然傳輸、降雨豐枯水期水位變化、潮汐與本場址自行抽水行為等方式,導致污染物由廠內往外逐步擴散。並且,由本場址內高污染區之溶氧、三價鐵、硝酸鹽、硫酸鹽等濃度偏低及氧化還原電位負值(多數<-100mV)等數值顯示:本場址地下環境偏向還原態,具有明顯之厭氧性生物降解作用(Anaerobic Biodegradation)。污染量推估方面,土壤受污染體積約為37,408 m3,而地下水受污染體積為66,795 m3。
EngAbstract Year Fortune Corp. is situated in the region of Hsien His of Changhua Coastal Industrial Park where the previous manufactory was belonged to the predecessor of Year Fortune Corp., named Concord Chemical Industrial Co., Ltd. In 1999, Concord’s processing plant was burned down where the main product in that plant is dicumyl peroxide (DCP). Because of the emergent rescue for the conflagration, the raw material of DCP (cumene) in the storage tank polluted the local groundwater. Although Year Fortune Corp. had already drafted a proposal to investigate and estimate the level of pollution, the implementation was obviously delayed indeed. Therefore, according to Article 12, Paragraph 1 of ‘Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act’, the Environmental Protection Bureau of Changhua County substituted for Year Fortune Corp. to carry out the investigation and estimation of the pollution level.Product of their previous manufactory was a cross-linking reagent (DCP) what the raw materials mainly include cumene and NaOH (1 and 20 wt%). Our investigation has collected the literatures and chemical properties from Materials Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), correlated to these raw materials of DCP. Cumene has a density of 0.862 and is insoluble in water; another pollutant, phenol, has a density of 1.06 but is soluble in water. In addition, there were several experiments performed in our investigation to understand its hydrological and geologic information, such as cone penetration test (CPT), soil characteristics analysis, slug test, and water level measurement. From our survey result, the local soil can be categorized as sand or silty sand. The hydraulic conductivity (K) of groundwater is between 10-3~10-4 cm/s. The direction of groundwater flows from north east to south west. The local soil characteristics facilitate the transmission of pollutant. Moreover, the influence of tide on the groundwater level is more significant in the west side of manufactory than that of inland (east site).Samples of soil and groundwater were taken 10 and 40 times, respectively. The analytical results of soil show that cumene concentration of S07 is 895 mg/kg and those of groundwater show that phenol concentration reaches 3.04 mg/L in the monitoring well of SW-15 (groundwater criteria of Taiwan is 0.14 mg/L). Another pollutant, cumene, exhibits the maximum concentration at 177 mg/L in GW-05 monitoring well (0.7 mg/L, the triennial average of groundwater criteria in the industrial park, suggested by the Department of Environmental Protection of New Jersey State). Hot spots of polluted groundwater are mainly located in the processing areas of crystallization, cumene storage, UV stabilization as well as its greenbelt. The contaminated depth of phenol and cumene ranges between -2 to -9 m and -2 to-5 m in the groundwater, respectively. However, natural diffusion of groundwater, variations of groundwater level between dry and flood season, tidal effect, as well as their own pumping in the manufactory might result in a gradual spread over the region of factory. Besides, not only the relatively low concentration of dissolved oxygen, Fe3+, NO3-, and SO42- but also the negative oxidation-reduction potential (less than -100 mV) indicates that the environment around those hot spots is in a reductive state. Because of the reductive state, an anaerobic biodegradation should evidently occur within those hot spots. With respect to the estimation of contamination, the volume of contaminated soils and groundwater are 37,408 m3 and 66,795 m3, respectively.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 彰化縣環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 富立業工程顧問股份有限公司