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Title 臺中縣重要交通運輸場站室內空氣與突發污染模式模擬計畫
Abstract 本計畫針對本縣轄區內二大交通樞紐場站-高鐵台中站與台中國際機場-之室內空氣與突發污染模式模擬,結果顯示(1)台中國際機場 及高鐵台中站之室內空氣品質大都符合環保署公告之室內空氣品質 建議值;(2)依據二氧化碳監測結果顯示,台中國際機場的二號登機 門之入口及電扶梯(二樓出境登機門)附近,以及入境處附近二氧化 碳濃度隨人數會有較高濃度之呈現,建議該場可於此二處加強通風設 備以減少二氧化碳累積;高鐵台中站則於 2 樓大廳二處驗票閘門與售票區整區域為二氧化碳最易隨人數增加而累積處,建議可於此處加強通風設備;(3)依據二氧化碳監測數據,分別以單室模式及多室模式 模擬二場站其室內空氣品質模式,結果顯示單室模式比多室模式較為 適用,可據此模擬旅客人數、空調換氣效率與室內空氣品質之關係。
EngTitle Important transportation sites polluted indoor air and simulated emergency plan in Taichung County
EngAbstract The high-speed train of Taichung station and the Taichung international airport are the important transport center in Taichung County. The air quality control is very important based on the numerous passengers. The results of this project could be applied to control and improve the indoor air quality. The examination results showed that the bacteria and fungi indexes of the high-speed train of aichung station during the non-weekend were overthe suggested value. The concentrations of TVOC, PM2.5 and PM10 were increased with the numerous passengers during the weekend.The single room model and multi-room model were used to simulate the indoor air quality based on the CO2 value. The results showed that the single room model was more suitable for modeling the indoor air quality than multi-room model. The single room model can perform very well for the relationship between passengers, fresh air change efficiency and indoor air quality. The model shows that increasing the fresh air change rate could efficiently decrease the concentration of carbon dioxide. However, the needed time for decreasing CO2 concentration to the suggested value was depends on the concentration of carbon dioxide.To establish auto carbon dioxide meter in these two stations was suggested when the concentration of CO2 is over the suggested value. The auto air control system could be started until the indoor air quality was at suggested value.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局)
ExecutingOrg 中州技術學院