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Title 亞太經濟合作–亞太海洋衛星應用
Abstract 亞太經合會是我國以會員參加的高階國際組織。本計畫「衛星應用於知識經濟」之目的在於協助APEC會員經濟體發展衛星應用相關的知識經濟,在積極促進海洋資源保育的科技交流之中,建立與維持科技交流的國際管道,提昇我國在APEC的形象與影響力。本計畫以及之前的「海洋模式與資訊系統」計畫都由APEC及環保署共同資助,推展海洋資源保育及經濟發展的平衡。前期計畫是協助鄰國建立小型衛星接收站,我們也因此獲得南海南部的衛星資料。現在,我們與鄰國共同建立衛星應用與海洋資源保育的能力,我方提供福衛二號衛星影像,在胡志明市、印尼的雅加達與龍柏島、菲律賓大學、及中央大學,合辦福衛二號衛星影像分析訓練營。本計畫執行成果包含,諮詢國內專家意見後,完成APEC/ MRCWG年度計畫提案書(Satellite Application on Coral Reef Assessment, SACRA)、SAKE進度報告書以及評估報告書。同時配合我國代表團出席APEC海洋資源保育工作小組於加拿大溫哥華市舉辦之EAF (Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries) 研討會及年度會議 (MRC-22),報告歷年工作進度及備詢,提報與解說SACRA計畫。與國內學者出席印尼舉辦之「2009國際海洋科學、技術及政策研討會」,發表有關本計畫之衛星遙測與海洋監測等相關報告,以加強區域間有關海洋監測國際合作交流,9月份協助中央大學舉辦衛星研習營,並於台灣大學主辦第一屆PACSWIN海底電纜應用研討會,推動以海纜量測太平洋與印度洋之間的海水交換,以及對氣候變遷的影響。透過本計畫的推行,我國所提供的福衛二號影像,已由各國學者應用於菲國箱網數量的監控、越南湄公河的河口生態研究、以及印尼珊瑚礁底質與水質的測繪。他們的經驗也有助於保護我們的海洋環境與資源。
EngAbstract Asia-Pacific Economic Corporation (APEC) is one of high-level international organizations that our country has full membership in. The goal of this project “Satellite Application on Knowledge-based Economy” (SAKE) is to assist member economies of APEC to develop new economy that is based on the knowledge of satellite applications. In the mean time, we may build up channels for science and technology exchange with other member economies, and enhance our image and influence in APEC. Both this and the earlier project “Ocean Models and Information System for the APEC Region” (OMISAR) were sponsored jointly by APEC and Environmental Protection Administration, for promoting the balance between the conservation of marine resources and the economic development. In OMISAR project, we helped neighboring countries to build small satellite ground stations and in return, we received the satellite data of southern South China Sea that was not available to anywhere else. Now, we jointly built the capacity on satellite application to marine resources conservation, by providing Fromosat-2 satellite images to foreign participants, co-organizing training workshops in HoChiMinh City of Vietnam, in Jakarta and Lombok of Indonesia, in Bolinao of the Philippines, and in National Central University. In addition to completing SAKE-2007 Evaluation Report, SAKE-2008 Progress Report, SAKE-2008 Evaluation Report that are requested by APEC, presenting new proposal to APEC Marine Resource Conservation Working Group. The result of this project were presented in the Symposium of World Ocean Conference in Manado, Indonesia, May 12-14. We also assisted the Capacity Building Program on Satellite Theory and Application in the Center of Space and Remote Sensing Research in National Central University (Sept. 7-15, 2009). Participants of the 3 workshops and 6 training programs since 2006, have used these images to monitor the number of fish cages near Bolinao, to study the marine ecosystem of Meikong River, and to survey the benthic types near coral islands in Indonesia. Their experience shall be useful on the conservation of our marine environment and marine resources. Under co-sponsorship of NTU, NARL/TORI and CGA, we organized the First Submarine Cable Workshop of PACSWIN Project under UN/CLIVAR program in NTU, in September 9-11, 2009.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 台灣大學全球變遷中心