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Title 98年度空氣污染綜合防制計畫
Abstract 桃園縣政府環保局為順利推動空氣品質維護或改善工作,並能達到各項管制計畫預期之目標及效益,故委託執行本計畫,其主要工作重點為綜合管理各空氣品質維護或改善計畫之執行進度與品質,並整合其具體成效或提升滿意度之做法提報予環保署爭取較佳的考評績效;另一重點則為掌握並更新本縣環境負荷及污染排放資料,分析境內空氣品質監測結果及空氣品質不良事件日污染成因探討,據以檢討修正近程空氣污染管制策略,籌編99年度桃園縣空氣品質維護或改善工作計畫。本計畫蒐集分析以往空氣污染防制政策及相關研究文獻、檢討建立本縣排放量管理計畫書、彙整歷年公害陳情案件、繪製空氣污染陳情案件之環境熱點地圖,進行空品惡化事件日模式模擬及成因分析,檢討修正本縣空氣污染防制計畫書,並配合各項會議的召開(包括工作檢討會、現場查核、北部空品會議、環保署期中及成效檢討會議、基金管理委員會議及組務會議等等),此外更協助局內辦理多場節能減碳宣導活動,期末階段歸納執行所獲成果分項說明如下。一、空氣品質量化成效 (一)PSI相關指標1.桃園地區98年PSI>100站日數比例為0.69%,較97年0.82%下降0.13%,98年PSI值52低於97年PSI值53。2.桃園一般測站整體較97年為佳,除平鎮測站稍惡化28%之外,龍潭測站持平,桃園及大園測站分別減少0.54%及28%。3.桃園縣98年PM10,PSI>100站日數比例較97年下降0.21%;98年O3,PSI>100站日數比例稍惡化0.07%。 (二)污染物濃度指標1.98年PM10年平均值為53.9μg/m3,較97年54.3μg/m3改善0.1μg/m3。2.桃園地區O3第八高小時平均值98年105.3ppb,較97年105.5ppb改善1.7ppb。3.98年桃園測站SO2年平均值為7.8ppb,較97年9.0ppb改善0.7ppb。二、工作項目成果 (一)有效控管各項空污費補助計畫執行成效1.已訂定桃園縣空污基金各項管制計畫監督控管流程及各計畫橫向聯繫機制,共執行140件橫向通報作業。2.每月定期協助更新環保局網頁,其中包含10項空氣污染管制計畫及其階段性之訊息等。3.依據行政院環境保護署98年「直轄市及縣(市)空氣品質維護或改善工作執行績效考評要點」,每月定期彙整、追蹤及統計,以達提升計畫品質與成效。4.已於98年5月27日、98年7月16日、98年9月2日、98年11月17日、99年1月7日及99年3月19日共辦理六場次工作檢討會,其中四場次邀請兩位專家學者與會給予指導。5.每月定期協助環保局彙整環保署縣(市)執行空氣品質維護或改善工作考評季報表,並按月進行各項文書查核工作,營建及固定現場實地查核已於98年7月31日及8月4日(第一季)、98年10月29日(第二季)、99年1月4日(第三季)及99年4月13日及15日(第四季)辦理完畢。6.依據98年度考評要點,已於98年10月16日召開1場次北部空品區之跨縣市執行經驗交流檢討會。7.於98年7月2日辦理綜合教育訓練會1場次,會中另邀請環保署及專家學者與會指導。8.配合參與環保署於98年6月17日舉辦 之98年各縣(市)執行空氣品質維護或改善工作之空品區座談會、98年8月31日舉辦之99年度「直轄市及縣(市)空氣品質維護或改善工作執行績效考評要點」說明會、98年10月1日舉辦之98年度「各縣(市)執行空氣品質維護或改善工作之空品區期中檢討會」、98年12月2日舉辦之99年度排放量管理計畫說明會、99年1月27日至29日舉辦之98年度各縣(市)執行空氣品質維護或改善工作成效檢討會及99年4月9日舉辦之空氣品質不良因應措施研商會。9.因應98年度考評要點,按實辦理環保局接受環保署考評有關空氣品質改善維護計畫執行績效之工作資料、考評報表統計及製作、公務報表、簡報資料之彙整製作。 (二)評估整體空氣品質改善執行成效1.每月收集測站資料分析,按月附於進度報表。2.完成近年空氣品質不良事件日污染成因分析:分析桃園縣臭氧之空氣品質不良指標值及各類空氣污染物濃度變成情形,並執行VOCs、粒狀物污染成分分析(金屬元素及陰、陽離子),並利用空氣污染模式(軌跡模式GTx)模擬近四年空品不良事件日發生之傳輸軌跡。3.針對空氣品質惡化擬定惡化查處名單,並督導相關計畫執行惡化應變作業,共執行50次緊急惡化通報。4.依據空氣污染防制法及空氣污染防制計畫書,已於99年3月24日因應沙塵暴事件辦理1場次空氣品質嚴重惡化緊急應變程序分工會議。 (三)有效掌握本縣空氣污染排放資訊,研議可行管制策略1.於98年6月11日及98年8月6日辦理2場次空氣污染防制計畫書修訂研商會,並於98年9月底前提交桃園縣空氣污染防制計畫書,環保署於98年10月1日函文核定。2.配合環保署相關排放量調查計畫及本縣各管制計畫調查執行成果,推估未來5年本縣排放量。3.97年各污染排放地圖已納入98年版空氣污染防制計畫書,本計畫依據空氣污染管制相關計畫提供資料,已繪製98年度陳情源熱點情資圖。4.掌握縣內未來重大環評開發案排放量資訊,檢討修正99、100年空氣污染防制策略。 (四)空氣污染管制計畫執行成果宣導及協調1.已於98年9月13日辦理「愛在桃園~鐵馬‧低碳‧幸福遊」暨低污染運具宣導活動,並購置1,000份宣導品因應宣導活動推廣,並於99年3月辦理桃好空氣嘉年華-加油到跳停、健康好縣民暨98年度空氣污染防制績優表揚活動,於聯合報及自由時報各別刊登一式10P版面。2.完成500份年度成果專刊印製工作。3.共完成2,023份之民意問卷調查作業。整體而言,98年度本縣的空氣品質改善或維護工作,在各子計畫的積極配合下,已可有效檢核並掌握目標之達成率,在環保署的績效考評成績亦獲得不錯的成績及委員的肯定。展望下年度,環保署於98年10月公布了「99年度直轄市及縣(市)空氣品質維護或改善工作執行績效考評要點」,因此如何銜接並因應下年度考評重點,加強地方特色管制工作之規劃,將是爭取99年度考評績效的重要關鍵。
EngTitle Integrated Control of Air Pollutant in Taoyuan,2009
EngAbstract For improving the quality of air condition, the Taoyuan County Government executes this project with two goals. The first, managing all related projects and collects the entire materials to strive for better effects. The second, commanding the pollution load of the environment, and to monitoring the pollutant emission. This project integrated the literatures about preventing of air pollution, created the reports of emission quantity, dealt with the claimed case, and plotted the air pollution spot to analyze the situation. Furthermore, it was not only hold variety conference (including seasoning working discussion, the scene examination, northern Air quality conference, Committee member local examine conference of The Department of Environmental Protection, Foundation managemental conference, Eternal development conference, Organization conference)but also have activities of guidance for Energy Efficiency and Carbon Reduction. The following attachment was the list of the well results.A. Quantification of the air condition.1) PSI indexIn 2009, the proportion of PSI values over than 100 was 0.69%. It had 0.13% reduction comparing with 2008. And the mean value of the PSI in 2009 was 52 (less than 53 in 2008). The analysis of the whole measuring stations in 2009 was better than 2008 except ping-jen station. Furthermore, the measuring station with PSI values over than 100 caused by PM10 reduced 0.21%, and was worse than last year for 0.07% in O3 item.2) The index of pollutant concentration The mean concentration of PM10 in 2009 was 53.9μg/m3, better than 54.3μg/m3 in 2008. The mean hour-concentration of the eighth high was 105.3ppb in 2009. And the average of SO2 was 7.8ppb in the same year. They reduced for 1.7ppb and 0.7ppb respectively comparing with last year. B. The work achievements1) The efficiency performance of the supplement of Air pollution project.I. It had built the processes of supervising mechanism and the connecting channel for every project.II. We updated the information on internet on regular time, including the 10 air pollution preventing projects and messages in every stage.III. In order to improve the quality and efficiency, the integration of every project would be carried out.IV. It had hold six seasoning working discussions. Four of them invited two experts to give advice.V. To finish seasoning working reports. The inspection on site of building project and fixed pollution project were carried out on July 31, 2009, October 29, 2009, January 4, 2010, April 13, 2010 and April 15, 2010.VI. It had held a northern Air quality conference on October 16, 2009.VII. There was a educational activity on July 2, 2009.VIII. The related conferences were held as following: Taiwan air quality conference was on June 17, 2009. The importance of air quality remaining examination was on August 31, 2009. The review conference of Air quality remaining was on October 1, 2009. The emission managing orientation was on December 2, 2009. The documents collection, statistical and official reports was produced on time.2) The whole execution efficiency estimationI. To analyze the data from measuring station every month.II. The reasons of pollutant formation would be assay.III. To deal with a contingency or emergency case for deteriorated air quality.IV. The working division conference of air quality deteriorated seriously was held on March 24, 2010.3) To control the information of pollutant emission and solution.I. The modification of air pollution preventing proposal committee was held on June 11, 2009 and August 6, 2009.II. To estimate the emission in the further 5 years.III. It had plotted the pollution spots map in 2009.IV. To control the messages of great developed case.4) Guidance and coordinationI. The low-pollution transportations propaganda was held on September 13, 2008.II. 500 the year-publications were printed out.III. 2,023 questionnaire surveys.In conclusion that to nuisance and maintaining environmental cleanliness would be the topic to strengthen of environment from the year of 2009. The better living area would be develop and base the effective policy and take effect by everybody.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 桃園縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司