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Title 環保科技園區國內媒體宣導專案工作計畫
Abstract 行政院環境保護署為促進產業與生態平衡永續發展,於桃園、台南、高雄、花蓮四地設置環保科技園區,藉此帶動工業區生態化之風潮,促進產業間投入與產出面之關連性聯結,進而擴展至都市主要生活圈之連結。故委託辦理「環保科技園區國內媒體宣導專案」,本計畫藉媒體整合行銷推廣園區特色、優勢、商機、競爭力及對環境的意義及價值,吸引更多廠商進駐、並促使民眾了解此園區規畫的目的和意義。 本案整合多元化媒體宣傳策略,從報紙、雜誌、電視與網路三波議題執行規畫,用循序漸進之議題包裝方式使媒體發揮最大宣傳效益。在電視部分透過電視訪談節目將環保科技園區未來發展願景、各園區特色與優勢、成功進駐企業案例、政府補助資訊,以專業公關議題操作方式呈現給大眾,使民眾透過多元管道認識環保科技園區。 招商廣編稿部分,凸顯桃園、花蓮、台南、高雄廠區特色、環保署提供廠商進駐之補助優惠資訊,平面媒體鎖定目標對象喜愛雜誌及報紙曝光,並規劃於國內知名入口網站將環保科技園區連結訊息曝光。另製作園區招商宣導品,及本案問卷分析作為未來推廣計畫建議。本案執行自98年8月25日起迄今共吸引6家廠商進駐核准入廠、3家廠商通過初審、6家廠商申請進駐作業、6家廠商進入審查階段,本案以整合全面性跨媒體宣傳策略,促進廠商與大眾對環保科技園區更進一步認識。
EngTitle Environmental technology park promotion project
EngAbstract The Environmental Protection Administration promoted the continuous development of industry and ecology, and found the environmental technology park in Tao Yuan, Tainan, Kaohsiung, and Hualiang to link the industry with environment protection. As a result, ‘environmental technology park promotion project’ were launched to promote the characteristic, advantage, business, competition and the value of ecology of these technology park to attract more exhibitors to let citizen understand the purpose and meaning of this technology park. This project integrated multimedia promotion through news paper, magazine, television, and internet using progressive topics to maximum promotion benefits. In television interviews, the competitive advantage, the results of the companies, government subsidiary would be introduced to the general public in a professional manner, so the public would understand the environment technology parks. In the advertisement for recruiting investors, it emphasized on the special characteristic the parks in Taoyuan, Hwaliang, Tainan, and Kaohsiung. The environment protection administration would provide information on government subsidiaries for investors. For paper media, news papers and magazines favored by the target groups were selected, and the information would be exposed on famous internet entry sites. Promotion and surveys were also made to as a reference for future planning. Since the execution from August 25th, 2009, there were 6 companies approved to move in, and 3 companies passed the initial evaluation, 6 companies applied to move in, 6 companies in the operation evaluation stage. With integrated promotion, both the investors and the public have better understanding of the environment technology park.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 飛凡傳播股份有限公司