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Title 屏東縣固定污染源排放戴奧辛與重金屬檢測計畫
Abstract 本計劃執行屏東縣固定污染源排放戴奧辛與重金屬檢測計畫,包括調查轄區內固定污染源排放戴奧辛與重金屬之篩選工作,並篩選出一座大型廢棄物焚化爐、一座中小型廢棄物焚化爐及一座可能產生戴奧辛與重金屬作業之製程,依行政院環境檢驗所公告之標準方法進行煙道戴奧辛與重金屬採樣分析工作。由檢測數據推估固定污染源排放係數及排放量,擬定戴奧辛與重金屬之管制策略等。主要檢測成果如下: 本年度固定污染源之檢測對象為崁頂垃圾資源回收廠、台灣電力公司第三核能發電廠及威 翰環保公司等三座。大型垃圾焚化爐煙道廢氣中總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ濃度值於0.0258~0.0465 ng I-TEQ/Nm3之間,總平均(法規規範之求法)為0.0374 ng I-TEQ/Nm3 (RSD=23.1%),低於法規規範之煙道廢氣PCDD/Fs排放濃度。其煙道廢氣中鉛總平均為0.0136 mg/Nm3;鎘與汞濃度皆低於偵測極限,煙道廢氣中重金屬濃度皆符合法規標準。中小型廢棄物焚化爐煙道廢氣中總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ平均濃度為0.500 ng I-TEQ/Nm3,符合法規規範之0.5 ng I-TEQ/Nm3標準。其煙道廢氣中重金屬之鉛、鎘與汞濃度均低於偵測極限。威翰環保公司旋轉爐煙道廢氣中總PCDD/Fs平均濃度為0.175 ng/Nm3,符合法規規範之0.5 ng I-TEQ/Nm3標準。其煙道廢氣之鉛平均濃度為0.00797 mg/Nm3、鎘平均濃度為0.000473 mg/Nm3、汞濃度低於偵測極限。 戴奧辛與重金屬排放量與排放係數推估結果如下: 大型垃圾焚化爐煙道戴奧辛排放係數為0.263 μg I-TEQ/ton-waste; 年排放量為0.0630 g I-TEQ /Y。中小型廢棄物焚化爐煙道戴奧辛排放係數為6.89 μg I-TEQ/ton waste;年排放量為0.00344 g I-TEQ /Y。威翰環保公司旋轉爐煙道戴奧辛排放係數為0.0846 μg I-TEQ/ton waste;年排放量為0.000274 g I-TEQ /Y。大型垃圾焚化爐煙道重金屬鉛、汞與鎘之排放係數分別為0.129、0.00332與0.00499 g /ton-固體廢棄物;年排放量分別為35.1、0.0906與1.36 kg /Y。中小型廢棄物焚化爐煙道重金屬鉛、汞與鎘之排放係數分別為0.0541、0.0111與0.00742 g /ton-waste;年排放量分別為0.0811、0.0167與0.0111 kg /Y。威翰環保公司旋轉爐煙道重金屬鉛、汞與鎘之排放係數分別為0.103、0.00496與0.00744 g /ton-waste;年排放量分別為0.321、0.0154與0.0231 kg /Y。 本計畫蒐集環保署有關戴奧辛與重金屬之管制策略與逐年減量目標,並根據環保署之相關管制策略,進一步研擬屏東縣戴奧辛與重金屬管理措施。由歷年屏東縣戴奧辛與重金屬排放量結果顯示,於2003至2006年隨著中小型焚化爐、煉鋼業電弧爐及鋼鐵業燒結工場之排放標準陸續生效,排放量已逐年降低,至2007年排放入大氣之戴奧辛總量已降至0.6 g I-TEQ,約佔該年度全國總排放量之0.7%。由於環保署對於可能產生戴奧辛之固定污染源已列管,透過立法管制、加強檢測稽查與排放減量輔導等手段,屏東縣戴奧辛減量管制已有明顯成效,然而對於排放量大且尚未立法管制之露天燃燒行為,應優先推動教育宣導及強化稽查管制措施。
EngTitle Investigation on dioxin and heavy metal emissions from stationary sources in Pingtung County
EngAbstract The scope of this project includes: to survey existing emission sources of dioxin and heavy metals; to execute the investigation for dioxin and heavy metal emissions from the selected stationary sources; to update and establish the emission inventory of dioxin and heavy metals; to develop control strategy for dioxin and heavy metals. The achievements of this project are described as below: One large scale municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI), one middle/small incinerator and one activated carbon regeneration plant were investigated in this project. The mean total PCDD/F concentration of large scale MSWI, one middle/small incinerator and one activated carbon regeneration plant were 0.0374 ng I-TEQ/Nm3 (range= 0.0258~0.0465 ng I-TEQ/Nm3), 0.500 ng I-TEQ/Nm3 (range= 0.166~0.857 ng I-TEQ/Nm3) and 0.00860 ng I-TEQ/Nm3 (range= 0.00685~0.0108 ng I-TEQ/Nm3), respectively. All of them are lower than the regulation limit of Taiwan EPA. The mean content of Pb of the large scale MSWI was 0.0136 mg/Nm3; those of Cd and Hg were below the detection limit. The mean contents of Pb, Cd and Hg of the middle/small incinerator were all below the detection limit, those of Pb, Cd and Hg of the activated carbon regeneration plant were 0.00797 mg/Nm3, 0.000473 mg/Nm3 and ND, respectively. Based on the investigation data, the measured concentrations of heavy metals are far below the limits listed in the “Stationary pollution source air pollutant emissions standards” by Taiwan EPA. The annual PCDD/F emissions of the large scale MSWI, the middle/small incinerator and the activated carbon regeneration plant were 0.0630, 0.00344 and 0.000274 g I-TEQ/Y. The annual emissions of Pb, Cd and Hg of the large scale MSWI were 35.1, 0.0906 and 1.36 kg/Y, respectively. The annual emission of Pb, Cd, and Hg of the middle/small incinerator were 0.0811, 0.0167 and 0.0111 kg/Y, respectively. And that of the activated carbon regeneration plant were 0.321, 0.0154 and 0.0231 kg/Y, respectively. This project reviewed current control and management strategies for dioxin and heavy metals regulated by Taiwan EPA. The management strategy of dioxin and heavy metals in Pingtung County were drafted.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 屏東縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 正修科技大學