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Title 98年臺中縣總量管制暨特定污染源影響評估計畫
Abstract 本計畫執行期程一年,自98年3月2日簽約,至99年2月28日。本計畫主要工作重點包括以現有空氣污染源管制,來研擬本縣未來排放總量管理策略,及調查臺中港鄰近地區對中部空品區空氣污染貢獻量。各作業項目均已推動並完成(成果摘要表Ι),量化之工作項目進度達成率皆達100%。本縣污染源排放特性掌握及分析部分,97年基準年排放量資料顯示,TSP主要以車行揚塵及土木施工排放為主(兩者合計約佔73%排放比例),SOX則以工廠排放為主(約佔92%排放比例),NOX則以工廠及運輸車輛為主(兩者分別約佔56%及37%),NMHC以工廠點源及面源排放約佔59%、運輸車輛及工業外其他面源排放各約佔19%及22%;而就固定源行業別來看,電力業及鋼鐵業為本縣污染物排放量較大之主要行業;在營建工地污染排放方面,排放量較大之區域大都集中在重大開發建設所在之鄉鎮市(如后里鄉、梧棲鎮、龍井鄉及和平市等鄉鎮);在移動污染源排放量方面,柴油車在TSP、PM10及NOX等污染物佔有較大之比例,汽油車及機車則在NMHC及CO兩項污染物佔有較大之比重。另就山、海、屯區總排放量分布來看,台中港特定區所在之海區為本縣污染較為嚴重之區域。 新增污染源變化趨勢掌握分析部分,未來本縣新增重大污染源包含中龍鋼鐵二期、中科園區臺中基地及后里基地開發、神岡豐洲工業區開發案等,預估在102年營運後,屆時TSP增加量將達2,589公噸、SOX增加量達4,697公噸、NOX增加量達6,605公噸、NMHC增加量達4,388公噸。在綜合考量本縣面源及線源未來年變化因子後,預估本縣至105年各污染物成長排放量均呈現上升之趨勢,亦說明未來若需降低成長增量衝擊之影響,需透過涵容總量管理減量方案之執行來降低本縣污染物放量。 鋼鐵業排放標準修正研擬部分,本縣於88年曾頒布「臺中縣鋼鐵業空氣污染物放標準」,由於距今已有十年,因應中隆鋼鐵將於本縣台中港特定區設置煉鐵及煉鋼一貫作業程序,預期其所造成之污染排放將較傳統之電弧爐煉鋼製程明顯增加,因此本計畫乃依據鋼鐵業之管制現況及考量現行可行之控制技術提升,參考國外相關國家之管制標準、國內環保署固定污染源最佳可行控制技術修正草案、歐盟BAT技術來進行原條文不足之調整修正,並考量藉由修正後之排放標準來降低污染物排放濃度,以改善本縣空氣品質問題,草案建議內容包括針對燒結工場、煉焦工場、高爐工場、轉爐工場、電爐工場及熱軋工場針對粒狀污染物、硫氧化物及氮氧化物研擬可行再加嚴之排放濃度管制標準,另針對燒結工場及電爐工場研擬戴奧辛加嚴管制標準,擬建議由現行之0.5ng-TEQ/Nm3降至0.4ng-TEQ/Nm3,在堆置場方面則針對煤堆置區面積在1000m2以上者,亦建議規範應堆置於密閉式建築物儲存設施內,並綜合考量技術面、經濟面及環境面擬定三階段推動期程(100年、102年、108年)。 空氣污染物涵容總量管理部份,考量本縣目前在臭氧及懸浮微粒均為三級防制區,而未來仍有多項重大開發案將陸續營運,因此在本縣未來之空氣品質改善策略研擬上,除加強執行空氣污染管制重點工作外,有必要以總量管制或管理之精神,評估本縣未來排放量變化是否將超過可承載之涵容能力,進而擬定相關可行區域總量管理對策及方案以改善本縣空氣品質。 目前已完成本縣涵容總量管理架構及方案評估,設定現階段以參考環保署涵容總量管制之精神,以本縣縣界為邊界,訂定臺中縣內污染物涵容總量管理制度,並以達成本縣空氣污染防制區提升為二級及環保署設定之中部空品區105年PSI>100比例小於1.37%為為目標,並依此目標估算設定本縣各污染物允許排放量公噸、NMHC:44841公噸),及研擬本縣未來可加強執行推動之相關策略,包含方案一:加強執行之既存管制策略;方案二:配合環保署研擬中之加嚴管制措施;方案三:執行本縣特定污染類別地方加嚴管理措施(如電力業及鋼鐵業加嚴排放標準),初步評估在民國105年管制後本縣淨排放量應可低於允許排放量目標,並經模式模擬驗證臭氧及懸浮微粒濃度亦可符合二級防制區之水準。 排放交易抵換制度評估部分,本計畫參考國外排放量交易及抵換制度之方式及成功經驗,進行臺中縣推動排放量交易相關前置規劃及評估工作,初步可先設定以硫氧化物及氮氧化物為優先推動實施之物種,其中在計算認可排放量及目標核配排放量時,規劃以廠商近年來實際操作之排放量資料作為認可排放量計算基準,及考慮業界目前採行防制設備之效率狀況(評估設備可減量空間)訂定指定削減率,整項草案內容包含污染物削減量申請程序及資格、計算說明,削減量差額保留及抵換交易相關規定,而在執行期程上考量以目前臺中縣污染排放分布情形及市場規模而言,買賣方之規模尚嫌不足,交易市場將不夠活絡,建議列為中長程規劃目標,待中央相關規範及措施較明確後,再行配合中央政策以中部空品區污染源為排放交易對象及範圍,就交易市場來看應為較可行之做法。 兩次高污染事件日採樣驗證部分,分別於98年8月15日~17日、98年11月4日~6日完成採樣分析工作。每次監測採樣無機污染物720組樣本、揮發性有機物96組樣本、粒狀污染物分析調查24組樣本、PM2.5粒狀物及其前趨物氣體採樣24樣本。兩次採樣分析中發現,當縱觀天氣型態受到高壓迴流及高壓出海之狀態下影響,中部地區綜觀風場被微弱的東風所主導,在山脈的背風面形成下沉氣流,使空氣團塊絕熱升溫,形成逆溫層,污染物不易擴散,容易造成大里地區污染物濃度上升。針對高臭氧時段進行分析,結果顯示當大里地區產生高臭氧情況時,其都市熱島強度也明顯提高;但在彰化沿海地區卻不相同,因此顯示氣溫稍高並非是造成臭氧濃度累積之主要原因,其中應包含許多其他的因素,如綜觀風場、混和層高度、逆溫層、地理位置、地形結構、人為活動等,皆可能是造成臭氧濃度累積的因素,因此建議未來可從多方面的因素來探討造成高臭氧之原因。 彙整火力發電廠、鋼鐵廠之PM2.5及PM2.5-10的組成資料,應用於CMB受體模式分析其貢獻量,在PM2.5中四測站來自燃煤電廠的貢獻量介於0.7%~2.6%,另由排放組成資料顯示排放特徵元素為As與Se;而四測站來自鋼鐵廠的貢獻量則介於0.1%~0.5%,其特徵元素為Fe、Zn及Pb等。除了分析燃煤電廠及鋼鐵廠的影響外,亦收集船舶排放粒狀物之特徵元素為Ni與V,但因船舶排放資料未達20種元素,因此無法利用CMB解析船舶排放對粒狀物的貢獻量。 各測點揮發性有機物污染源貢獻組成皆以移動源為主,並以汽車排氣所佔的比例最高,顯示在中部地區一般周界大氣揮發性有機物來源汽機車佔有相當大之貢獻量。港區船舶排放模擬結果可發現,船舶排放之污染物並未傳輸至內陸地區,此可能受地形及距離之影響,由於船舶煙囪高度均不高,因此易受大肚山阻擋,不易傳入內陸地區,且採樣期間西風並非最頻風向,因此更降低傳輸至內陸機率。利用軌跡模式推估中部都會區污染物傳輸路徑,主要受到局部環流所影響,由中部梧棲沿海地區往內陸方向傳輸所造成。
EngTitle The total quantity control project of given pollution source impact assessment in Taichung county
EngAbstract This plan performed from Mar. 2 2009 to Feb. 28 2010. There are two prime goals of this plan: first, using air pollution sources control system to develop the strategy of the management of total emission amount and investigating the amount of air pollution emission around the neighbor area of Taichung Harbor. All projects in the plan are 100% reach its goal.According the county’s 2008 base annual emission data, TSP are mainly emitted from vehicle raised particles and construction sides (both accounts for approximately 73% of total emission), SOx emissions are primary from factories(accounts for approximately 92% of total emission), NOx emission are mostly from factory and transportation vehicles (both accounts for 56% and 37% respectively), NMHC emission are from factory point sources and plane sources accounting for 59%, transport vehicles and sources other than industrial emissions account for approximately 19% and 22% respectively; in addition, electrical power generation industry and steel industry are the main industries for larger pollutant emissions; regarding industrial zones, the most severe pollution zone of Taichung County is the Sea Zone of Taichung Harbor Special Designated Zone.Future major pollution sources of the county that are within grasp include the Second Stage Chun-Long Steel Works, Taichung Technology Park Taichung Base and Ho-Li Base developments, and Shen-Gun-Fun-Jou Industrial Zone development project, it is estimated upon operation in 2013, by then TPS increase will reach 2589 metric tons, SOX increase will reach 4697 metric tons, NOX increase will reach 6605 metric tons, and NMHC increase will reach 4388 metric tons. these increased numbers are likely to create an impact on Taichung’s air qualities, thus it is necessary to grasp the county’s tolerance capacity, through planning set Taichung county’s tolerable zone volume management solutions and strategies, in order to improve the county’s air quality.Taichung county announced in 1999 “Taichung County Steal Industry Air Pollutant Emission Standards”, since then it has been ten years, in response to the planned standard procedures of Chun-Long Steal Works iron and steal furnace establishment within the county’s Taichung Harbor Special Designated Zone, its estimated pollution emission will be significantly more than the traditional electric arc furnace steal refinement production process, thus the current plan is proposed according the current steal industry restrictions and concerns for current feasible control technology advancements, in order to make adjustments and amendments to the current insufficient rules and regulations, it is intended by making amendments to the emission standards to effectively decrease pollutant emission concentrations, in order to improve the county’s air quality problems, the draft content includes measures for sintering factories, coking factories, blast furnace factories, converter factories, electric furnace factories, and hot rolling factories, by particle pollutants, sulfur oxide compounds, and nitrogen oxide compounds to draft feasible and stringent recommended emission concentration restriction standards, in addition to targeting sintering factories and electric factories and draft dioxin stringent restriction standards, it is proposed to decrease the current 0.5ng-TEQ/Nm3 to 0.4ng-TEQ/Nm3, as for designs of coal pile zones with projected area of 1000m2 , it is recommended to regulate piling to storage facilities within closed building structures. Promote the phase-way is in the year 2011, 2013,2019.In consideration for the county’s current ozone and floating particles are both level three restriction zones, and that there are many pending future major development projects going into operation, thus on the basis of necessary strategy implementation for air quality improvements, other than reinforcing execution of air pollution restriction key tasks, it is essential by spirit of total volume restriction or management, estimate the county’s future emission volume changes and whether it will exceed tolerable capacities, and further implement relevant feasible zone total volume management measures and solutions in order to improve the county’s air quality.Currently the Taichung county tolerance volume management system and solution estimate is complete, and a seminar of professionals and academics has been held, the initial plan for the current stay is to refer to the essence of Environment Protection Administration’s tolerance volume management, and use the county’s boarder as the premise, set the Taichung pollutant tolerance volume management system, in order to achieve the Environment Protection Administration’s set central district air quality zone PSI>100 ratio less than 1.37% and the county’s air pollution restriction zone to raise to level two as the goal), and use this target to estimate and set the county’s various pollutant allowed emission level, as well as draft the county’s future five year enforceable and promotable related strategies, including solution one: improved execution of current existing restriction strategies; solution two: co-work with Environment Protection Administration’s existing restriction measures; solution three: execute the county’s specially designated pollution category and local improved management measures (such as power generation and steel industries stringent emission standards), after estimated calculations, simultaneously executing each of the strategies of solutions one, two and three, it is estimated in year 2016 after the restrictions the net emission volume should be under the allowed emission levels target, in other words, the county’s ozone and floating particles pollutant level should meet the concentration value of air quality standards level two in 2016 (restriction level two standards).In addition, in regards to future economy developments, there could be new additions to major development constriction applications being set up, for this it can be considered to create zero emissions verification system, that is, if new additional major development project’s annual target increased emission levels is over the county’s tolerance volume level, then request should be made at the environmental estimations stage for new set pollution sources in the increased volume aspect, seek the county’s other pollution sources through replacement of old for new restriction equipments and proceed with emission redemption reduction, and reach the zero emission/zero increase target.There are two serious air pollution events sampling on Aug. 15~17 2009 and Nov. 4~6 2009, the analysis were all done. There are 720 samples of inorganic pollutants, 96 samples of VOCs, 24 samples of particle matter and 24 samples of PM 2.5 and its precursor’s compounds in each monitor sampling. In these analyses conclude that, under the influence of high pressure condition, the wind field of the central area of Taiwan was dominated by the feeble eastern wind. The downdraught formed at the wind-back side of mountain chain formed the air temperature inversion layer, it made the pollutants diffused uneasy, and the raise of the concentration of air pollutants on Dali area. The result of analysis of high concentration of zone had shown that when the concentration of ozone on Dali area was rising, the intensity of heat island effect was more significant, however, on the coast area of Changhua was not. That means temperature is not the reason of the accumulation of the ozone concentration. According to the data of PM 2.5 and PM2.5-10 of thermal power plant and steel plant, the percentage of PM 2.5 of thermal power plant was between 0.7% ~ 2.6% on 4 air pollutant monitoring stations. And it shows that the feature elements of emissions are As and Se. The percentage of PM 2.5 of steel plant was between 0.1% ~ 0.5%, and it’s feature elements are Fe, Zn and Pb. In addition, the feature elements of the vessels are Ni and V.It shows that the VOCs on 4 monitoring stations come from the mobile source pollution, the most part of pollution come from cars. It means the source of most part of open path VOCs on central area of Taiwan come from vehicles. The result of the simulation of vessels’ emission shows that due to the height of chimney of vessels isn’t high enough and made the transmission of pollutants being blocked by the Mt. Dadu. In the mean time, the most part of wind direction of sampling period was not west wind, and it further reduced the possibility of the transmission to the inland area. Using the tracing model to estimate the trans path of the pollutants of the central metro area of Taiwan, it shows that the ozone pollution events is mainly influenced by the local circumfluence, the pollutants’ transmission path come from Wuchi coast area to inland.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局)
ExecutingOrg 瑩諮科技股份有限公司