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Title 98年度宜蘭縣流域及水污染源稽查管制計畫(含水質監測及水污染事件緊急應變民間機構協力處理)
Abstract 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局基於為落實國家環境保護政策,有效管制水污染源以減少污染量的排放及防止轄境內各河川流域遭受破壞與污染,提昇環保局污染源稽查之效率,同時,為因應北宜高速公路通車後便利的交通運輸對宜蘭地區帶來的環境衝擊,擬訂計畫推動----98年度宜蘭縣流域及水污染源稽查管制計畫(含水質監測及水污染事件緊急應變民間機構協力處理)--以延續近幾年持續推動水污染源排放許可申請、審查制度,及污染源管理單位之主動(定期)申報資料建檔,藉由水污染管制策略之推動及河川、湖泊水質及重要水體生態物種的調查,確實掌握轄境內水體及水污染源之現況。此外,輔以水污染源資料管理系統提供作為轄境內水污染源管制策略規劃之參考,以提昇水污染管制效率。依本計畫執行完成後預期將可達到下列工作目標:一、持續管理、建置、維護及更新水污染防治相關許可文件資料庫作業,以落實水污染源許可管理制度。二、辦理水污染防治法規定各項水污染防治計畫及許可審查、核發等相關作業並藉由現場處理設施功能查核工作提高事業正常操作廢污水處理設施。三、辦理指定水污染源廢水處理設備功能評鑑。四、執行流域沿岸暗管或不明管線拆除或封閉。五、為使事業單位了解水污染相關法規,針對轄內列管事業辦理法規說明會進行法規宣導。六、辦理水污染防治及減量等相關教育宣導活動。七、辦理指定河川生態物種調查。八、定期執行重點河川、湖泊水質監測,分析污染成因據以研擬污染管制策略及實質作法。九、定期提報河川髒亂點,維護河岸景觀。十、定期操作維護冬山河自然水質淨化模場及宜蘭河美福排水水質改善實場以及效益評估。十一、協助 貴局達成環保署98年稽查計畫積分2,400分以上。
EngAbstract Under the distress of global economic disaster, Taiwan cannot insulate itself from it. To save the economics of Taiwan, Taiwan government initiated economic stimulation programs such as increase domestic demand, lower inheritance and gift taxes, and issue spending coupons etc. The objective is to ensure the continuous growth of Taiwan's economics to prevent recession. Under this wave of economic disaster, businesses utilize work reduction, worker lay off and even company close down etc. methods as counter measures. Although the slow down of business activities led to reduced wastewater pollution discharges, however, the issue of environmental protection shall not be stopped due to temporarily reduction in pollution. Especially, our country and worldwide governments have the understanding that economics must be revived. We believe that the global economics will recover quickly. At that time, the high pollution generation industrial and commerce activities will grow quickly. Thus, during the time of identify how to increase income and create economic development, as well as take care of environmental life quality are the important objectives to work on for all the relevant departments in the government. Water pollution has the features that it will affect the life quality of people immediately. It is the first issue concerning our countryman. It is also the priority item to be improved for environmental protection by relevant departments of government.To implement national environmental protection policy, effective control of water pollution sources to reduce pollutant quantity discharges and prevent the degradation and contamination of river basin within the district, increase Environmental Protection Bureau's pollution auditing efficiency, at the same time, responding to the environmental impact of Yilan District caused by the more convenient transportation means through the opening of Hsuehshan Tunnel of the Pei-Yi Highway, Environmental Protection Bureau of Yilan County Government developed program to implement "Year 2009 Yilan County Basins and Water Pollution Auditing Control Program the Environmental Protection Bureau of Yilan Count Government (including Water Quality Monitoring and Private Organization Coordinated Response for Water Pollution Incident Emergency Response)" -- to continue the implementation of water pollution discharge permit application, review system, and the application data filing initiated (regularly) by the pollution source control organization, through the implementation of pollution control strategy and the study of river, and lake water quality and the important water body ecology species to make sure that the current status of the water body and water pollution sources within the governing district. And, water pollution source data management is used as supplementary reference for water pollution source control strategy plan.Program objectivesAfter this program is completed, the following program objectives can be achieved:A.Continuous manage, set up, maintain and update water pollution control related permit document database to implement water pollution source permit management system.B.Carry out water pollution control regulation specified all types water pollution control plan and permit review, issue etc. relevant operations. And, through onsite treatment facility performance auditing work, the degree of businesses to operate wastewater treatment facilities normally will be increased.C.Carry out designated water pollution source wastewater treatment equipment performance evaluation.D.Carry out removal or sealing of hidden or unknown piping along the shores of water basin.E.For business organizations to understand relevant water pollution regulations, carry out regulation seminars for listed businesses within the districted to promote and explain regulations.F.Carry out relevant educational promotion activities for water pollution control and reduction etc.G.Carry out designated river ecology species study.H.Regularly carry out river and lake water quality monitoring, analyze contamination causes to develop pollution control strategy and implementation methods.I.Regularly report dirty locations of rivers to maintain the scenery of shores.J.Regularly operate and maintain Donsan River Natural Water Quality Purification Pilot plant and Yilan River Meifu discharge water quality improvement plant and effectiveness evaluation.K.Assist Environmental Protection Bureau to achieve 2,400 score for EPA's year 2009 auditing plan.Scope of work(A) Assist to carry out auditing work, sampling and assist to send for analysis of listed water pollution businesses or all types sewer systems. The water quality samples shall be sent to designated testing locations in accordance to relevant sample saving regulations. (B) As required, carry out water pollution control related permit document database management, set up, maintenance, update operations and other assigned works. (C) During the program execution period, carry out all types of assigned water pollution control program and permit review, issue etc. related operations. And, if the contents of application cases involve performance change or under the conditions described in Article 25 of the water pollution control measure plan and permit application review guideline, work with the Bureau with the successful bidder hires or works with designated Registered Environmental Engineer to carry out application cases' onsite treatment facility and performance auditing work. (D) Carry out removal or sealing of hidden or unknown piping along the shores of river basins within Yilan County. And, assist the Bureau to prepare announcement, and personnel, materials and equipments required for removal or sealing works. (E) Before September 30, 2009, completed selection or assignment of Registered Environmental Engineers to carry out at least 5 water pollution source wastewater treatment equipment performance evaluation work (including pre-evaluation, onsite evaluation, sampling and consultation etc. works. And, based on the improvement schedule of each individual case, before the completion of program, complete follow up improvement tracking and submit reports). And, shall assist at least one specialist or scholar to carry out written and onsite review. And, based on the 5 businesses that are evaluated in this Bureau's 2008 performance evaluation, carry out follow up evaluation results tracking work. And, work with this bureau to carry out onsite consultation and follow up with the submission of related suggestions. (F) Before October 15, 2009, assist to carry out at least 2 water pollution control regulation seminars. The target participants for each seminar shall be at least 50 persons. Before implementation, the contents of each seminar shall receive agreement from this Bureau. The successful bidder shall provide sufficient quantity (or space) for activity spaces, presentation information, distributed documentations and teas and desserts etc. for each seminar. (G)Work with this Bureau, at designated time and location to carry out 8 education promotion activities (not the regulation seminars described before). At each activity, provide sufficient quantities of activity publications or written information. (H) During the program execution period, regularly carry out water quality monitoring. The monitoring locations should not be the same sampling locations as EPA. And, compare water quality changes against last year. And, after the analysis of contamination causes and trend, submit suggestions for pollution control strategy and implementation methods. Before the first sampling, this work shall complete onsite study at each monitoring station. And, review if it is necessary to adjust monitoring locations. Before implementation, submit the implementation plan for this work to this Bureau for review. (I) During the program execution period, carry out environmental maintenance management work once per month based on this county's "Yilan River Meifu Discharge Water Quality Improvement Plant". (J) During the program execution period, carry out environmental maintenance and operation for this county's "Donsan River Natural Water Quality Purification Pilot Plant". (K) During the program execution period, semiannually, carry out up stream and down stream ecology studies (5 points each, total 10 points) for this county's river sections designated by this Bureau. Two weeks before execution, the scope of work of this study shall be submitted to this Bureau for approval. The locations of the study shall not be the same locations as EPA's study locations. (L) During the program execution period, collect, consolidate and analyze past years' water quality monitoring data for rivers and lakes within this county. Based on rivers, review the impact to the river water body by this county's sewer system construction, and pollution sources. Then, carry out statistical analysis of current water pollution status of this county. (M) During the program execution period, continuously maintain the designated two Chinese and English web sites for this bureau's water pollution control and ocean pollution control etc. businesses. Provide water pollution control regulation related information, water body water quality monitoring data and relevant promotional information. The refresh frequency is once every two weeks. All the web pages in the two designated web sites shall pass Executive Yuan's Research, Development and Evaluation Commission specified obstacle-less web page A+ class requirement and submit test report that demonstrates meeting this classification. During the program period, submit once per two month the test report that demonstrates meeting the above-mentioned classification of obstacle-less requirement. (N) During the program execution period, assist this Bureau to carry out water pollution control and ocean pollution control related businesses review, information consolidation, compile, and analysis and, complete on schedule. And carry out the collection, and filing and compiling works for water pollution control and ocean pollution control related regulations, news and information. (O) During the program execution period, based on this Bureau's requirement carry out sampling and submit for testing of special water quality testing items (such as agricultural chemicals, mercury etc.), maximum 3 times. (P) During the program execution period, carry out patrol work for dirty locations of county's rivers. (Q) Assist to carry out all water pollution emergency response work.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 日揚環境工程有限公司