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Title 雲林縣98年度柴油車排煙檢測及油品抽測計畫
Abstract 爲降低縣內柴油車輛排放黑煙對空氣品質以及民眾之影響,雲林縣環境保護局持續推動「98年度柴油車排煙檢測及油品抽測計畫」,執行柴油車輛排煙檢測及油品管制工作,以維護本縣之空氣品質。「98年度柴油車排煙檢測及油品抽測計畫」計畫期程為98年4月1日至99年3月31日,為期一年整,各項合約工作目標皆已符合期末報告目標數量,達成率大於100%。本計畫主要係以目測判煙、路邊攔檢及場站檢測等方式稽查高污染烏賊車輛進行檢測,並同時進行縣轄行駛中柴油車輛之油品抽測、地下油行之稽巡查等,以遏阻排放黑煙及使用非法油品之烏賊車輛,並藉由上述稽查作業之執行,共計完成空氣污染物TSP減量5.85公噸。此外本年度為進一步提升貨運業者自主管理,首創「高污染車輛召回檢測」及「推動BE GREEN示範車隊」之執行方案,有效將高污染的B級車輛召回檢測提升至9成以上,11家Be Green車隊皆已完成主動到檢,並有9成以上車輛達成A級標準,執行成效顯著。「98年度柴油車排煙檢測及油品抽測計畫」各項工作皆已如期達成,並針對執行成果進行分析彙整,以作為雲林縣環保局99年度柴油車污染管制的執行參考依據。
EngTitle 2009 Diesel Vehicle Dynamometer Smoke Emission and Diesel Oil Quality Monitoring and Testing Plan
EngAbstract To reduce Yunlin County’s diesel vehicle smoke emission influencing both air quality and citizens’ living standard, Yunlin County Environmental Protection Bureau continued promoting “2009 Diesel Vehicle Dynamometer Smoke Emission and Petrol Quality Monitoring and Testing Plan,” implementing diesel vehicles smoke emission inspection as well as petrol quality monitoring so as to maintain the air quality at Yunlin County. The project, “2009 Diesel Vehicle Dynamometer Smoke Emission and Petrol Quality Monitoring and Testing Plan,” held for one year, beginning from April 3rd, 2009 to March, 31st, 2010. With all the tasks reaching exceeding 100% of completion, the figures presenting in the final report conformed to those stipulating in the contract. This project mainly made use of visual inspection of exhaust fume, roadside spot inspection, and station inspection as methods to ask the drivers of the high-pollutant emitting vehicles for inspection. Furthermore, the petrol quality monitoring and testing to the diesel vehicles that passed the County as well as the patrol and checks toward oil businesses, etc were adopted to block the numbers of high-pollutant emitting vehicles from emitting fumes and from using illegal petrol. Due to the execution of the above inspection, 5.85 tons of the air pollutant, TSP has been reduced. In addition, in 2010 to improve freight forwarders’ independent management, we pioneer both in the recall of highly pollutant vehicles for inspection and in proposing the formation of Be GREEN motorcade. Effectively, the two programs succeeded in the recall of over 90 percent of the highly pollutant vehicles in B degree. Also, eleven BE GREEN motorcades have come to the inspection voluntarily, 90 percent of which reached A degree. The effect of the two programs is noteworthy. All tasks contained in “2009 Diesel Vehicle Dynamometer Smoke Emission and Petrol Quality Monitoring and Testing Plan” have been completed on time. The results of the project were analyzed and compiled as references for 2010 diesel vehicles pollution control projects in Yunlin County Environmental Protection Bureau.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 雲林縣環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 瑩諮科技股份有限公司