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Title 98年臺中縣「農業廢棄物露天燃燒改善策略評估計畫」
Abstract 成果摘要:本計畫工作內容係針對稻草直接於田園執行醱酵或稻草再生利用進行可行性研究評估,減少農業廢棄物露天燃燒,增加農業廢棄物之資源化,作為本縣施政之參考。主要工作項目可分為調查作業、研究作業及其他應辦作業等三大項。專案小組於計畫初期即架設網頁已供民眾隨時了解執行情形,並完成宣導單及海報設計與印製以利於各類宣導活動中發送;宣導品亦依合約規定購買後置於環保局之倉庫;專案小組統整計畫中各項工作項目所獲得的資料及成果,臺中縣自97年一期作起農民以就地翻耕掩埋方式處理稻草的比例逐漸增加中,但部分農民仍習慣以較方便省事的焚燒方式處理稻草,此外配合作期進行廣播宣導辦理的6場次『臺中縣98年度稻草勿露天燃燒暨替代處理技術』宣導說明會及配合農會或公所活動進行的宣導活動與問卷調查結果顯示除3%農民認為燃燒稻草對空氣品質沒有影響外,其原因主要為二期將改種旱田作物、認為未經焚燒方式處理病蟲害無法抑制及掩埋處理稻草分解時間過長等。由本計畫枯草桿菌分解稻草之現地研究顯示,添加枯草桿菌可縮短稻草分解時間至3-10天,並且可增加稻米產量;厭氧醱酵稻草雖然確實可產生乙醇,但就目前的技術而言,1公噸的稻桿約可生產200公升的生質酒精,其目地偏重於示範效果,需再提昇纖維素水解效率與乙醇產量才能合乎經濟效益;而堆肥處理農業廢棄物,應注意建築物設施及機械設備是否能充分利用,此為堆肥單位成本提高的主因,利用外埔鄉堆肥場改建可降低其成本,但與其他技術相較成本仍舊偏高,成本約5,018元/公噸。而在農業廢棄物採用露天燃燒方式處理所產生之物質,無論是本計畫進行的採樣分析或由環保署空品測站資料解析,皆顯示農業廢棄物採露天燃燒方式處理會增加空氣中之懸浮微粒濃度,對於空氣污染情形有明顯影響。考量本縣特色及各項調查及研究,建議輔導推廣添加枯草桿菌進行現地掩埋、輔導轉作經濟作物之農民利用稻草作保護覆蓋材、持續輔導推廣遍地開花及透過社區的力量以影響改變農民耕作習慣,藉以改善本縣於農廢期間因露天燃燒所造成之空氣品質惡化問題。
EngTitle Evaluation of alternative agricultural wastes disposal strategies instead of agricultural wastes burning in Taichung county」 of Year 2009
EngAbstract This project focus on evaluating the process of how to make use of straw for ferment in the farmland or other recycling feasibility, in order to reduce the agricultural wastes burning and converting them into resources, then reforming them into policies. This project includes field investigation, research and administrative work.In the early stage of the project, we implemented project website. We designed, printed and passed fliers and posters when holding project activities and meetings. 6 meetings are held for the purpose of alternative agricultural wastes disposal techniques.We collect the statistical data for this project. For the disposal methods of straw, the proportion of choosing on-site buried of straw increases since 2008. And for the impact of agricultural wastes burning, 3% of the farmers considered it not affecting the air quality. And because most farmers would plant the economy crops, and they also think that plant diseases or bugs could be burn to vanish, and on-site buried of straw were considered decomposed too slow.However, we found that the straw decompose process can be accelerated, and reduce the whole process to 3-10 days by adding Bacillus Subtilis(枯草桿菌) into the rotten straws in this project. In the anaerobic ferment study, the process could also produced 200 L bio-ethanol per metric ton straw in our pilot study, but future research are strongly recommended. We also suggested that an off-site disposal may be another way to manage the straw issue in rice harvest season by proper use of the compost plant in Waipu Township. Either the on-site sampling analysis of the project and the EPA air quality monitoring data analysis shows that the agricultural straw burning increases the concentrations of suspended particulate matter in the air, it indicates that it is important to deal with this issue.After investigation and research, in order to improve the agriculture waste burning issue in the rice harvest seasons, and prevent the air quality from deterioration, we suggested the following methods: (1) Increasing the usage of Bacillus Subtilis when using on-site buried of straw, (2) Advising the farmers who replants the economy crops that they can use straw as protection cover material of their economy crops,(3) Advising the farmers to plant green manures after second seasonal harvest, and(4) Promoting the community the strength to affect changes the farmer to change the cultivating custom
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局)
ExecutingOrg 衛宇科技股份有限公司