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Title 98年度台南縣柴油車動力計排煙檢測站檢測計畫
Abstract 依據監理單位提供柴油車輛數資料顯示臺南縣柴油車總數約28,777輛,其中大型客、貨車登記總數約達9,153輛,小型柴油客貨車約19,626輛。因此臺南縣環境保護局自88年度起執行柴油車動力計排煙檢測計畫委託具專業能力之顧問公司代為操作,藉此來督促柴油車主、駕駛人真正注意車輛保養之重要性以提昇臺南縣的空氣品質。92年12月環保署修正公告檢測方式增加馬力比未達車輛最大額定馬力退驗條款後,早期較多的轉速不足退驗情形已經減少,但93年開始實施馬力退驗,馬力比不足退驗車輛數就開始逐漸增加,實施多年至今因馬力比退驗條件未加嚴依舊有約19%到檢車輛遭退驗,可見不當調整情形至今仍然存在。本年度實施之路邊攔檢工作,持續進行車輛攔下後試踩油門進行目視判煙篩選作業,針對有污染之虞車輛進行檢測,檢測不合格車輛逕行告發處分,對於車輛到動力計檢測時不當調整之車輛有極大赫阻效果,故本計畫利用有限檢測數,發揮最大檢測效益。另外;也針對車輛使用柴油油品加強稽查,以杜絕使用非法高含硫量之柴油,防止燃燒後硫化物污染空氣。本縣動力計檢測站自90年申請通過CNLA認證,均維持良好之檢測品質,有效提高檢測公信力。並於於98年9月再次通過全國認證基金會(TAF)之監督評鑑,99年7月通過三年一次展延評鑑,未來也將在品質持續努力,讓檢測品質能繼續受到肯定。 一、計畫執行期程本計畫執行期程自98年8月18日至99年8月17日止,執行期間共計十二個月整。三、主要工作執行成果(一)資料統計自98年8月18日至99年8月17日止,共計檢驗柴油車2530輛(含無負載409輛)。(二)本年度計畫自98年8月18日至99年8月17日止已執行目測判煙通知2353輛(含跟車目視判煙通知271輛)。(三)柴油車檢測2530輛次,全負載2121輛次,目標達成率為117.8%。受檢測之柴油車中有121輛不合格、不合格率約4.78%。(四)到站檢測隨機針對車輛抽驗油品已採取113件、路邊攔查採樣已採樣7件及加油站採樣40件,共計160件,工作進度達100%。(五)路邊排煙稽查不合格為224輛次,工作進度達101.8%。(六)完成大客貨運業者油品追蹤管制22家。(七)積極參與雲嘉南聯合稽查,並與臺南縣每月臺南縣市聯合稽查共計14次,有效提升空氣品質改善效益。(八)與嘉義市及臺南市聯合執行夜間油品稽查共計4次。(九)完成永康焚化爐每兩個月1次共計6次攔檢作業。(十)完成6次於高速公路夜間油品稽查作業。(十一)提交新聞稿10則有7則見報達成合約要求。(十二)辦理宣導說明會兩場次。(十三)執行依此次至少兩站間相關性測試,14次品保測試並繪製成管制圖。(十四)TAF實驗室認證90年取得認證,98年9月29日通過年度監督評鑑,99年7月8日通過三年展延評鑑目前系統維持有效中。(十五)開放假日每月兩次週六預約檢測24天,計有17天有車輛預約,預約車輛數為48輛。(十六)99年民眾檢舉298件,附影片或照片者76件通過初審為54件,複審完成40件有30件通過複審。四、污染物削減量里程依據 項目 TSP(公噸/年)環保署建議 檢測不合格改善 8.021 事前調修 52.94 依建議行駛里程合計減量 60.96
EngTitle Emission inspection on Diesel vehicles
EngAbstract According to the diesel vehicle data provided by the vehicle department, there are 28,779 diesel-fueled vehicles registered in Tainan County, and 9,153 of them are buses and trucks, and 19,626 are small vehicles. Therefore, the Bureau of Environmental Protection, Tainan County started the diesel-fueled vehicle exhaust emission program by dynamometer in 1999 by entrusting the work to a consultant company that is professionally capable. The programs were carried out to encourage the owners and drivers of diesel vehicles to pay attention to the importance of vehicle maintenance for the improvement of air quality in Tainan County. Dec 2003, the Environmental Protection Administration amended the announced test methods and added the requirement of disqualification of the horsepower ratio failing to reach the rated maximum vehicle horsepower, and as a result, the common cause of disqualification due to insufficient rpm started to reduce. However, the number of vehicles disqualified for insufficient horsepower and horsepower ratio started to climb after the implementation in 2004, and there is still 19% of vehicles inspected failing to pass the horsepower ratio test. It is obvious that the inappropriate tuning of engine still exists. For the roadside random inspections carried out this year, the vehicles were pulled over and the drivers were asked to push the gas pedal for visual determination of exhaust. Tests were carried out on vehicles suspicious of pollution, and once determined, the owners were given a citation for the disqualification. This served as an effective deterrence to owners who tried inappropriate tuning for the dynamometer tests. Therefore, the programs achieved the maximum inspection effects with a limited number of roadside inspections. In addition, the diesel fuel used by these vehicles was inspected as well in order to stop the illegal use of diesel of high sulfide level and to prevent the sulfuric combustion products from polluting the air. The dynamometer test station of Tainan County acquired its CNLA certification in 2001, and maintains a good quality of inspection since then for the improvement of inspection credibility. Also in Sep 2009, the station was approved by the Taiwan Accreditation Foundation (TAF), and again in Jul 2010 for the 3-year extension of accreditation. The Bureau will continue the efforts for maintaining the quality of inspection and winning the positive response for doing so. 1. Program durationThe program lasted from Aug 18 2009 to Aug 17 2010 for a total of 12 months. 3. Major achievements(1) 2,530 diesel-fueled vehicles went through the inspections from Aug 18 2009 to Aug 17 2010 (including 409 no-loading vehicles). (2) 2,353 vehicles were notified for visual exhaust inspection (including 271 notified by trailing cars) from Aug 18 2009 to Aug 17 2010 for this year’s program. (3) 2,530 vehicle-times were inspected, and 2,121 were tested at full loading, which is 117.8% of the purposed number. 121 diesel vehicle tested failed the test with the failure rate of 4.78%. (4) 113 fuel samples were taken from vehicles arriving at the station for the test, 7 from vehicles pulled over at roadside, and 40 from gas stations. In total 160 samples were taken, accounting for 100% of achievement rate. (5) 224 vehicle-times were failing the roadside exhaust tests, accounting for 101.8% of achievement rate.(6) Fuel samples of 22 bus or truck operators were taken for follow-up and control. (7) The Bureau joined force with Chiayi and Yunlin for inspections, and worked with Tainan City every month for 14 times of join-force inspections for effective improvement of air quality. (8) The Bureau worked with Chiayi City and Tainan City for 4 (9) The Bureau completed 6 inspections, once every two months, on the Yungkang Incinerator. (10) The Bureau completed 6 fuel inspections at night time on the freeway. (11) 10 news pieces were proposed and 7 of them were published on news media, fulfilling the contract requirement. (12) 2 sessions of propaganda presentations were provided. (13) The correlation test between at least 2 stations and 14 QA tests were performed, and the control diagrams were plotted. (14) The TAF lab certification was acquired in 2001. The annual supervisory assessment was successful on Sep 29 2009, and the 3-year extension was obtained on Jul 8 2010. The system is currently up and running effectively. (15) Vehicle inspections were available 24 days every month by reservation, including 2 of the Saturdays, and 48 vehicles booked the service in 17 days. (16) 298 reports filed by the public were received in 2010, 76 of which came with short films or photos. 54 passed the first reviews and 40 went through the second review, where 30 passed the second review. 4. Pollutant reductionMileage Item TSP (tons/year)As suggested by EPA Improvement of failure to pass the inspections 8.021 Tuning in advance 52.94 Total reduction based on the suggested mileage 60.96
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局)
ExecutingOrg 春迪企業股份有限公司