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Title 98年度桃園縣廚餘多元再利用教育宣導計畫
Abstract 桃園縣政府環保局為提升資源回收、廚餘多元再利用以降低進入焚化爐的一般垃圾量,特推動辦理『98年度桃園縣廚餘多元再利用教育宣導計畫』,委託桃園縣環境保護協會協助執行計畫工作項目,並派駐環保局一位專職人力共同推動本計畫。期使更多人落實廚餘分類回收,人不吃豬可吃的廚餘交由各地清潔隊回收,豬也不吃的有機廢棄物分類出來做堆肥。這樣不但可以減輕垃圾處理的壓力,更可以減少二氧化碳的排放,使更符合廿一世紀資源永續經營之環保潮流。以下茲就工作項目量化成果說明如下:(一)家戶、社區、學校廚餘堆肥宣導計畫1、蒐集並彙整全縣廚餘堆肥講師資料1件(共51名)。2、構想本計畫具地方特色名稱1件。3、彙整講師資料製作廚餘堆肥實績、並協助各講師製作廚餘堆肥書面講義或宣導教材1件。4、製作「家戶、學校、社區製作廚餘堆肥流程」宣導影片教材各版本光碟共60份。(二)結合宣導計畫募集之講師,實地輔導並補助家戶、社區、學校辦理枯枝落葉及廚餘堆肥再利用工作1、完成輔導家戶256戶堆肥再利用點,每戶提供20公升廚餘桶2個及菌種3個月使用量(4包)。2、完成輔導並補助社區設置11處堆肥再利用點。3、完成輔導並補助學校設置13處堆肥再利用點。4、進行上述社區堆肥成品抽樣(抽驗5點)成分檢測,分析堆肥成品是否重金屬含量過高、氯鹽或其他成份含量異常等問題並提出相關改善對策。(三)辦理廚餘回收再利用推廣活動1、規劃辦理推廣活動(1)辦理1場次廚餘回收再利用宣導說明會。(2)廚餘再利用分類項目:彙整可回收及不可回收項目。2、製作宣導資料(1)中英文海報設計及印製:堆肥廚餘製作流程、廚餘再利用分類項目各印製1000份。(2)中英文宣導摺頁共2000份。(3)選購廚餘回收再利用宣導品1000份及廚餘菌種100公克包裝2000份。3、辦理1場次外縣市廚餘再利用宣導觀摩活動(四)廚餘再利用基本資料蒐集1、蒐集並彙整本縣養豬場及堆肥廚餘再利用場相關資料。2、協助本縣轄內鄉鎮市公所與養豬場(廠)及堆肥廚餘再利用單位辦理委託或合作等作業1件。3、辦理養豬場(廠)及堆肥廚餘再利用場現場查核作業1次。4、蒐集並彙整製作廚餘堆肥副資材及菌種採購基本資料及價格1件。5、辦理龍潭鄉及復興鄉堆肥成分檢測一次,並分析成份內容是否有異常或其他問題並提出改善對策。(五)建置廚餘回收宣導專網(六)協助本縣各鄉鎮市公所辦理廚餘回收再利用宣導活動,以及本局辦理考(查)核所須相關文件整理及製作相關書面及簡報檔等相關作業及其他交辦事項。
EngAbstract To enhance the recycling of resources, and the multiple reuse of kitchen waste, so as to reduce the common garbage quantity into the incinerator, the Environment Protection Bureau of Taoyuan County Government (hereinafter referred to as the EPBT)particularly promoted “The Year 2009’s Educational Guidance Plan Regarding the Multiple Reuse of Kitchen Waste in Taoyuan County”, commissioning the Taoyuan County Environment Protection Association (hereinafter referred to as TCEP) to assist in the implementation of relative works, assigning special personnel from the EPBT to jointly push the said plan. In order to facilitate the physical recycling of kitchen waste, those kitchen waste uneatable for man but eatable for pig would be recycled by local cleaning agency, while the uneatable organic waste for pig would be categorized for further composting. It could not only release the pressure of garbage-handling, but would also reduce the exhaust of CO2, so as to better meet the sustainable demands concerning resources with respect to environmental protection trend in the 21th century.the termquantitative achievements of work were as following instructions:(一)Guidance Plan of Kitchen Waste Composting for Households, Communities and Schools:1. To collect and prepare the informational list of county-wide instructors concerning kitchen waste composting (total 51 persons).2. To construct a plan’s title with local features (1 title).3. To prepare instructors’ data and the physical achievements regarding kitchen waste composting, as well as to help those instructors create the instructing or guidance materials (one set).4. To produce the guidance CD/DVD with respect to “Composting Procedure of Kitchen Waste for Households, Schools and Communities”(total 60 sets).(二)To jointly appoint the instructors of guidance plan to physically teach and subsidize the works regarding the composing and reuse of kitchen waste, deadwood and fallen leaf for households, communities and schools:1. To establish 256 composting locations for household, each of them respectively provided two composting barrels of 20 liter, as well as the zymogen for 3 months’ consumption (4 bags).2. To help and subsidize communities to establish 11 composting and reuse locations.3. To help and subsidize schools to establish 13 composting and reuse locations.4. To perform random sampling and ingredient test of finished composts, in order to realize the composition in relation to the heavy metal, chlorine salt, or other ingredients, and ultimately presented relative improvement solutions.(三)To undertake the promotional activities with respect to the recycling and reuse of kitchen waste:1. The Planning of Promotional Activities:(1) To undertake one guidance seminar regarding the recycling and reuse of kitchen waste.(2) Recycled and reused items of kitchen waste: to categorize and prepare the recyclable and unrecyclable items.2. The Production of Guidance Materials:(1) Poster design and print in Chinese/English versions,including Composting procedure and Categorized items of kitchen waste amount 2000 posters.(2) Guidance folders in Chinese/English versions, including Composting procedure and Categorized items of kitchen waste amount 2000 sheets.(3) Guidance materials concerning of kitchen waste for recycling and reuse amount 1000 sets, and zymogen for Composting of kitchen waste (100g package) amount 2000 packages.(四)To undertake one guidance and exhibition concerning the reuse of kitchen waste outside the county/city.Collection of elementary information regarding the reuse of kitchen waste:1. To collect and prepare the relevant data regarding the pig farm and the reuse of composting kitchen waste in this county,and take photos and produce the VCR introducing the process of recycling kitchen waste in pig farms and composting yards.2. To help the cooperating matters between local governments/authorities and pig farms in relation to the compost and reuse of kitchen waste.3. To undertake the inspection on site of pig farm and composting yard.4. To collect and prepare the elementary data and price list of composting supplies/materials and zymogens.5. To test the composting ingredients in Lungtang and Fusin Towns once respectively, to see if there is any abnormality or other issues, and presented relative improvement solutions.(五)To build the guidance net for kitchen waste recycling ,and help local authorities/agencies in the county undertake the guidance activities concerning kitchen waste recycling, and assisted the EPBT to audit/approve the relative documentation issues and brief instruction as well as other assigned works.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 桃園縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 桃園