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Title 98年臺中縣「固定污染源空氣污染物稽查管制及減量輔導計畫」
Abstract 本計畫工作重點為協辦空氣污染物稽查檢測作業、加油站實施行為管制等相關作業,並執行特定行業別及相關法規符合度查核、定期檢測管理、審核及建檔作業,逸散源及堆置場相關管制作業等,確實掌握固定污染源管制工作之執行、保存固定空氣污染源完整最新資料外,並可做為管制成效之評量及相關政策擬定之參考。本項工作之成果更可作為日後固定空氣污染源稽查管制、追蹤管理根據,做為達成空氣污染物削減目標之資料來源。本年度計畫期程為98年3月1日至99年2月28日;工作量化成果統計至99年2月28日,共執行12個月,平均量化進度為100%,有關各項工作重要成果於空氣污染物稽查檢測作業,完成煙道或周界檢測,執行58根次,工廠燃料油抽檢,柴油已執行15點次,重油已執行16點次,檢測結果2家煙道檢測不合格,一家柴油硫份不合格;加油站氣油比稽查檢測,已完成60站次,不合格之站次目前皆已完成改善,已完成之氣漏檢測及油品含硫量抽驗,本年度全數合格,另於執行加油站空氣污染行為查核已完成288站次,尚未發現不符情形;另完成加油站(加油機)禁止『強迫加油』人型宣導立牌製作及發送;另特定行業別及相關法規符合度查核完成51家次;為有效管制臺中縣電力設施之汽力機組,本計畫協助研訂臺中縣「電力設施空氣污染物排放標準」修正加嚴草案,該草案已於98年6月19日、98年9月11日召開二次專家學者諮詢會,並於98年11月30日完成一場次公聽會,目前草案已完成預告。另於定期檢測管理、審核及建檔作業共協助審查864件次(其中審查通過者為860件次);固定污染源煙道無預警監督檢測,已完成97根次;逸散源及堆置場相關管制作業:法規符合度查核,整體法規符合度為72%;露天燃燒巡查作業應執行一般露天燃燒巡查作業共完成417件巡查並完成31點次告示牌之設置工作;於餐飲業清查管制作業進行100家次查核,改善追縱已完成11家次;追蹤歷年重大污染源公私場所之減量已完成13家次;普查非法(地下)工廠普查資料建立及更新,共執行63家次;並完成2場次公私場所現場減量管制協商會。而辦理空氣污染防制稽查、處分管制資料建檔及陳情案追蹤輔導:對於ㄧ再被陳情或環保局指定之公私場所進行稽巡查或追蹤輔導,達成率為100%;節能減碳宣導,已完成2場次;室內空氣品質宣導會議完成2場次、宣導活動1場次及印製室內空氣品質管理相關摺頁2,000份;另二氧化碳(CO2)濃度檢測工作共完成50處次,合格率為70%,全項目檢測6處次,全數合格率為0%,主要為細菌不合格;各工作應達成減量成效,已完成420.74公噸;於其他宣導作業上,已完成加油站油氣回收暨法規宣導說明會1場次及『固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物空氣污染防制設施管理辦法法規』及固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物空氣污染防制設施管理辦法法規暨缺失記點及處理原則』宣導說明會各1場;並提供新聞稿39則其中見報17則;另專案小組已完成1,000份宣導品及4項廣播文案主題並請環保局發文廣播電台進行公益宣導。
EngTitle Taichung county「Stationary sources air pollutant inspection, control and emission reduction guidance plan」 of Year 2009
EngAbstract This project focus on air pollutants patrol and inspection in stationary sources and the performance of special industrial regulation check within Taichung county, for example, air pollutants annual testing examination and regulation check testing etc. The goal is to gather the most updated information of the stationary sources within Taichung county and as the reference of the effectiveness of the inspection results. Finally, it may provide the basic information of future emission reduction potential of different pollutants in Taichung County.Main results of the project are below :(1)Patrol and inspection of air pollutants: 58 times of pipe or ambient air quality inspection, 15 times of diesel fuel and 16 times of heavy oil inspection in factories. The results showed that 2 pipe inspections and 1 of the diesel fuel sulfur content check failed to meet the standards.(2)We’ve performed air to liquid volume ratio testing in 60 gas stations. Those who failed the tests were required to improve. All the completed tests of vapor leak testing and sulfur content in oil have been passed this year. We’ve also finished checking 288 stations if they had done anything to pollute the air and no violation was found. Besides, we made stands “No forcing fueling” stands and dispatched them to every gas station in order to remind the public of the policy.(3)Special industrial regulation check : 51 factories had been checked. We also bring up with “ Emission standards of air pollutants in power plant ” regulation revision draft, which consulted experts and was held public hearing for twice.(4)Annual testing policy and it’s management : we examined 864 reports . And we gave 97 times in-situ no alarm inspection when stationary sources were performing their annual testing.(5)Fugitive sources control patrol: the regulation compliance ratio of fugitive sources were above 72%.(6)Open fire inspection: 417 times open fire patrol were taken for business day as usual, 20 spots of no open fire warming were signed.(7)Air pollution control in restaurants: 100 times of air pollution control inspections were performed. We also check 11 restaurants for their improvement in air pollution device.(8)13 times of emission reduction promise tracking of the major stationary sources, 63 times of checking and updating information of unregistered factories, and 2 times pollutant reduction meetings were held.We handled air pollution inspection and established disciplinary action data and traced. Tracing and inspecting appointed sites completion is 100%. 2 meetings were held for the purpose of Energy Efficiency and Carbon Reduction. 2 meetings and 1 publication were held for the purpose of indoor air pollution, and printed 2000 of DM. 50 times of inspecting carbon dioxide concentration which 70% qualified were finished. Other guidance such as “ Gas Station Gasoline Vapor Recovery Facility Management Regulations ” and “ Fugitive Air Pollution Control Act ”. Besides, we provided 39 newsletter and dispatched 1000 DM and 4 broadcasting lines to the Bureau.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局)
ExecutingOrg 衛宇