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Title 98年度臺南縣空氣品質維護及考核管制計畫
Abstract 依據「98年度臺南縣空氣品質維護及考核管制計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫)合約規定,本計畫各項工作執行成果摘要如下:一、 環境負荷及變化趨勢(1) 本縣人口數為雲嘉南五縣市中最高,但95年後有逐年降低之趨勢,以永康市人口最多,目前臺南縣人口為1,102,096人,密度為547人/km2。(2) 臺南縣的工廠約6,102家,密度為2.8家/km2,自86年後有降低的趨勢,與本縣產業結構改變與經濟策略、景氣影響有關,目前本縣以以金屬製品製造業、機械設備製造業及塑膠製品製造業較多。(3) 南部科學工業園區自89年以來家數逐年增加,但98年開始趨緩,目前進駐273家。(4) 臺南縣汽車及機車密度各為143輛/km2及404輛/km2,汽車高於全國與雲嘉南平均,機車與全國404輛/km2相同,低於雲嘉南平均453輛/km2。96年後柴油車之成長已停滯。85~98年間機車成長率為55.2%,且無明顯停滯或減緩之趨勢,此一汽車衰退、機車成長之趨勢,可能與油價之提升及政府倡導節能減碳有關。(5) 本縣營建工地數自92年起大幅增加, 94年後開始減少,97~98又呈現成長,目前工地數為5,916處。(6) 本縣陳情案件比例中以工廠、燃燒行為及營建工程原因被陳情最多,有逐年上升之現象,估計與民眾環保意義抬頭有關。 二、 空氣品質現況及問題分析(1) 98年臺南縣空品不良比例為3.70%,低於目標5.41%,達成98年空品管制目標。與97年相比,進步幅度達38%,且各項數據都比97年優異,可能與98年度針對懸浮微粒之改善作法有關。(2) 懸浮微粒與臭氧污染之主因,應為氣候變遷、氣象狀況與大尺度嚴重污染,例如南科、六輕工業區。(3) 懸浮微粒不良比例由83~92年,從3.4%降至0.5%,在94~96年間於3.3~4.6之間;於98年降至2.46%,不良比例明顯呈降低趨勢。(4) 臭氧不良比例由83~92年,從0.4%增至3.3%,在94年降至2.3,95年3.3,96年又升至4.6;於97~98年明顯降低至2.05%,不良比例明顯呈降低趨勢。(5) 臺南縣以跨縣市與跨境傳輸對O3尖峰濃度之影響為主要貢獻源。O3濃度控制以面源優先。臺南縣人為PM10排放貢獻量以面源最大。O3 與PM10皆以跨縣市與跨境傳輸貢獻比例最大,管制策略應以面源為目標,尤其是裸露地之改善。三、 分析各類污染源排放結構依據TEDS 7.0排放量資料庫檢討更新結果,本縣97年點、線、面源之排放清單已更新,各類污染源之排放狀況如下:(一) 總懸浮微粒(TSP)TSP總排放量為34,726公噸/年,主要來自面源之排放。(二) 懸浮微粒(PM10)PM10總排放量為18,291公噸/年,主要來自面源與點源之排放。(三) 硫氧化物(SOX)SOX總排放量7,021公噸/年,絕大部分來自點源之排放。(四) 氮氧化物(NOX)NOX總排放量為30,248公噸/年,主要來自線源之排放。(五) 非甲烷碳氫化合物(NMHC)NMHC總排放量為41,107公噸/年,主要來自面源之排放。(六) 一氧化碳(CO)CO總排放量為66,488公噸/年,主要來自線源之排放。 四、 檢討修正本縣空氣污染管制策略98年度各項空氣污染防制計畫管制目標與實際達成狀況,少數未能達成,主要原因為在計畫執行時訂定新目標,故並未在合約中,且目標訂定數量過多所致;但大致來說達成度頗佳。99年度訂定之各項空氣污染防制計畫工作也應可達成預期目標。建議未來大臺南市執行通用型、都會型及非都會型空品管制策略共108項。五、 99年度空氣品質管理特色目標及創新做法研擬規劃本計畫規劃99年度特色目標及創新做法共有三大項目,包括排毒專案、移污特定族群管制專案及沙塵暴或高懸浮微粒污染時期應變專案,其執行現況符合預定進度。六、 民眾滿意度問卷調查(一) 民眾滿意度問卷調查綜合而言,在政策宣導上是較為不足的;但污染感受上卻比97年進步。(二) 營建工地政風滿意度問卷調查調查結果在政風方面表現非常優良,且民意高漲,有超過8成民眾遇到索賄時會提出檢舉。
EngTitle 2009 Tainan County Air Quality Maintenance and Management Plan
EngAbstract In accordance with the ITB of “2009 Tainan County Air Quality Maintenance and Management Plan” (hereinafter “Project”), the execution of each work item is summarized below:1. Environmental Burden and Trends(1) The shift in the activities in the past few years that cause air pollution results in the decrease in emission sources. In the period of 1996 - 2006, the population increased gradually in Tainan County, but since 2006, the population has been on decline. Presently, the population is around 1.1 million (or 547 persons per square km). (2) The number of factories has been decreasing since 1997. Currently, there are 6,102 factories (or 2.8 factories per square km). This has been contributed to by the changes in industry composition, economic policy and general business environment of Tainan County. The dominant industries include manufacturing of metal and plastic products as well as machinery.(3) There had seen increases in the number of companies in Tainan Science Park since opening, up to 2009 after which the growth has slowed down. Currently, there are 273 companies in Tainan Science Park. (4) The number of automobiles and motorcycles per square km in Tainan County is 143 and 404 respectively; while the latter is in line with national but lower than Yunlin-Chiayi-Tainan averages, the former is higher than both national and Yunlin-Chiayi-Tainan averages. Despite the higher-than-average automobile density and the average-to-lower motorcycle density, the growth of diesel trucks has come to a halt since 2007 whereas motorcycles have increased by 55.2% between 1996 and 2009 and shown no sign of slowing down. This trend may have resulted from the rise in petroleum prices and the promotion of energy savings by the government.(5) There have not persistent trends in the growth of construction in the past decade; it grew significantly between 2003 and 2005, dropped in the period of 2006-2007 and gone back up in the following 2 years. At present, the number of constructions is 5,916. (6) The majority of environmental pleas are factory, burning and construction related and have been on ascent. This may be contributed to by the increasing environmental awareness among the public.2. Air Quality Trends(1) The air quality has been improving in the past 3 years; in 2009 was seen the lowest poor air quality ratio in 5 years. The poor air quality ratio was 3.7% in 2009. which was under the control target 5.41%. The focus on improvement of the suspended populated matter in 2009, might have contributed to that progress. The main sources that cause poor air quality are suspended particulate matter and ozone pollution. (2) Suspended particulate matter and ozone pollution have mostly resulted from climate changes, meteorological conditions, mega developments such as Southern Science Park and No 6. Naphtha Cracking Plant, large-scale pollutant transport between counties, etc.(3) While the poor PM10 ratio dropped from 3.4% to 0.5% in the period of 1994-2003, it rose to the range of 3.3%-4.6%in 2005-2007 and then decrease to 2.46% in 2009. The PM10 improved significantly and the poor PM10 ratio dropped. (4) The poor ozone ratio increased from 0.4% to 3.3% in the period of 1994-2004; it dropped to 2.3% in 2005 but rose again to 3.3% in 2006 and 4.6% in 2007. In 2008-2009 was seen the decrease in the poor ozone ratio ( 2.05% and 1.23% respectively). (5) Based on the sources of pollution in Tainan County, controlling ozone concentrations and PM10 should start with area sources, followed by point and then line sources. Therefore, the control strategy in Tainan county should aim at area sources, in particular the improvement in naked land.3. Air Pollution Emission We have updated 2008 emission inventory based on TEDS-7.0, as follows.(1)TSP emission: 34,726 tons per year, originating mainly from area sources.(2)PM10 emission: 18,291 tons per year, originating mainly from area an line sources.(3)SOX emission: 7,021 tons per year, the majority of which originated from point sources.(4)NOX emission: 30,248 tons per year, originating mainly from line sources.(5)NMHC emission: 41,107 tons per year, originating mainly from area sources.(6)CO emission: 66,488 tons per year, originating mainly from line sources.4. Air Quality Management Strategy Review and Air Pollution Control Plan Modification Some of the goals in the 2009 Air Pollution Prevention and Control Plan have not been achieved. This is attributable to two factors. Firstly, during the execution of the plan, more goals were added. In addition, the number of goals might have been overambitious. Nonetheless, the overall achievement is more than satisfactory. The execution of the 2010 Air Pollution Prevention and Control Plan is expected to carry out as planned.We had been in discussion with the EPB as regards to the assessment of success of the 2009 Tainan County Air Pollution Prevention and Control Plan since the start of the execution, which was finalized after a few revisions and approved by EPB. Based on the approved criteria, the Air Purification Program was the best performer. The Air Source Allowance Program was the worse performer, due to slow progress. We suggested that Tainan city implement air quality control strategies separated into general, urban and rural type for a total of 108.5. Air Quality Management Strategies in 2010• Poisonous substance removal• Control of specific population of vehicles • Improvement of sand storm/ high concentration of TSP6. Survey of people satisfaction• Survey of public satisfaction with air pollution: in general, the public felt that there had not been enough promotion from the government but there had been less pollution than 2008.• Survey of public satisfaction with ethics of construction industry in Tainan County: the public awareness of ethics has greatly improved; more than 80% of people surveyed said that they would report bribery, should it happen.
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局)
ExecutingOrg 立境環境科技股份有限公司