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Title 98年臺中縣含氟溫室氣體使用排放現況調查計畫
Abstract 本計畫自98年起協助臺中縣環境保護局執行「含氟溫室氣體使用排放現況調查計畫」,為瞭解臺中縣境內含氟溫室氣體(含中部科學園區)使用之排放現況,計畫期間蒐集國際間各國排放減量策略相關資訊及國內各相關產業(含半導體、光電(LCD)、電力及鋁製造業)中使用含氟溫室氣體PFCs及SF6之資料,進而針對本國各產業含氟溫室氣體之排放係數計算公式及彙整。目前計畫階段執行成果可分為四大主軸說明之:(一) 蒐集國內外各產業PFCs及SF6之排放減量策略、技術及相關科技之使用現況完成蒐集含氟溫室氣體期刊、減量管制資訊網、我國氣候變化綱要公約資訊網、產業溫室氣體資訊網、各國大氣層保護主管機關、國際性大氣層保護組織及定期瀏覽聯合國相關網站、歐盟、美國、日本等先進國家之環保部份與大氣層保護網,以及國內外書刊或雜誌並持續蒐集其刊載國內外各產業有關PFCs及SF6等物質的國際管制管制動態、替代技術與研發現況等最新資訊及PFCs及SF6之排放減量策略、技術及相關科技之使用現況資料,並評估國內未來可行之較適處理改善技術,作為臺中縣各相關產業之參考。(二) 調查研析臺中縣相關產業含氟溫室氣體使用排放現況訪查,並邀請2位專家實地輔導及調查已完成3處公私場所半導體業、光電業及電力業之使用現況調查及實地輔導改善。此外,亦聘請專家學者進行含氟溫室氣體使用排放實地輔導改善,以便分析瞭解本縣含氟溫室氣體使用及排放狀況對環境造成之影響。(三) 輔導及評估臺中縣相關產業使用PFCs及SF6的製程及排放量之推估已完成調查臺中縣2008 年工業製程部門(含半導體、光電、及電力)總含氟溫室氣體排放量為201721.858 公噸CO2當量,其中PFCs 總使用排放量為177886.442 公噸CO2 當量(佔全國排放量8.48%)、SF6 總使用排放量為17564.094 公噸CO2 當量(佔全國排放量0.40%)、及HFCs總使用排放量為6271.322 公噸CO2 當量(佔全國排放量4.01%)。本計畫經4 場次實地訪視結果調查得知,該4公私場所廠內均購置有防制破壞設備系統及回收設備;其廠內進行溫室氣體自我盤查及自願減量之作業均有不錯之成果。(四) 推動含氟溫室氣體排放減量宣導教育作業本年度規劃之98 年「臺中縣含氟溫室氣體使用排放現況調查計畫」減量技術說明會,已於99 年6 月23 日辦理,主要邀請對象為台中縣環保局及轄區內各中小企業相關人員參與 (含半導體、光電、電力及鋁製造業等單位) 計畫說明會,本次會議共規劃2 項議題討論,會中邀請工研院能源與環境研究所呂慶慧研究員,就目前針對環保署推動含氟溫室氣體管理策略進行說明;另一項議題亦由另一位工研院能源與環境研究所羅彗瑋副研究員,就目前光電及半導體產業先期減量成果進行說明減量成效效益;PFCs 及SF6 現有之排放減量技術包含化學品替代、製程改善、回收再利用及管末處理等等,進行減量技術相關說明。(五) 科技產業含氟氣體排放係數之建立本團隊已完成所有樣本數之排放量估算,進而完成臺中縣科技產業所推估之排放係數值,本計畫推估所得之係數值係以”產品”為基準之排放係數,單位為「公噸-排放物種/公噸-產量」或「公噸-排放物種/千片-產量」;環保署公告係數值,係以”原料”(氣體)為基準之排放係數,單位為「公噸-排放物種/公噸-使用量」。本計畫推估所得係數值與環保署公告係數值因以不同之活動強度為基準(前者為”產品”,後者為”原料”),但計算依據及假設均同樣以IPCC 公告參考方法。因為所得之排放係數值可為業者及管理單位於不同應用時機(前端物料使用時推估或後端產能時推估)參考使用。
EngTitle The aim of this project is to understand the usage and emission of fluorinated GHGs in Taichung County (including the Central Taiwan Science Park)
EngAbstract Abstract:The aim of this project is to understand the usage and emission of fluorinated GHGs in Taichung County (including the Central Taiwan Science Park). The first stage of the project is to collect information related to emission reduction strategies from various countries as well as data related to the usage of fluorinated GHGs (PFCs and SF6) by domestic industries (including semiconductor, LCD, electricity, and aluminum manufacturing). The next stage is to compile and to derive equations for the fluorinated GHGs emission factors for all the domestic industries. Results of the project can be divided and described in the following four areas:(一) Collected information related to PFCs and SF6 emission reduction strategies, measures, and relevant technologies from domestic as well as oversea industries.Information were collected from the following sources: periodicals for fluorinated GHGs, information networks related to reduction and regulation, the information network of Facing Global Warming–Taiwan’s Response, information networks for industrial GHGs, competent authorities worldwide for atmosphere protection, international organizations for atmosphere protection, relevant websites from the United Nation (browsed regularly), websites for environmental and atmosphere protection from E.U., U.S.A., Japan, and other advanced countries, and domestic as well as international publications and journals related to industrial PFCs and SF6. The target information were: the most updated information from all industries related to international regulation development, replacement technologies, PFCs and SF6 research overseas and domestically, as well as application of the most recent strategies, techniques and relevant technologies for PFCs and SF6 emission reduction. Techniques for treatment that are appropriate and feasible domestically shall be evaluated to provide a reference for relevant industries in Taichung County.(二) Conducted interviews to investigate the usage and emission of fluorinated GHGs among relevant industries in Taichung County. Two experts or scholars were invited for coaching and conducting the investigation.Investigation on the usage and on-site coaching for improvements for three private or public sites related to the industries in semiconductor, photo-electronics, and electricity were completed. Moreover, appointed experts had provided on-site coaching to improve the usage and emission of fluorinated GHGs. They also analyzed the status of fluorinated GHGs usage and emission in Taichung County and its environmental impacts.(三) Coached and evaluated the production process of PFCs and SF6 by relevant industries in Taichung County, and estimated the emission of PFCs and SF6The investigation on the total fluorinated GHGs emission by the industrial manufacturing sector (including semiconductor, photo-electronics, and electricity) in Taichung County in 2008 was completed. The total fluorinated GHGs emission was 201721.858 tonnes of CO2 equivalent, in which the total PFCs emission was 177886.442 tonnes of CO2 equivalent (8.48% of the entire nation), the total SF6 emission was 17564.094 tonnes of CO2 equivalent (0.40% of the entire nation), and the total HFCs emission was 6271.322 tonnes of CO2 equivalent (4.01% of the entire nation).It was found from four on-site outcome interviews that all those four public or private factories in this project had purchased the destruct-controlling or recycling facilities. Also, the implementation of GHGs self-examination and volunteered reduction operation in those factories had been successful.(四) Promoted and educated fluorinated GHGs emission reduction.The 2009 reduction technique workshop was hold on June 23, 2010. The target group for this workshop was personnel involved in medium and small enterprises (including semiconductor, photo-electronics, electricity, and aluminum manufacturing industries) in Taichung County. Two issues were discussed in this workshop. First, Research fellow from the Energy and Environment Research Laboratories of Industrial Technology Research Institute was invited to present the fluorinated GHGs management strategies promoted by the Environmental Protection Administration. Then, Assistant Research Fellow, who is also from the Energy and Environment Research Laboratories of Industrial Technology Research Institute, presented the outcomes from the earlier stage of reduction implementation in photo-electronics and semiconductor industries. PFCs and SF6 emission reduction techniques (e.g., chemical replacement, manufacturing upgrade, recycle and reuse, end-of-pipe control, etc.) were discussed in the workshop as well.(五) Established the fluorinated GHGs emission factor for the technological industry.This project had estimated the emission and the emission factor for the technology industry in Taichung County. The emission factor in this project is a product-based estimation, and the unit is “tonne-emission/tonne-product” or “tonne-emission/thousand-slice-utput”. The factor issued by the Environmental Protection Administration, on the other hand, was material-based, and the unit was “tonne-emission/tonne-input.”The factor estimated by this project and the one issued by the Environmental Protective Administration are based on different activity intensity (the former is product-based and the latter is material-based), but the references and assumptions for calculating the factor are both according to the guideline issued by IPCC. Therefore, the emission factor obtained in this project can be used by business and administrative agencies as a reference for various conditions (e.g., estimation for the usage of the front-end materials or for the back-end production capacity).
ProjectYear 098
SponsorOrg 台中市環境保護局(原台中縣環境保護局)
ExecutingOrg 國立高雄第一科技大學