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Title 排放管道中N-甲基咯酮等有機空氣污染物之調查技術開發
Abstract 本計畫目的主要是開發排放管道中N-甲基咯酮(NMP)、異丁醇(IBA)、乙二醇(EG)、二乙醇胺(DEA)和甲基異丁基酮(MIBK)等5項空氣污染物檢測技術,提供行政院環保署環境檢驗所參考。 幾經測試與驗證後,主要將N-甲基咯酮 (NMP)、異丁醇 (IBA)、乙二醇 (EG)與二乙醇胺 (DEA)四項目標化合物規劃為兩項吸收調查技術開發,以及參考USEPA Method 18將甲基異丁基酮(MIBK)納入NIEA A722.74B執行調查測試。其中,兩項吸收檢測技術開發均以衝擊瓶進行採樣,再分別以IC進行DEA的分析,IBA 、NMP與EG則以GC-FID進行分析,四項目標化合物標準檢量線性R皆可達0.995。各目標化合物偵測極限測試,其中N-甲基咯酮偵測極限為0.127 mg/L (溶液中),若吸收液50 mL,採樣體積為20 L時,煙氣中方法偵測極限(MDL)可達0.32 mg/m3;在上述相同吸收條件下(吸收液50mL,採樣體積為20 L),異丁醇、乙二醇及二乙醇胺等其他三項於煙氣中MDL可分別達0.04 、0.46、0.0006 mg/m3。保存期限測試中N-甲基咯酮等4目標化合物除了異丁醇外,不論以室溫或冷藏保存14天以上仍有90 %以上的回收率,至於以衝擊瓶採樣之目標化合物,DEA的捕集效率大約為73.2 ~ 111.5 %不等,IBA的捕集效率大約為76.8 ~ 99.3 %,NMP的捕集效率大約為75.3 ~ 108.7 %。準確度分別為113.7± 9.60 % 、107.3± 2.82 %、94.6± 7.24 % 、100.3 ± 1.3 %;精密度分別為4.22 %、2.82 %、3.82 %、0.63 %。再者,考量USEPA Method 18將MIBK納為其中適合分析VOCs化合物種類,以及因應未來NIEA A722.74B之VCM增項。本研究以現行NIEA A722.74B層析條件與化合物種類,加入等濃度之VCM標準氣體與自配MIBK氣體,確認兩成分與原方法21項VOC可確實分離。除標準檢量線性R皆可達0.995外,甲基異丁基酮與氯乙烯偵測極限分別為0.26 ppm與0.53 ppm,準確度分別為98.4± 5.49 % 、94.3± 5.74 %;精密度分別為2.75 %、2.87 %,惟建議VCM因僅具標準氣體,可於NIEA A722.74B方法修訂時說明可單獨配製標準氣體檢量線。另外,本計畫亦運用上述調查技術開發之採樣及分析條件,採集石化業、光電業、油漆化學製造業、機車製造業(表面塗裝)等六廠家/製程煙道真實煙氣,完成國內工廠7處次排放管道之N-甲基咯酮等5種空氣污染物實廠調查。IBA與EG確實存在石化廠、油墨製造廠排放管道,濃度分別介於0.5~1.8 ppm及28.9~59.3 ppm; NMP和MIBK則未檢出於光電業、油漆化學製造業、機車表面塗裝排放管道,但兩項添加回收率皆分別達為99.9~103.4 %與104.9 %,間接印證調查技術開發之可行。此外,計畫執行期間(101年7月、11月)分別視方法開發進度成果完成兩場次調查技術擴散課程,並提出4項排放管道有機污染物方法調查技術草案,提供日後環保署檢測技術援引之參考。
EngTitle Development of Organic Air Pollutants (N-Methyl Pyrrolidinone, Diethanolamine, Methyl isobutyl keton
EngAbstract The major objective of the project is to develop sampling and analysis technology of organic air pollutants N-Methyl Pyrrolidinone (NMP), Diethanolamine (DEA), Methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK), Ethylene glycol (EG), Isobutanol (IBA) in discharge pipe and provide testing methods established to Environmental Analysis Laboratory, EPA. Therefore, in the present study, assess Methyl isobutyl ketone and Vinyl chloride ether could be was sampled with bags, analyzing with GC-FID system.. The remaining four air pollutants, such as N-Methyl Pyrrolidinone, Diethanolamine, Isobutanol, Ethylene glycol, Isobutanol. The process was sampled with impingers, and then Diethanolamine analyzed using ion chromatographer. N-Methyl Pyrrolidinone, Ethylene glycol and Isobutanol analyzed using gas chromatographer/flame ionization detector. In the present study for target compounds, to absorb liquid 50 mL, and the sampling volume was 20 L, the method detection limit (MDL) were NMP 0.32 mg/m3; absorbing solution in the same absorption conditions (50mL, sampling volume 20 L), IBA, EG and DEA the MDL can be respectively 0.04, 0.46, 0.0006 mg/m3, MIBK 0.257 ppm and VCM 0.526 ppm. Sampe preserve testing in addition to Isobutanol, including the N-Methyl Pyrrolidinone target compounds, whether it is at room temperature or refrigerated 14 days is still about 90 % recovery. Impinger sampling of target compounds, the collection efficiency of DEA about 73.2 to 111.5 %, the IBA trapping efficiency of about 66.9 to 99.3 %, NMP trapping efficiency of about 75.3 to 108.7 %., accuracy were113.7± 9.60 %, 107.3± 2.82 %, 94.6± 7.24 % and 100.3 ± 1.3 %; precisions were was4.22 %, 2.82 %, 3.82 % and 0.63 %.Considerations USEPA Method 18 will MIBK satisfied which is suitable type of VOCs compound analysis, and increase project in response to future to NIEA A722.74B of VCM. This study to the current NIEA A722.74B chromatographic conditions and the kind of compound concentration of VCM standard gas since with MIBK gas, 21 VOC confirmed that the two components of the original method can indeed separation. In addition to the standard calibration linear R are up to 0.995, methyl isobutyl ketone and vinyl chloride detection limits were 0.26 ppm and 0.53 ppm. accuracy were 98.4 ± 5.49 %, 94.3 ± 5.74 %; precisions were was 2.75 %, 2.87 %. This project is also the sampling and analysis of the conditions of use of the above survey technology development, acquisition petrochemical industry, photoelectric industry, paint, chemical manufacturing, locomotive manufacturing (surface coating), to complete 7 times discharge pipes by NMP five kinds of air pollutants real plant survey. IBA and EG existence of a petrochemical plant, the ink factory emissions pipeline, the concentration range of 0.5~1.8 ppm, respectively, and 28.9 to 59.3 ppm; NMP and MIBK were not detected in the industry, two add recoveries are 99.9 to 103.4 % and 104.9 %, indirect confirmation of the development of viable investigative techniques. In addition, established the draft methods and technological diffusion (101 July and November), respectively, depending on the outcome of the method development progress to complete two survey technology diffusion programs, and made four discharge piping organic pollutants draft survey techniques to providing future reference of the detection technology.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 環檢所
ExecutingOrg 崑山科技大學