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Title 101年度「嘉義市節能減碳宣導推動計畫」
Abstract 近年來全球暖化、氣候變遷及溫室氣體管制等議題,已成為全世界共同關心的焦點,聯合國氣候變化綱要公約第15屆締約國大會所提出哥本哈根協議,亦初步達成共識,全球將致力於控制全球溫度上升不高過2ºC為目標,溫室氣體減量已是刻不容緩的工作。現今全球各主要國家均積極推動溫室氣體管制與減量,為使我國未來發展為永續社會,我國於2008年9月核定「永續能源政策綱領-節能減碳行動方案」,以實踐整體節能減碳目標;並宣告2010年為「節能減碳年」,確立國家「節能減碳總計畫」十大標竿方案,並提高減碳目標,因此各行政部門應劍及履及,儘速採取具體行動予以落實;有鑑於此,嘉義市政府環境保護局積極推動節能減碳宣導相關工作,並配合環保署低碳家園發展策略。本計畫依據工作內容規劃,主要工作項目分四大項推動之,各項工作執行成果包括:(一)活動會議辦理:總計完成相關會議活動19場次,1.「節能減碳十大無悔措施」簽署活動1場次、2.「綠網」績效登錄與操作說明會議1場次、3.「節能減碳」宣導與推動用電用水自我管理活動13場次、4.行動標章徵選活動說明會1場次、5.節電(水、油、紙)、低碳交通工具、低碳飲食、低碳生活等宣導推廣園遊會1場次、6.低碳永續家園里長聯誼會活動2場次;(二)資訊管理及更新:1.統計相關局處節能減碳活動共計70場次、2.完成發佈「綠網」之活動25場次、文章151篇及好康訊息1則、3.統計「綠網」被分享次數文章3,854次及活動298次、4.協助嘉義市市民「綠網」水電錶登錄,水號登錄2,589筆及電號登錄4,238筆、5.於Facebook建置「嘉園」節能減碳部落格並發佈節能減碳相關文章134篇、6.統計環保局Facebook粉絲團人數共計593人;(三)行銷宣傳:完成1.廣播宣導360檔次(30秒/次)、2.資源回收車彩繪宣導2輛、3.提交宣導品2,006份、4.租用50部電動輔助自行車,分別提供停車收費員試乘、遊嘉住宿旅客試乘及環保局公務使用並回收有效問卷563份;(四)查核輔導及行政作業:1.協助環保局及10個里長辦公室完成「節能減碳十大無悔措施」填報及執行查核作業,環保局評比成績及推動村里共同參與皆獲得滿分、2.輔導5個單位參與行動標章甄選活動,1個單位獲得特優獎,2個單位獲得績優獎、3.協助1個區公所(東區)及8個里完成節能減碳宣導活動辦理,並協助提出相關文件請領。本計畫工作執行達成率彙整如表1所示。本計畫已完成相關工作項目及內容,透過節能減碳相關宣導活動辦理,將溫室氣體減量之重要性、節能減碳觀念及意識傳遞與民眾,並宣導與生活息息相關節能省水手法,民眾反應熱絡,藉此讓民眾知道如何從日常生活中,自發性的進行節能減碳,進而達到全民落實生活節能減碳的目的;並透過綠網維護管理及更新,將嘉義市環境保護局推動節能減碳之工作及績效具體呈現於綠網;藉由行銷宣傳,將十大無悔措施、低碳運具推廣及補助方案,宣導推廣予民眾,並透過宣導品發送,提高民眾參與節能減碳活動之誘因;經由查核輔導及行政作業,協助環保局及10個里十大無悔措施具體落實、補助區里節能減碳宣導活動辦理、輔導5個單位參與行動標章甄選活動,藉此提昇其環保意識。本計畫各工作項目之推動,在嘉義市民眾積極參與節能減碳相關活動過程中,已逐步將節能減碳觀念傳播於嘉義市每一角落,每位市民均能成為節能減碳之推手,使嘉義市加速邁向「綠能城市 低碳家園」。
EngAbstract In recent years, issues such as global warming, climate change and greenhouse gas control have become global concerns. Preliminary consensus has been reached for Copenhagen Accord proposed on the 15th Conference of the Parties (COP 15) of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The globe will strive for the goal of preventing global temperature from increasing over 2ºC. It is of great urgency to reduce greenhouse gases. Nowadays, major countries in the world actively promote the control and reduction of greenhouse gases. To make Taiwan a sustainable society, the government ratified “Sustainable Energy Policy Convention—Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction Action Plan” in September, 2008 to implement the entire goal of energy saving and carbon reduction. In 2010, it declared the year “energy saving and carbon reduction year,” making 10 benchmark projects in the national “energy saving and carbon reduction plan” and uplifting its goal of carbon reduction. Therefore, each administration departments should follow suit by promoptly taking concrete actions to carry them out. In this regard, Environmental Protection Bureau, Chiayi City, has actively promoted related affairs on energy saving and carbon reduction and cooperated with the development strategies for a low-carbon home proposed by Environmental Protection Agency.The project was divided into four main tasks on the basis of the contents of the tasks. The results of each task included: (I) organization of activities and conferences: 19 related conferences and activities were held: 1. one signature activity of “10 No-Regret Measures for Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction,” 2. one orientation on achievement registration and operation of “Eco Life website,” 3. thirteen activities on guidance of “energy saving and carbon reduction” and promotion of self-management for utility and water use, 4. one orientation on selection of activity marks, 5. one carnival for guidance and promotion of energy-saving (water, gas, paper), low-carbon transportation, low-carbon diet and low-carbon life; 6. two socials on a low-carbon sustainable home for neighborhood managers. (II) Information Management and Updates: 1. 70 energy saving and carbon reduction activities of related bureaus and offices were held, 2. 25 activities, 151 articles and 1 piece of good news of “Eco Life website” were announced, 3. articles and activities on “Eco Life website” were shared 3,854 and 298 times respectively, 4. residents of Chiayi City were assisted to register their water and utility meters on “Eco Life website,” and 2,589 water numbers and 4,238 utility numbers were registered, 5. blog of “Chiayi, My Home” was established on Facebook with 134 energy saving and carbon reduction related articles being issued; 6. 588 people became fans of Environmental Protection Bureau on Facebook. (III) Marketing Propagation: Completed 1. 360 times (30 seconds/time) of broadcasting announcements, 2. announcements made by 2 colored recycle trucks, 3. proposal of 2,006 propagation samples, 4. rental of 50 electronic bicycles to offer test rides of traffic wardens, tourists in Chiayi City and for public affairs of Environmental Protection Bureau and retrieval of 563 valid questionnaires, (IV) Inspection Guidance and Administration Task: 1. assisted Environmental Protection Bureau and 10 offices of neighborhood managers to complete the submission of “10 No-Regret Measures for Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction” and to conduct the inspection task. The evaluation grades from Environmental Protection Bureau and from co-participation of villages and neighborhoods won full marks, 2. guided 5 units to participate in the selection of activity marks, and one of which won excellent award and 2 others was awarded certificates of merit; 3. assisted one district office (East District) and 8 neighborhoods to complete the guidance activities for energy saving and carbon reduction and assisted the application of related documents. The task achievement rate of the project is shown on table 1.The project has completed related tasks and their contents. Through the activities on carbon reduction, the importance of greenhouse gas reduction, concepts and awareness of energy saving and carbon reduction were transmitted to the public. The public who showed great enthusiasm were taught the methods of energy saving and water conservation which were related to their daily life. By doing so, the public knew how to implement energy saving and carbon reduction spontaneously in their everyday life, and the goal of making everyone carry out energy saving and carbon reduction could thus be achieved. Through the maintenance, management and updates on Eco Life website, the tasks and achievements of energy saving and carbon reduction promoted by Environmental Proteciton Bureau, Chiayi City, could be concretely presented on Eco Life. By marketing propagation, 10 no-regret measures, promotion of low-carbon transportation and subsidy projects were announced to the public. Moreover, through the distribution of propagation samples, people’s incentives to participate in the activities of energy saving and carbon reduction were increased. Through inspection guidance and administration task, Environmental Protection Bureau and 10 neighborhoods were assisted to concretely implement the 10 no-regret measures, districts and neighborhoods were subsidized to hold guidance activities for energy saving and carbon reduction, and 5 units were guided to participate in the selection of action marks for the purpose of enhancing their eco-awareness.Each task of the project, under the active participation of Chiayi City residents in energy saving and carbon reduction related activities, has gradually transmitted the concepts of energy saving and carbon reduction to every corner of the city. Each resident can be an advocate of energy saving and carbon reduction to accelerate the pace of Chiayi City toward “Green Energy City and Low-Carbon Home.”
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 嘉義市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 傳閔工程股份有限公司