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Title 臺中市中部科學工業園區與臺中港特定區 有害空氣污染物健康風險評估計畫
Abstract 背景緣由:民國100年,環保署公告「健康風險評估技術規範」,將風險評估的工作法制化。中國醫藥大學風險分析中心(CCRA)去年接受臺中市環保局委託,建構一套「風險導向之決策支援系統」v1,包含4個功能層:資料處理層、資料分析層、風險指標評估層、風險地圖展示層,以利彙整日益龐雜的中市環境數據,提升決策能量,因應本市快速變動的環境議題。本計畫於此基礎上擴增資料庫及系統功能,並以中龍鋼鐵及中科園區排放之4個物種為例,進行一級及二級風險評估。各項結論與建議分述如下:決策支援系統:新增中科、臺中電廠、中龍監測資料共約9萬多筆,建立一套資料庫選單查詢系統,並可依照不同均期,輸出標準報表。建置一套中文轉譯摘要搜尋系統及一套國際毒理網站中文介面系統,並建立一套ISCST空污擴散模擬之組合輸入檔操作介面,將ISCST模擬結果資料,輸入FRAMES多介質模式。修訂風險演算法,增加二級風險地圖及風險溝通表單。建議未來優先開發增量及總量地圖套疊技術。 危害辨識:初步查詢排放資料,共獲得中科20種危害物,中龍6種,查詢IRIS及RAIS國際毒理資料庫,可獲得11種非致癌RfC及3種致癌IUR,再進一步考量:至少有連續3年排放資料及可供比較之監測資料,最後選取中科3種、中龍1種為範例物種。風險評估:模擬近3年(2007-2009)20個點位之P50及P95,發現中龍排放鉛之一級二級增量致癌風險(ELCR),部分點位超過百萬分之一之可接受值,且吸入比食入途徑重要,建議將鉛納入例行周界監測工作,餘3種中科物種非致癌HQ風險皆可接受。物種的物化毒理特性會影響多介質傳輸後,二級風險是否高於一級風險。各種增量風險地圖顯示,臺中基地硫酸及氫氟酸熱點區大致位於基地中段,但甲苯位於北邊。臺中基地氫氟酸97年有A級風險,甲苯97-98有B及A級風險。中龍鉛熱點區位於基地南方及北方,產生2個不常見的熱點區,97-98年均有W級風險。一般而言,增量與總量熱點區並不一致,增量地圖信賴度高於總量地圖,總量地圖因為點位過少容易產生破碎地圖。 加嚴標準分析:模擬臺中電廠PM10增量對臺中電廠PM10總量比,顯示貢獻比不足1%,進行排放量對總量線性迴歸分析,也無法論證其因果。將中龍鋼鐵與臺中電廠排放粒狀污染物(PM)合併,模擬增量對總量比,最大為4%,而目前排放量僅為加嚴標準排放量60%,推論當地有高背景值,加嚴標準無法改善當地超標狀況,建議另案以受體模式驗證。 環評查核:中科臺中及后里基地,近3年基準污染物(CP)均未超標,但七星基地PM10年均值超標2次。中龍鋼鐵近3年CP均未超標,2根煙道戴奧辛測值亦符合中市加嚴加嚴標準之0.4 ngTEQ/Nm3,但每年僅監測一次,與承諾之半年一次不符,建議加強查核。
EngAbstract Background: In 2011, Taiwan EPA announced “Technical guideline of health risk assessment” and its legal status was formerly recognized. China Medical University Center for Risk Analysis (CCRA) was contracted with Taichung EPB to build a Risk-oriented Decision Support System”. The system is comprised of 4 functional layers: Data handling, Data analysis, Risk index computation, and Risk map display. The purpose was to integrate the ever-increasing environmental data for better decision making to the dynamic environmental issues faced in the central Taiwan region. On this basis, our study this year was aiming to advance the databse capacity and function of the system. Four example chemicals emitted from Dragon Steel Inc. (DSI) and Taichung Power Plant (TPP) were selected to model for the primary and secondary risk. Conclusions and recommendations are below:The risk-oriented decision support system: We expand the database with Central Taiwan Scientific Park (CTSC), TPP, and DSI up to about 90,000 records, and build a menu-driven search system to generate a standard report. We build a window-driven interface for the selected Extended Abstract of international paper and international toxicology databases. We build an interface to import the outcome of ISCST modeling into the Frames MMT model. We add the risk computation algorithm for the secondary risk map with the risk communication form. In the future, we urge to develop a new overlaying mapping technique to combine the excess risk with total risk.Hazard identification: The initial check of the emission data identifies 20 chemicals emitted from CTSC and 6 from DSI. Further check on IRIS and RAIS finds only 11 RfC and 3 IUR. Finally, we select 3 chemicals (lead, HF, benzene, xylene) from CTSC and one from DSI so that they all have 3 consecutive years of emission data and ambient air monitoring data for comparison.Risk assessment: Simulating lead emitted from DSI in 2007-2009 and 20 sites finds that the ELCR exceeds the acceptance criteria of 1 to a million at several sites. The inhalation is a more important pathway than ingestion. We suggest that lead be included in the DSI routine monitoring program. The hazard quotient (HQ) simulated for the rest 3 chemicals are all acceptable. The physicochemical and toxicological properties of the chemicals determine if the primary risk will be higher than the secondary risk. For the Taichung base, the excess risk maps, the hot spots of H2SO4 and HF are found to be located around the middle of the base, while the hot spots of xylene is northern to the base. The highest risk grade is Class A for HF in 2008 and Class A-B for Xylene in 2008-09. For DSI, the hot spots are located southern and northern to the base, showing a unusual two hot spots. The highest risk grade is Class W for lead in 2008-09. In general, the hot spots of excess risk maps and total risk maps do not agree to each other. The total risk map is less reliable due to fewer sites of monitoring are available for spatial interpolation.Stricter standards: The question was asked if the newly set Stricter Emission Standards by Taichung Government for steel mill and power plant industries are adequate to improve the ambient air quality of the Special Region of Taichung Harbor. The air dispersion modeling of particle matter (PM) shows a very low PM10 excess to total concentration ratio of 1% or less. Further regression analysis of total concentration vs. emission rates also shows little causal relationship. Air dispersion modeling using the combined emission rates emitted from both TPP and DSI results in a ratio of 4% at most. Currently the emission rates are about 60% of the ones emitted at the stricter PM10 standards. It is speculated that the stricter standards will improve the air quality due to the high background levels of suspended particles on the site. A receptor modeling technique is suggested to verify the hypothesis for future study.EIA audit: For the CTSC site, the results of the check find no violation to the ambient air quality standard of the 4 CPs (PM10, NOx, SOx, O3) monitored in 2009-2011 at the Taichung and Hou-li Base. However the annual average of PM10 monitored was violated twice for the Chi-Hsing base. For the DSI site, we also find no violation to the 4 CPs and dioxin monitored. However, the dioxin was only monitored once a year, while twice a year is required. An onsite audit is suggested as DSI is about to reach a full capacity of operation.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 台中市環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 律豐科技顧問股份有限公司