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Title 100年度空氣污染綜合防制暨應變計畫
Abstract 本計畫之工作內容包含空氣品質分析、PM2.5採樣分析、檢討空氣污染管制目標及對策及空污防制計畫之監督管理工作。(一)空氣品質分析1.空品不良率台灣地區各縣市歷年之空氣品質不良指標(PSI)大於100的站日數,自94年起全國平均值逐年呈現改善,其中除桃園縣94-97年懸浮微粒(PM10)與臭氧(O3)相當外,北部空品區各縣市空氣品質不良指標污染物皆以O3為主。桃園縣94-100年空氣品質不良(PSI>100)站日數比例逐年下降,94年計26站日,為1.79%,100年已降至2站日,0.14%。2.污染物指標改善100年桃園縣PM10日平均值為114μg/m3,較99 年120μg/m3改善6μg/m3;O3第八高小時平均值100年104.1ppb,亦較98年105.3ppb改善1.2ppb,顯見主要空氣污染物濃度皆有改善。3.事件日分析94-99年事件日分析結果,O3以高污染指標之比例大於PM10,O3污染主要受氣象及地理條件影響,不易擴散,造成污染物累積情形;PM10則受沙塵暴影響,致使濃度升高。(二)PM2.5採樣分析桃園縣PM2.524小時平均濃度約為20-24μg/m3,低於美國周界空氣品質標準35μg/m3,藉受體模式分析可知主要貢獻污染源為機動車輛,佔約36~47%,其次為街道揚塵及硫酸鹽,各佔22~33%及22~32%。(三)檢討空氣污染管制目標及對策整體空氣品質改善目標達成之管制策略,主要考量實質污染減量,以及對未來桃園縣主要之空氣污染物(PM10及O3),分別依固定污染源、移動污染源及逸散源污染研擬後續工作重點管制策略說明如下:1.固定污染源以O3前趨物質NO2及NMHC為主要削減物種,故重點管制策略需針對縣內既存電力設施,要求符合新制排放標準之規定,以落實電力業加嚴的預其減量,另依據桃園煉油廠之設備元件、高架燃燒塔及廢水處理設施加蓋等協商承諾事項,確實執行追蹤管考;以期大幅削減NMHC排放量。2.移動污染源近年來桃園人口不斷成長,至今達200萬人,升格為準直轄市,機動車輛數亦增加至179萬輛,桃園機場年起航機起降架次SNA 14.9萬架次,進出的旅運量達2,279.2萬人次;伴隨中央政府放寬陸客來台自由行市場,可預見機場及聯外交通污染貢獻量即將持續增加。因此,移動污染源管制策略主要應針對桃園機場空品淨化區的劃設及推動,執行具體行動方案有二:一、 與交通局及相關機關協商,建置完善機場捷運與各交通接駁點的串接,並採用低污染接駁運具提供旅運民眾之便利性,減少私人運具進出航空城。二、 本縣目前利用電動巴士免費接駁火車站流動量高之人口聚集處,以提供民眾便利性並減少污染排放情形。然市區人口集中地區,於交通流量高峰時段,易有車輛過多壅塞問題,需規劃調整交通時誌,提高道路暢通品質,以有效減少污染源長時間滯留市區,造成污染物濃度累積,空氣品質劣化情形。3.逸散污染源以營建工地為主要污染來源,尤其是國道一號、國道二號拓寬工程及機場聯外捷運的興建,使桃園農工測站及龜山工業區測站維持在輕度污染至中度污染之間,因此管制重點及策略著重於各大型工程之減量協商,並應以勤查重罰的方式,迫使營建業者在成本考量下,願意投入經費設置必要之污染防制措施;另外對航空城的開發,應預先研擬營建工程許可管制制度,增加大型開發案開工前之協商機制,以有效降低開發期間對區域空氣品質的影響。桃園縣近三年(98~100年)空氣品質有逐年改善之趨勢,且99年空氣品質為歷年來最佳,100年則首度達全年空氣品質良好日數過半目標,因此後續相關目標之設定上,以維持現有良好空氣品質為主,配合空氣污染防制法第七條規定,應每二年檢討修正地方空氣污染防制計畫,102年需修訂既有的三類空氣品質改善維護之績效指標,包括空氣污染物改善指標、管制工作績效指標及民眾感度指標,希冀透過前述管制策略之執行達成預定目標。(四)空污防制計畫之監督管理工作本計畫配合100年度執行情形,於「壹、桃園縣空氣品質維護或改善工作執行計畫考核架構」、「貳、考核對象」及「參、考核作業方式」進行調整。此外,SIP每月針對各項考評指標,進行各空氣污染防制計畫執行進度及工作品質追蹤查核,依據內部考核辦法予以評分,考核檢討除有助於環保局掌握各計畫之執行成效外,對於委辦單位亦有警示的作用,本計畫每月彙整各計畫考核結果,除呈報環保局並提出建議改善方案外,對於考核成績不佳(75分以下)或執行品質不良(缺失率達20%以上者)之委辦單位,乃要求委辦公司內部管理階層出席檢討會議並報告改善作法(層級須經環保局認可),若改善情況不佳,則層級向上提升,直至改善為止才可免於出席檢討會議。
EngAbstract The work plan includes the air quality analysis, PM2.5 sampling and analysis, review of air pollution control objectives and strategy, supervision and management of air pollution control plan.A. Air quality analysis1.PSI (pollution standard index) >100Since Year 94, the national average value of station days with PSI > 100 has been declined and improved for several years in Taiwan. Among of the north air quality zone, the main pollutant of Taoyuan county in Year 94 – Year 97 are air suspended particles (PM10 ) and ozone (O3); and the pollutant of the other counties and cities is largely O3 . In Taoyuan county, the percentage of station days with PSI > 100 expresses the declining trend from 1.79% of Year 94 (26 station days) down to 0.14% of Year 100 (2 station day).2.The improvement of pollutant indexThe daily average value of PM10 is 114μg/m3 in Year 100, which is reduced by 6μg/m3 as compared with 120μg/m3 of Year 99; the 8th maximum of hourly average value of O3 in Year 100 is 104.1ppb, which is also improved by 1.2ppb as compared with 105.3ppb of Year 98. Apparently, the main air pollutant concentration has been improved in recent years.3.The event day analysisIn Year 94-99, the event day analysis shows that O3 in the high pollution index has larger percentage than PM10 has. O3 pollution is mostly influenced by the climate and the geographic conditions, and its emission is not easily to spread, which forms the serious pollutant accumulation; in the other hand, PM10 pollution is mainly influenced by the sand dust storm, which increases the pollutant concentration. B. PM2.5 sampling and analysisTaoyuan county 24-hour average PM2.5 concentration is about 20-24μg/m3, which is lower than 35μg/m3, of the air quality standard of American boundary. Through the analysis of Receptor Model, the pollutant sources largely come from the motor vehicle, which is about 36~47%, 22~33% from the street air dust and 22~32% from the Sulfate.C. Supervision and management of air pollution control planThis plan is accordance with year 100 execution performance, to make adjustment on “1. the assessment structure of Taoyuan county implementation plan for air quality maintenance and improvement“, “2. the assessment target”, “3. the assessment methods”. Besides, according to each assessment standards, SIP will take the follow-up evaluation about the implementation progress of various air pollution control plan and the execution quality by month, and score the performance in accordance with the internal evaluation regulations. The review of the evaluation contributes EPB to control the execution performance of various plans; in addition, it also provides the commission unit with the notice function: In this plan, it is designed to collects and integrates the evaluation results of various plans monthly, and then reports and proposes the improvement methods to EPB. For the commission unit with evaluation score < 75 or the undesirable execution quality (deficiency rate > 20%), EPB will require the internal management level of the commission company to attend the review conference and propose the improvement method (attending level need to be admitted by EPB). Once still with the unsatisfied improvement situation, then it requires the upper level attending until the achievement of full improvement and then released from the review conference.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 桃園縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司