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Title 毒性化學物質稽巡查管制計畫
Abstract 本年度計畫重點工作為強化六輕工業區毒性化學物質運作廠(場)之管理及災害應變能量,並建置六輕工業區毒化學物質運作廠(場)災害防救資料庫。本計畫完成派駐環保局行政助理乙員及巡查人員之招聘作業及建置稽巡查車輛。共計完成巡查工作及管理工作247場次、災害防救資料庫系統54家之資料建立、電話通聯測試4場次;每月進行基本資料、防災設備、毒化物貯存置及偵測警報設備等更新;辦理毒性化學物質防災工作及法規宣導說明會7場次、現場無預警測試7場次、毒災演練2場次、偵測及警報設備測試35家、整體演練應變實地查核13場次、協助事故趕赴現場支援共計7場次;雲林縣毒性化學物質災害防救計畫、疏散避難作業計畫、毒災應變手冊及保全計畫之更新;配合環保署年度考核計畫,辦理書面資料準備及行政支援工作。
EngTitle Plan for the Toxic chemicals of Patrol and Control
EngAbstract The Emergency Response Teams in the middle region of Taiwan emphasis this year’s project on assisting in various responses and trainings to strengthen the management and response capability, building prevention activities database for toxic factories in six naphtha cracker complex industrial estate. This project has already accomplished the employment of a patrol personnel and an administrative assistance assigned to Environmental Protection Administration, archiving database of patrol vehicles for routine use. This project also assisted in 247 operating managements and inspections, 4 telephone-communication tests, and assisting in establishing prevention activities database to 54 factories. The ERTs update basic information, emergency equipments, locations of toxic chemicals, and detective and alarmed equipments every month. Furthermore, the ERTs hosted seven Hazard Analysis consultations and law promotions, 7 unannounced tests\, 2 exercises involving toxic chemical or hazardous materials, tests of detective and alarmed equipments to 35 factories, 13 examinations to factories during field exercises, assisting seven on-site emergency supports. This project has accomplished the update of the prevention plans of toxic chemical incidents, evacuative plans, emergency response manuals, and plans for peoples’ safety. In order to coordinate with the need of Environmental Protection Administration’s annual evaluation plan, the ERTs also assisted in preparing written materials and administrative supports.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 雲林縣環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 國立雲林科技大學