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Title 100年度嘉義縣固定污染源連續自動監測系統(CEMS)功能查核及排放管道稽查計畫
Abstract 壹、連續自動監測設施法規符合度及功能查核與評鑑目前嘉義縣轄區內符合行政院環境保護署第一、二批公告應裝置連續自動監測設施之固定污染源,共有4廠10根連線煙道;本計畫目前已完成每日進行連線資料申報情形之確認、每月月報內容與格式審查、監測數據有效監測時數統計、各廠污染物濃度平均值及月排放趨勢之分析,並進行相關法規符合度及功能查核,包括:相對準確性測試查核10根次、不透光率查核10根次、標準氣體查核10根次、煙道零點/全幅查核10根次、氣體偏移測試管路洩漏率查核10根次、相對準確性測試之監督查核10根次、不透光率查核之監督查核10根次、法規符合度查核10根次…等,其中鹿草垃圾焚化廠相對準確性測試查核排放管道P101與P201一氧化碳相對準確度超過發規規範值,已提報環保局進行後續處分事宜。執行連線煙道監測數據系統查核比對5根次,於3月18日辦理連續自動監測設施連線作業說明會1場次,下半年於10月26日辦理連續自動監測設施觀摩會1場次,下半年度針對各廠之數據擷取系統進行查核,現場查核南亞嘉義廠、台化新港廠及鹿草垃圾焚化廠共三廠皆因變更數據擷取系統程式,故違反CEMS管理辦法第九條相關規定,已報請環保局進行後續處分事宜。另為因應4月21日華亞科CEMS數據造假事件,環保署要求各縣市加強CEMS數據查核及檢測工作;本計畫配合參與”華亞專案”之討論,並於5~6月份加強對其法規符合度之查核、連線煙道監測訊號平行比對查核、原物料及操作條件查核;並於6月16日亦邀請專家學者進行現場軟硬體設施之細部查核,此外於7月29日進行不透光率儀器線性公式檢核,查核結果未發現有竄改情形,本年度為防止公私場所未經報備擅自更新系統程式加強查核,依固定污染源連續自動監測設施管理辦法第九條規定,公私場所監測設施與連線設施進行汰換或變更時,須檢送相關計畫書供環保局進行審查,待審查通過後才可進行相關汰換或變更作業,本年度現場查核後發現台化公司新港廠、南亞公司嘉義廠及鹿草垃圾焚化廠皆有未經報備擅自更新系統程式之情事。貳、固定污染源稽查檢測作業本計畫目前已執行周界空氣中臭氣或厭惡性異味5點次、排放管道中粒狀污染物/硫氧化物/氮氧化物(P、S、N)檢測30根次、排放管道中總碳氫化合物檢測3根次、排放管道中重金屬(鉛、鎘、汞)檢測4根次、排放管道中重戴奧辛檢測4根次、周界空氣品質監測10點次及液體燃料油含硫份檢測30點次。其中4月18日以成科技股份有限公司排放管道中重金屬檢測之鉛濃度、5月11日長盈環保企業公司之燃料油含硫份及7月1日傳香飯團周界異味污染物採樣檢測有超出法規標準值,已函送檢測報告於局內以進行後續處分事宜。另本計畫已規劃前往各工業區之快速路線,並於環保局內常備4個不銹鋼瓶以利緊急事件發生時之即時採樣作業;此外本計畫亦配合參加3月7日於民雄供油服務中心(大崎油庫)之「嘉義縣防災實地演練」、4月28日之「中洋工業區毒災演習」及10月28日之「嘉義縣100年度空氣污染緊急應變演練預演」。參、室內空氣品質管理工作本計畫已於3月31日邀請台北科技大學 曾昭衡助理教授進行「100年度室內空氣品質改善座談會」,並進行公共場所或營業場所IAQ現場調查及以CO2巡檢共32家次,另推動公私場所IAQ自主管理23家次,。肆、執行空氣品質人工測站設施之操作維護本計畫已執行人工測站TSP採樣147點次及落塵量採樣77點次,並且執行第1~4季維護保養及多點校正工作,相關監測結果並已依照環保署季報格式按時申報,並針對監測數據進行檢討分析。伍、協助執行環境及交通音量監測本計畫已執行第1~4季環境及交通噪音監測共計100點次,協助審查噪音改善計畫或補助計畫2件次,及完成局內現有噪音監測計8部及校正器8部之檢定校驗工作。在協助噪音管制工作部份,已執行機動車輛及陳情案件之噪音檢測、配合執行嘉義縣警察局防飆專案、環保署100年度噪音大執法及協助辦理環保署噪音業務績效考核相關業務。陸、協助工業區與工廠製程指紋資料檢測本計畫目前指紋資料庫建置之規劃為:A.排放量較大之工業區、B.屢遭陳情之公私場所、C.潛在性高污染之公私場所,於廠內製程或排放管道等區域完成20點次不銹鋼筒VOCs採樣及氣相層析質譜儀分析作業;並已彙整歷年(97~100)指紋圖譜資料,依環保署格式進行VOCs指紋圖譜建置作業之提報。柒、其他辦理事項本計畫除出席各項委辦計畫之工作檢討會議、局內科務會議外,並且配合參加環保署辦理相關之法規研商會,及提報雲嘉南空品區行動專案會議資料及空氣品質維護或改善工作座談會資料…等;本計畫亦配合參予局內辦理相關宣導活動,如5月7日於布袋鎮海景公園辦理之「嘉義縣百年.樹人.森呼吸-濱海生態園區植樹活動」、6月5日於嘉義縣布袋鎮布袋遊客中心辦理之「2011世界環境日-嘉減碳.做環保.嘉義尚好」等。此外亦協助100年7月27日台灣羅門哈斯化學工廠陳情案件分析、依據環保署考評要求,協助執行非游離輻射監測作業,本年度共量測極低頻15點次與射頻10點次,合計監測25點次。
EngTitle Stationary pollution sources, Chiayi County 100 year continuous emission monitoring systems (CEMS) function to check and discharge piping inspection program
EngAbstract Monitor facilities regulation conformity and the function and check and comment the ancient bronze mirror automatically continuouslyAccording with the first, two sets of announcements of environmental protection administration of executive organ in the area under one's jurisdiction of Chiayi county at present should be fitted and monitored the fixed pollution sources of facilities automatically continuously, there is 10 lines flue of 4 factories in all; This plan has already finished the affirmation that has carried on the line materials and declared the situation every day at present, content and form of the monthly magazine are examined, the monitoring data are monitored effectively the hours are counted, thickness average of pollutant of every factory and moon discharge the analysis of the trend every month, carry on relevant regulation conformity and function and check, include: Check 10 each as to accuracy test, no the printing opacity rate is checked 10 each, the standard gas is checked 10 each, check 10 each in zero point of flue / the whole one, gas skew tests that checks 10 each in leakage rate of pipeline, supervision of test check 10, printing opacity lead supervision that check check 10, regulation conformity check 10 as to accuracy Wait, the rubbish of deer grass incinerates factory's relative accuracy test and checks and discharges the irrigation ditch P101 and relative accuracy of P201 carbon monoxide that exceeds and sends the standardizing value of rule among them, have already mentioned and submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency follow-up and punished the matters. Carry out line flue monitoring data system check than to 5, handle, can monitor 1 session facility line homework prove automatically continuously on March 18, handle and monitor a session of theatre party of facilities automatically continuously on October 26 in the second half year, pick and fetch and check systematically to the data of every factory in the second half year, rubbish incinerate the factory because three factories all alter the data and pick and fetch the systematic procedure South Asia Chiayi factory, platform Porto-Novo factory and deer grass rubbish incinerate the factory b altogether, so violate relevant regulations of article 9 of CEMS management, punish the matters in follow-up of already submitting to the Environmental Protection Agency for carrying on. Another for answer China data incident of making the fake, CEMS of subfamily, for less than April 21, environmental protection administration require all counties and cities strengthen CEMS datum check and monitoring; This plan cooperates and participates in the discussion of " China's inferior special project ", and on May - strengthen conformity check, line flue monitor signal to be parallel than to check, original supplies and operate terms check to regulation its June; And also invite the detail that the experts and scholars carry on on-the-spot software and hardware facilities to check on June 16, go on printing opacity lead the linear formula of the instrument to examine nuclearly, check the result has not found that there is situation of altering on July 29, the current year has not put newer system procedure without authorization on record to strengthen and check in order to prevent the place public and private, monitor the 9th regulation of facility management automatically continuously in accordance with the fixed pollution sources, public and private when the place monitors facilities and line facilities and eliminates changing or modification, must examine and send relevant prospectuses for the Environmental Protection Agency to examine, can eliminate changing or alter the homework relevantly after examining and passing, find the Taiwan factory of Porto-Novo of company after checking live in the current year, factory of Chiayi of South Asia Company and deer grass rubbish incinerate the factory and is not all put the feeling thing of newer system procedure without authorization on record. The fixed pollution sources checks and measures the homeworkThis plan has already carried out foul smell or detesting 5 times of peculiar smell in the circle air for week, discharged the granulous pollutant / sulphur oxide / nitrogen oxide (P, S, N) in the channel at present Measure 30, discharge channel total hydrocarbon measure 3, discharge the heavy metal in the channel ' Lead, cadmium, mercury) Measure by time 4 stick, discharge hard to last 4 sticks to wear again at channel, on the week monitor circle air quality include time and liquid fuel oil there aren't sulfur until the 10th. Among them discharge the plumbous thickness that the heavy metal measures in the channel in order to become the scientific and technological Limited Company on April 18, the long fuel oil which is full of the enterprise-like corporation of environmental protection includes the sulfur and spreads for fragrant rice dumpling week on July 1 the circle peculiar smell pollutant samples and measures and goes beyond the standard value of regulations on May 11, letter already give examining report in office in order to go on follow-up punish the matters. Another the fast route that this plan has already planned to go to every industrial area, and homework of sampling immediately when 4 pieces of stainless steel bottle always on the alert happen with the sharp emergency in the Environmental Protection Agency; In addition plan this cooperate, participate in March 7 until the people grand to support oil service centre also ' Oil depot of Osaki) It ' Chiayi county takes precautions against natural calamities and carries on the exercise of on the spot ', the April 28 one ' of malicious for calamity for manoeuvre in industrial areas foreign ' and the October 28 one ' meet an emergency carry on the exercise of preview air pollution promptly on the the 100th such as county such as Chiayi.Indoor air quality managementThis plan has already invited the Taibei once clear weighing apparatus assistant professor of University of Science and Technology to go on ' improved the forum in indoor air quality in 100 ' on March 31, go on the public place or business place IAQ and investigate live and patrol and examine and amount to 32 each with CO2, promote and manage independently 23 each in the place IAQ public and private separately.Plan this carry out artificial to examine, stand TSP sample time and amount of dust set sample 77 times 147 o'clock already, and carry out, safeguard, maintain and correct, work a bit more 1 season, relevant to monitor result and declare according to administration's quarterly report form of environmental protection on time already, and make a self-criticism to analyze to the monitoring data. Assist to carry out the environment and traffic volume to monitorThis plan has already carried out the 1th season the environment and traffic noise are monitored altogether for 100 times, assist, check noise improve, plan or subsidize, plan 2, finish office existing noise monitor, count 8 and examination check-up of 8 correctors work. Assisting the noise to control some jobs, have already carried out the noise measuring of the motor vehicle and case of giving a full account, cooperate, carry out Chiayi county police office prevent hurricane special project from, environmental protection noise loud to enforce the law and assist, handle administration's noise business performance of environmental protection examine relevant business 100 year such as administration.Assist industrial area and factory make Cheng fingerprint materials measureThe planning of the database construction of fingerprint is at present for this plan: A.Than heavy industrial area, repeatly place, C. getting potential high place public and private that pollute public and private that give a full account B. emission, make Cheng or discharge channel area finish 20 times of stainless steel tube VOCs sample and gaseous phase analyse mass spectrograph analyze the homework by layer in factory; Remit whole over the years already ' 97~100) The atlas materials of fingerprint, carry on proposing the newspaper of VOCs fingerprint atlas construction homework in accordance with administration's form of environmental protection.Item that the others are handledPlan this except attend every committee work planned to run make a self-criticism the meeting, office internal medicine affair meeting, and cooperate and participate in the environmental protection administration to handle relevant regulations and grind the association of dealers, propose newspaper cloud good the south empty product district action special project meeting material and air quality maintain or improve the working forum materials When; This plan also cooperates and participates in the office to handle and declare the activity of leading relevantly, handle on sack Zhenhai scene park May 7, in the center handle - good to reduce carbon make environmental protection Chiayi fair on sack town sack visitor, county of Chiayi, June 5 '. Assist Taiwan, Haas chemical factory give a full account case analyze, check and rate, require according to the environmental protection administration will it be July 27 100 year also, assist to carry out non- free radiation and monitor the homework, measure and examine 10 times time and radio frequency 15 of low frequency very much together in the current year, total and monitor for 25 times.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 嘉義縣環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 澔宇工程顧問股份有限公司