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Title 中部地區流域污染整治推動及管理整合計畫
Abstract 本計畫依據中部地區6縣市流域污染來源及特性(金門縣以水庫為主),研擬相關污染整治策略如提供稽查管制建議並掌握水污染源稽查管制情形、建議現地水質淨化設施設置、彙整及檢討污水下水道建設進度及建議興建優先順序等;並協助辦理重點河川跨部會污染整治協調會議(濁水溪、北港溪及新虎尾溪、舊濁水溪及洋子厝溪)及各縣市污染整治小組會議,或濁水溪流域跨縣市污染整治小組(南投縣/彰化縣/雲林縣)等會議,滾動式管理重點河川流域之階段性污染整治策略及檢討污染熱區與指標監測站,以藉由會議辦理凝聚各單位之共識,滾動式管理中部地區流域污染整治計畫。  同時完成濁水溪、新虎尾溪、北港溪、舊濁水溪、洋子厝溪及烏溪之2次水質水量補充調查,藉以強化資料完整度以作為水質模式模擬之驗證依據。並於各單位污染整治相關計畫推動的同時,協助督促縣市政府正常操作維護現地水質淨化設施,及追蹤都會型河川-柳川及北港排水之污染整治計畫推動情況;並針對已完工2年以上之現地處理設施提出附加效益提昇構想,以發揮多目標功能並使場址得以永續經營。  此外,為強化民眾水污染防治及源頭減污觀念,並瞭解政府施政作為,本計畫協助辦理「川流百年 愛留家園」中區河川關懷活動-柳川風華再現 邁向綠水城市,以見證中部地區縣市推動河川整治歷程,藉以展現中央、地方政府及民眾攜手合作的河川守護成果。同時本計畫協助完成編製99年度各縣市、各行業及40條重點流域三類水污染綠色國民所得帳,以提供 貴署施政參考及行政院主計處編算環境品質質損帳之用。
EngTitle The Project of the River Basin Pollution Remediation and Management in Central Taiwan Region
EngAbstract According to the river basin pollution source of six counties/ cities in Central Taiwan as well as their features (being a reservoir mainly in Kinmen County), the project drew up the relevant pollution remediation strategies such as providing inspection and control suggestions and grasping the water pollution source inspection and control situations, suggesting setting up the on-site water quality purification facilities, collecting and reviewing the rate of progress of sewerage system construction, and suggesting the priority order of construction, etc., assisted to hold important river cross-departmental pollution remediation coordination conference (Zhuoshui River, Beigang River and New Huwei River, Old Zhuoshui River and Yangzicuo River), pollution remediation group conference of each county/ city, or Zhuoshui River Basin cross-county/ city pollution remediation group conference (Nantou County/ Changhua County/ Yunlin County), rolling manages important river basins’ phased pollution remediation strategies, and reviewed pollution hot spots and index monitoring stations so as to cohere each unit’s common consensus by means of conducting the conferences, and rolling manage the Central Taiwan region river basin pollution remediation project. Meanwhile, the project finished the two-time water quality and quantity adding supplemental surveys of Zhuoshui River, New Huwei River, Beigang River, Old Zhuoshui River, Yangzicuo River, and Wu River to strengthen the complete degree of data by means of it to be the basis of test and verification of water quality model simulation. While each unit was promoting the relevant pollution remediation projects, the project assisted to urge the county/ city government to normally operate and maintain the present-site on-site water quality purification facilities, traced the pollution remediation project promoting situations of LiuChuan Canal—a metropolitan river and Beigang Drainage, and aimed at the on-site treatment facilities that the construction has been completed for more than two years to propose the value-added promoting conception to bring the multi-purpose function into full play and enable the site to reach sustainable operation. Moreover, to enhance people’s concepts of water pollution prevention and reducing pollution at source, and make them understand the government’s administration, the project assisted to manage “River Flowing for Hundred Years, and Leaving Love at the Homeland” Central District River Caring Activity—Reappearance of Elegance of LiuChuan Canal, and Striding forward toward Green Water City to witness Central Taiwan region county’s/ city’s course of promoting river pollution remediation to exhibit the river guarding achievements under the cooperation of central government, local government, and the people. Meanwhile, the project assisted to complete Year 2010 Green Gross Domestic Product of three categories of water pollution in each county/ city, each walk of life, and forty important river basins to provide Environmental Protection Administration as reference of administration and for Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan, R.O.C. (Taiwan) to calculate the Environmental Quality Degradation Accounts.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司