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Title 100年度民眾陳情稽查暨公害處理業務計畫
Abstract 本計畫自計畫執行日起即派員於日間時段協助環保報案中心接聽公害陳情電話至101年05月31日止之公害陳情系統計資料,本計畫執行期間共計接獲12,722公害污染陳情,每月約有1,269件。公害陳情案件污染項目,以噪音污染陳情所占比例最高,共計受理4,958件,佔總公害陳情件數38.98%;異味次之有4,670件,佔總公害陳情件數36.71%;環境衛生再次之有1,602件,佔總件數12.59%,分析顯示目前本市民眾最切身之公害污染以噪音及異味污染為主。以公害陳情案件行業類別進行統計分析,以一般民眾最多為4,395件,佔總陳情數之34.55%;再者為商業行為有3,363件,佔總陳情件數26.43%;第三位為營建工程有2,341件,佔總陳情件數18.40%。從公害陳情查處情形統計分析顯示來看,屬查證屬實者有689件、情節輕微者有5,570件、污染事實消失有448件、未查獲污染事實有12,814件,已改善完成者有375件。本計畫執行期間受理之公害陳情案件皆有進行處理,處理績效為100%,整體來說在所受理的案件,雖然經縣市合併後的轄區大幅的增加,但仍全部多能再1天之內即前往處理(0.93日)。
EngTitle Handle the business in checking and public hazards that people gave a full account of 2011 of Environmental Protection Agency of Kaohsiung
EngAbstract The objective of this project is to assist and answer the phone calls in the environmental reporting center and manage the reported environmental problems. There are 12,722 cases, with an average of 1,269 monthly, from the public nuisance statements for the environmental pollution in the period of the beginning and the May 31th in 2012 in this project. Based on type of problems, the statement for the noise was the most common problems with 4,958 cases (38.98%); the odd smell was in the 2nd problems with 4,670 cases (36.71%); environmental sanitation was in the 3rd problems with 1,602 cases (12.59%) to the total environmental statements of this project. These results reveal that noise and odd smell problems are the most concerned issues of public nuisance-statements in Kaohsiung City. On the other hand, the public nuisance-statements were also analyzed by the occupational properties of the reporter. According to the reported statements, the order from high to low were: 1st came from citizen by 4,395 cases (34.55%), 2nd came from the commercial activities by 3,363 cases (26.43%), and 3rd came from the construction by 2,341 cases (18.40%) to the total statements. The analysis of public statements and managements showed that the proved environmental pollution had 689 cases, slightly affected nuisance had 5,570 cases, vanished pollution has 488 cases, unproved pollution had 12,814 cases, and solved pollution has 375 cases. All of the public nuisance statements had been well managed. Although the service area has been enlarged owing to the merge and upgrade of Kaohsiung City and Country, our teammates still can reach the site and manage the problem within a day (averaged 0.93 day/case).
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 高雄市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 立境環境科技股份有限公司