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Title 推動績優事業選拔及再生資源整合專案計畫
Abstract 本計畫工作成果可分為四大項說明:(一)辦理廢棄資源管理績優事業選拔活動:完成101年度績優事業評選之初評與複評相關作業,確定8家特優事業、13家優等事業及8家優良事業,完成101年度獲獎事業之頒獎典禮與觀摩研討會,並完成績優事業優良彙編,評選之相關資訊亦放置於全國資源回收再利用資訊網供瀏覽與下載。(二)落實推動資源回收再利用,展現執行成果:完成「100年度資源回收再利用年報」、協助「101年至102年資源回收再利用推動計畫」定稿,並完成第1~3季之成果彙整與分析。(三)協助召開一次再生資源促進委員會與一次工作小組會議。(四)維護更新全國資源回收再利用資訊網,加強宣導資源回收再利用:本年度累計至101年12月7日止,瀏覽人次已達32,134人,已更新83則新聞(含3則國外新聞)。
EngTitle Plan for Promotion of Recycled Resources and Award Winner in Waste Resources Management
EngAbstract The result of the project included the following achievements: 1.The appraisal and commendation of Waste Resource Management, including (1) the completion of preliminary appraisal and re-appraisal processes in 2012, with 8 companies awarded extraordinary excellent ranking and 13companies awarded excellent ranking, and 8 companies awarded quality ranking, (2) holding the 2012 commendation ceremony and demo seminars, (3) the completion of the compilation of Outstanding Performance Waste Resource Management, and (4) posting the related information of the appraisal for download and browse on the National Resources Recycling and Reuse website. 2.The implementation of the resource recycling and reuse, including: (1) the completion of the 2011 Yearbook of Resources Recycling and Reuse, (2) assisting the final version of the 2012-2013 resource recycling and reuse project, and (3) the completion of compiling and analyzing the result from the first to third quarter of the year. 3.There is one Commission of Promotion of Resource Recycling meeting and one group working meeting being held. 4.Enhancing the implementation on recycling and reuse of resources by updating the latest implementation progress to the website, which has been maintained by updating 83 news, being visited for 32,134 times by Dec. 7, 2012.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 環資國際有限公司