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Title 政府政策環境影響評估制度及作業規範檢討及修正
Abstract 近年來政府持續推動政府政策環境影響評估作業,現行公告之「應實施環境影響評估之政策細項」已逐步落實執行並送環保署徵詢意見,審查委員及政策研提機關於個案徵詢過程,多提出檢討修正現行政府政策環境影響評估制度及作業規範之需要,本計畫彙整分析現有政策環評案件辦理情形,以檢討現行政策環境影響評估制度及評估作業規範並提出建議意見。本計畫自100年12月5日起執行至101年11月30日止;蒐集相關文獻及資料,彙整分析我國政府政策環境影響評估執行情形及個案內容,全面檢討現行政策環境影響評估制度及評估作業規範,並提出具體建議。此外,並蒐集國外政策環境影響評估實施情形及相關評估作業規定,與我國政策環境影響評估實施情形進行比較分析。另就政府政策環境影響評估制度及作業規範之檢討修正、強化政策環評功能等相關事項,邀集相關領域人士召開2場次座談會徵詢意見並納入研擬作業;進而研擬及提出修正「政策環評作業辦法」及「政策環評說明書作業規範」之相關建議及應注意事項。
EngTitle Reviewal and amendment for the institution and regulations of Strategic Environmental Assessment
EngAbstract The administration continuously carried out the tasks of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) on government policies, the policy items of the currently promulgated “Specific policy items requiring the conduct of an Environmental Impact Assessment” (which was newly revised and promulgated on October 17, 2012 by Environmental Protection Administration/EPA order Huan-Shu-Zong-Zi No. 1010093308) were gradually implemented and have been sent to EPA for consultation. During the consultation processe of cases, many organizations and experts proposed that the existing SEA operating system and related standards should be reviewed and revised, thereupon this project was commissioned to collect and analyze the implementation of the cases in order to address recommendations and opinions. The execution duration of this project started on December 5, 2011 through to the end of November, 2012. Research team of the project has collected, reviewed and analyzed literatures and documents, which contains implementation of SEA and contents of cases, also reviewed the existing SEA operating system and related standards, and then address our recommendations and opinions. In addition, we also collected materials of foreign implementation situation and assess requirements of SEA, conducted the comparative analysis with ours. The project held two forums by inviting experts, government agencies and related organization in purpose of reviewal and amendment for the institution and regulations of SEA, and also strengthening the function of it in order to include into our references for recommendations of amendment. Finally, the project developed recommendations and notices of “Regulations Governing Government Policies on Environmental Impact Assessment” and its related standards.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 社團法人台灣環境管理協會