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Title 兩岸因應氣候變遷交流暨碳權交易合作評估
Abstract 在全球各國紛紛積極合作以因應氣候變遷之際,兩岸合作機制之建立更刻不容緩,因此於99年邀請大陸專家學者來台舉辦第一屆「兩岸因應氣候變遷學術研討會」。而本(100)年度則由大陸中國資源綜合利用協會邀請我方於4月10~15日期間在北京共同舉辦「第二屆兩岸因應氣候變遷學術研討會」,其會議期間則針對兩岸應對氣候變化的機遇與挑戰、兩岸溫室氣體減排行動、兩岸適應氣候變化行動、建立氣候變化標準標識及兩岸低碳經濟建構與發展等5大主軸24個講題進行交流,並於會議上確立了兩岸因應氣候變遷合作之窗口。本計畫亦依據第二屆研討會互動情況,研提了未來促進兩岸實質交流機制之構想,以期加強兩岸互動與合作關係。 在兩岸碳權交易合作可行性評估方面,則透過平時蒐集大陸CDM及碳交易發展相關資訊,及實地拜訪大陸有關單位了解該制度之研議進展後,彙整目前存在大陸碳市場之碳權種類,將其作為合作方案選項,依據目的、前提、任務等進行各方案選項之可行性分析,並經由11月25日專家諮詢會修正完成兩岸碳權交易合作可行性評估報告,供環保署參考。
EngTitle Cross-Strait Exchange of Responses to Climate Change and Carbon Credit Trade Cooperation Assessment
EngAbstract A Cross-Strait cooperative mechanism should be developed with no delay while many countries are actively working together to deal with climate change. Therefore, the experts and scholars from Mainland China were invited in 2010 to hold the First Cross-Strait Response to Climate Change conference in Taiwan, and this year (2011) China Association of Resource Comprehensive Utilization invited representatives from Taiwan to jointly hold the Second Cross-Strait Response to Climate Change conference in Beijing. During the second conference, both sides discussed and exchanged opinions on 24 subjects and five main themes, including challenges and opportunities of responding to climate change, Cross-Strait actions on Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission reduction, Cross-Strait actions on adaptation to climate change, climate change standard identification and Cross-Strait low carbon economic construction and development. In addition, the contact window for Cross-Strait cooperation of response to climate change was established. According to the interactions during the second conference, this project brought up a mechanism of promoting future Cross-Strait substantial interchange in order to enhance Cross-Strait interactions and cooperative relations. By collecting CDM and carbon trading development related information and visiting institutions in China to know the issues’ progress, current existing types of carbon credit in China were considered as cooperative projects’ options. The feasibility assessment of each option was carried out based on purposes, premises and missions. On November 25th 2011, the feasibility assessment report of Cross-Strait carbon credit cooperation was modified and completed through expert consultation meeting, and it will be provided to Environmental Protection Administration as reference.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室
ExecutingOrg 財團法人台灣綠色生產力基金會