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Title 環境風險整合與土地污染篩檢網建置計畫
Abstract 本計畫依據具污染性工廠之特性,結合不同土地用途之環境受體所承載的風險,除了建立一致化的土地污染潛勢篩選與管理策略,以建置具有風險控管概念的「工廠土地污染篩檢網」外;並藉由整合高污染業別之廢棄工廠現況、土地承載分析與國民健康暴露特性等方法,分析高污染潛勢對環境土地與健康風險影響區域,以建置風險地圖資訊,提供不同土地用途之土地品質參考依據,並降低未來高污染潛勢工廠之土地轉讓風險,進而提供國土整體污染管理系統之整體風險預警評析、效益評析及國土決策規劃。
EngTitle Environmental risk integration and industrial sites screening risk map construction
EngAbstract This project based on the characteristics of a polluting factory, a combination of different land uses of the environment carries a risk of receptor, in addition to establishing consistent potential contamination of the land selection and management strategies to build a risk management concept of "factory land pollution screening network "outside; and high pollution industry, not by integrating the status of abandoned factories, land carrying analysis and exposure characteristics of national health and other methods, analysis of high pollution potential environmental and health risks of land area to build the risk map information, providing the quality of different land uses of the land reference, and reduce potential future high-polluting factories of land transfer risk, and thus the overall pollution of land management systems to provide the overall assessment of the risk early warning, effective assessment and land planning decisions.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 土污基管會
ExecutingOrg 財團法人工業研究院