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Title 100年度高雄市特殊敏感區監測業務計畫(仁大、林園區)
Abstract 本計畫透過仁大工業區及林園工業區周遭敏感點影響評估作業,選定工業區影響相對較高之區域設置固定之開徑式傅立葉轉換紅外光(OP-FTIR)執行24小時連續監測,監測站分別位於楠梓區之楠陽國小及林園區之中芸國小。固定式FTIR測站自100年8月啟動至101年6月止,楠陽國小測站共測得化合物26項,其中主要超標污染物包含二甲基甲醯胺、醋酸乙烯酯及1,3-丁二烯等3項;另中芸國小共測得化合物35種,其中主要超標污染物包含氯乙烯、1,2-二氯乙烷及1,3-丁二烯等3項。針對上述各區域超標污染物,進行分析各工業區工廠原物料使用及氣象資料比對後,研判出可疑污染來源,並輔以工業區定期異味巡查作業,掌握污染來源後,進行工廠內上、下風處OP-FTIR監測作業,期間共執行廠區OP-FTIR監測作業19家次。掌握仁大區二甲基甲醯胺主要貢獻三芳化學公司;醋酸乙烯酯主要貢獻來源台灣聚合公司;1,3-丁二烯主要貢獻來源國橋和台橡公司;另林園區氯乙烯及1,2-二氯乙烷主要貢獻來源為台灣氯乙烯公司;1,3-丁二烯主要貢獻來源為台灣中油林園廠。計畫期間為確保儀器穩定及數據確切性,並委託台灣大學公共衛生學系吳副教授執行OP-FTIR品保品管查核作業,共8場次。各次OP-FTIR查核作業中,其968~1008 cm-1、2480~2520 cm-1和4380~4420 cm-1波數範圍內之均方根雜訊值均落於管制界線正負三倍標準差之間,符合管制界限。此外,為有效掌握工業區空品狀況,本計畫成立楠梓區民間空污巡守隊,進行專業訓練及編製相關教材,給予輔導義工專業訓練,加強環保專業知識,結合政府及民間力量強化區域巡查能量。本計畫污染源追蹤成果,除辦理說明會告知各超標污染物貢獻工廠外,並建議各廠針對己方廠內各相關污染製程進行了解或檢測,以減輕對於周界環境之影響,同時將監測成果回饋予環保局其他相關計畫,以藉由VOC管制計畫針對高污染貢獻區加強設備元件檢測,或藉由許可計畫於展延或變更操作許可時,要求其區內高污染潛勢區提出相關改善等項積極作為,達到工業區空品污染減量之目標。
EngTitle 2011 Air Quality Monitoring Plan for Highly Concerned Area(Ren-Da、Lin-Yuan Kaosiung City)
EngAbstract This project is to evaluate the influences at the surrounding areas of Ren Da Industrial Park and Linyuan Industrial Park, to choose certain areas highly influenced by these industrial parks and setup static OP-FTIR for 24 hours monitoring. These chosen monitoring stations are located at Nan-yang primary school in Nantsu District and Chung Yun primary school in Linyuan District.From August, 2011 to June, 2012, 26 chemical compounds were indentified from the stationary FTIR monitoring station at Nan-yang primary school, the primarily exceeded pollutants were dimethylformamide (DMF), vinyl acetate and 1,3-butandiene. Moreover, 35 chemical compounds were picked up from the monitoring station at Chung Yun primary school and the primarily exceeded pollutants were vinyl chloride, 1,2-dichloroethane and 1,3-butandiene.The local meteorological data and the raw materials of each firm in these two industrial parks were assessed to trace out the potential sources of pollutants described above. Odor routine inspections were managed to target the pollutant sources followed by OP-FTIR monitoring the up-wind and down-wind of the identified 19 factories. In the Ren Da Industrial Park, it was recognized that DMF was distributed from San Fang Chemical Industry Co., LTD, vinyl acetate from USI Corporation, 1,3-butandiene from Gold Choice Co. and TSRC Co.. Furthermore, in Linyuan Industrial Park the vinyl chloride, 1,2-dichloroethane were distributed from TVCM Co. and 1,3-butandiene from CPC Linyuan Plant. The Associate professor Wu from Taiwan National University was consigned to ensure the stability and precision of the OP-FTIR instruments by carrying out 8 inspections of quality assurance and quality control profiles. In each OP-FTIR inspection, the root mean square (RMS) noise of the three wave number regions 968~1008 cm-1, 2480~2520 cm-1 and 4380~4420 cm-1 fell between the 3σ which complied with the detection limit. This project was advanced to unite the local communities and the government by establishing the Nantsu Community Air Pollution Inspection Squad. The goal is to edit relevant teaching materials and to provide a professional training in order to strengthen the environmental expertise of the inspection squad. Apart from holding the explanation meetings to inform the pollutant distributing firms, it is suggested that each firm shall comprehend and analyze the relevant polluting processes so as to mitigate the influences to the fence-line environment. Meanwhile the monitoring results were fed back to relevant projects of Kaohsiung city Environmental Protection Bureau, such as enforcing the process component inspections in the polluting zones through VOC control plan. Besides through the Stationary Pollution Source Installation and Operating Permit system, during the companies apply for the extension or altering the operating permits, the high potential polluting zones of the plant would be required to provide improvement measures with the intention of mitigating air pollution from the industrial parks.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 高雄市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 環佑實業有限公司