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Title 100年「99-100年事業廢棄物e化管理整合暨決策支援專案工作計畫」
Abstract 本計畫依工作重點分為四大面向包括:1.行政法制面:強化事業廢棄物管理軸向及橫向資料聯繫。2.功能強化面:強化事業廢棄物申報及管理系統功能及重新開發廢棄物非法棄置案件管理系統。3.橫向整合面:定期提供各類事業廢棄物相關申報統計分析資料。4.例行作業面:落實各項公開資訊及確保系統正常運作。在行政法制面,今年度主要強化事業廢棄物管理軸向及橫向資料聯繫部分,本計畫共協助完成現行再利用機構之再利用用途資料統整、關聯及代碼編訂作業,加強有害事業廢棄物貯存情形管理,及完成研擬事業廢棄物代碼編訂作業程序及相關規範。另亦針對「登記飼養規模2,000~2,499頭豬隻畜牧場」辦理相關輔導作業,及加強再生資源產生者及再生利用業者之管理。在功能強化部分,則完成事業廢棄物申報及管理系統權限申請e化功能、事業廢棄物及原物料之產出對應關係功能及列管事業自主管理等相關功能。另外亦完成擴約的相關工作項目,包括長期未申報事業等多軸向之自動化勾稽功能及廢棄物非法棄置案件管理系統。在橫向整合面,定期提供各類事業廢棄物相關申報統計分析資料,本年度定期針對如集塵灰、污泥、事業廢棄物焚化底渣、爐碴(石)等重點管制項目,及依各縣市、公告類別、清理方式等管理軸向提報相關統計表報及分析作業。例行作業面,落實各項公開資訊及確保系統正常運作部分,除定期每月更新事業廢棄物申報及管理系統(相關資訊,包含最新消息、統計資料、專題區內容,確保資料正確無誤外,亦執行系統例行性維運作業及配合監資處完成1次備援演練。
EngTitle The2010-2011 Project on Industrial Waste E-Management Integration and Decision Support
EngAbstract The project has four main strands: 1. Administrative Regulation: Creation of synergy between regulatory data and other departmental data sources; 2. Function Enhancement: Improving the Industrial waste report and management system (IWR&MS) and redeveloping the illegal waste dumping management system; 3. Horizontal Integration: Providing statistical data analysis regularly on the reporting of all kinds of industrial waste; and 4. Routine Operation: Ensuring information publication and normal system operation. First, the data on waste uses of existing reuse organizations were integrated and related to the waste manifests reported; a coding scheme for the data was established. Management of the storage of hazardous industrial waste was enhanced. A coding procedure for industrial waste was developed along with relevant regulations. Guidance was provided to assist in the “Registration of Farms with 2,000-2,499 Pigs”. Management of renewable resource producers and recovery operators was also enhanced.Secondly, the IWR&MS was enhanced to enable the following functions: online authorization application, establishment of the corresponding relation between industrial waste and raw materials, and the autonomous management of controlled industries. New work items not included in the original contract were also completed, including the creation of an automated checking function of enterprises failing to report for an extended period of time, and the construction of the illegal waste dumping management system.Thirdly, reports were submitted regularly to provide statistical data analysis on the reporting of all kinds of industrial waste. The reports were produced in terms of important control items, such as EAF dust, sludge, industrial waste incineration bottom ash and furnace slag, city/county, declared category and cleanup method.For the fourth part of the project, the IWR&MS ( was updated monthly to ensure the accuracy of information presented, including the latest news, statistical data, and feature contents. Routine maintenance was performed and one backup drill was conducted in conjunction with the Department of Environmental Monitoring & Information Management.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 環資國際有限公司