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Title 推動含汞產品源頭管理相關工作專案計畫
Abstract 本計畫執行期間自民國100年12月31日起至101年12月底止,主要目標包括研析照明光源汞含量限制措施之可行性、推動乾電池等產品之重金屬源頭減量工作、持續推動乾電池及水銀體溫計等含汞產品禁限用政策。主要工作成果包括:(一)透過販賣場所田野抽樣調查、製造輸入業問卷調查及進行40式照明光源汞含量檢測,完成國內照明光源運作現況分析報告,並評估國內含汞照明光源以「螢光燈管」之運作數量大且具一定比例之汞含量抽驗超過國外管制限值,故建議為應優先管制項目;(二)協助執行機關完成指定電池汞含量稽查抽驗100式,合格率(<5ppm)達100%,且統計已連續五年合格率達99%以上;另完成國內市售一次電池汞、鎘、鉛含量檢測100式,彙整歷年乾電池汞、鎘、鉛含量檢測結果顯示,指定電池之鎘含量超過歐盟限值(<20ppm)之比例達兩成,顯有管制之必要性,故檢討提出「限制乾電池製造、輸入及販賣」公告修正草案及相關配套措施;(三)持續蒐集國際對消費性產品含重金屬之源頭管理方式,新增或加嚴管理標的為玩具、珠寶及飾品中鉛、鎘含量,建議國內應由產品之目的事業主管機關(如標檢局)依法進行管制(如訂定CNS標準);(四)協助辦理乾電池汞含量確認文件審核作業187件,並彙整執行機關對含汞產品之稽查成果,稽查合格率維持於99%以上。
EngTitle Work Project for Source Management of Mercury-Containing Products
EngAbstract This project was implemented from December 31, 2011 to the end of December 2012. The project's chief goal was to study the feasibility of measures restricting the mercury content of lighting products, promote heavy metal source reduction for dry cell batteries and related products, and continue to implement the restriction/prohibition of mercury-containing products such as dry cell batteries and mercury thermometers. The project's chief results as followed. (1) Analytical reports concerning the current state of lighting product handling in Taiwan were compiled using field surveys at sales locations, questionnaire to manufacturers and importers, and testing of the mercury content in 40 types of lighting products. Following assessment of domestic mercury-containing lighting products, random testing of fluorescent tubes, which were handled in large quantities and contain a certain percentage of mercury, found that such tubes contained a level of mercury higher than foreign limits, and it was therefore recommended that fluorescent tubes be given priority for regulation. (2) The project personnel assisted implementing organizations in completing an audit and random testing of 100 specific types of mercury-containing batteries. This audit found that 100% of the tested batteries were in compliance (<5ppm), and the compliance rate has consequently remained above 99% for the past five years. Furthermore, the project completed testing of 100 types of disposable batteries for mercury, cadmium, and lead, and the compiled test results over the years for mercury, cadmium, and lead in dry cell batteries showed that at least 20% of designated batteries had a cadmium content exceeding the European Union limit (<20 ppm), therefore there was clearly a need to control such batteries, and the project consequently submitted the revised draft announcement "Restrictions on the Manufacture, Import, and Sale of Dry Cell Batteries," and relevant accompanying regulations, after review. (3) The project continued to collect information on methods used overseas to implement source management of heavy metals in consumer products, and proposed the addition or tightening of restrictions on the lead and cadmium content in toys, jewelry, and accessories products. The project recommended that competent authorities in charge of industries producing relevant products (such as the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection) implement control in accordance with the law (such as by drafting CNS standards). (4) The project helped review and approve 187 confirmation documents for the mercury content of dry cell batteries, and compiled the results of audits of mercury-containing products by the enforcement authority. The audit compliance rate was found to be consistently above 99%.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 康城工程顧問股份有限公司