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Title 產品碳足跡排放係數蒐集建置與碳標籤國際合作專案工作計畫
Abstract 為因應我國產業界計算產品碳足跡對本土化排放係數之需求,本計畫完成以下工作項目與成果,可作為我國未來全面推動產品碳足跡標示之基礎與推動方向之參考。1.完成產品碳足跡排放係數建置架構與數據品質標準之規劃:本計畫已制定紡織、食品、營造、包材及運輸等五個產業別應優先建立碳足跡排放係數項目之建議清單;完成國外數據品質指標相關資訊之蒐集以及制訂我國產品碳足跡排放係數之數據品質標準與審查程序等,可作為我國未來執行數據品質評估之參考。2.完成20項取得碳標籤之產品以及10項經第三者查證之碳足跡產品的數據品質評估作業,評估結果顯示,多數提供詳細數據資訊之受檢產品,其產品碳足跡數據被評定為「基本品質」等級以上。3.完成環保署EMS系統資料庫轉換為碳排放係數之可行性評估,並新增10項產品或服務之本土碳足跡排放係數。可行性評估結果顯示,利用環保署EMS資料庫數據作為產品碳足跡計算時雖有不完整之處,但是搭配替代性數據之使用,利用此數據來計算產品/服務碳足跡排放數據確實具有可行性。建議未來環保署可增加以EMS資料庫數據計算產品碳足跡排放係數之項次,以加速本土化基礎原物料碳足跡排放數據之建置速度。4.建立涵括環境領域和衛生領域共37位專家學者之PCR專家資料庫,此可做為未來PCR制定者於內部審查邀請專家學者之參考。5.舉辦一場產品碳足跡標示國際論壇,會中邀請英國、日本、大陸之學者專家進行各國碳標籤實施現況介紹與案例分享,共計82人參與此國際論壇。6. 簽訂臺英產品碳標籤合作備忘錄,並舉辦一場碳足跡訓練課程,共計11位學員參訓。7.赴美考察大型連鎖販售業環境永續經營與綠色供應鏈實績,並拜訪大陸推動碳足跡之重要機構。其中,Homedepot公司將具有公信力之標章系統結合至該公司自行推動之Eco option計畫的作法,充分掌握綠色行銷之精髓,值得作為國內未來推動之參考。 從上述成果,本計畫建立了推動產品碳足跡發展之基礎架構與工具,並推動碳標籤之國際合作與交流,達到兼顧碳足跡基礎能力建構與提升產業綠色競爭力之雙贏結果。
EngAbstract This project has completed three meaningful tasks in response to the need of local emission factors in product carbon footprint calculation for Taiwan industries. These three tasks are:1. Complete five industries sectors of high priority on building up the list of suggested items off carbon footprint emission factors. 2. Complete the 10 EPD carbon footprint product and carbon labeling product totally 30 product data quality index confirm.3. Complete the methodology evaluation of constructing Taiwan carbon footprint public factors, which includes data quality system set-up, evaluation of conversion from EPA’s EMS system data base to carbon emission factors, feasibility evaluation of carbon footprint factors converted from product carbon footprints related information that has acquired carbon label or the third party’s certification.4. Set-up of Taiwan PCR expert database with 31 members.5. Complete the holding of the international forum on product carbon footprint with invited speakers from UK, Japan, and China. There were 82 participants in this forum and many topics were discussed including the sharing of carbon label implementation status and cases studies in Taiwan (O’right and JIA WONG ).6. Signing MOU with Carbon Trust, amd took a training project with carbon footprint communication technology, and there 11 participants.7. In addition, a visit to the chain of retailers on environmental sustainable management and green supplier performances in the US has been conducted. The promotion of low carbon and sustainable strategy and concrete measures in Home depot has been found to be the very useful experience. The visit to relevant organizations of carbon footprint promotion in China, such as China National Institute of Standardization and China Quality Certification Center, has also been conducted. In summary, this project has constructed the basic structure and tools of promoting product carbon footprint development. This project has also promoted the international cooperation and information exchange on carbon label and has reached the win-win result of constructing the basic capability of carbon footprint and uplifting industry green competitiveness.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 管考處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人工業技術研究院