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Title 污泥類廢棄資材轉換資/能源之整合性技術開發與應用評估
Abstract 本研究為建立污泥類廢棄資材之多元化資源再利用途徑,研究目的主要包括建立有機污泥(下水及漿紙污泥)轉換合成氣及生質油之能源應用、自來水廠衍生之含鐵錳淨水污泥(以下簡稱含鐵錳污泥)之材料化應用,以及能源轉換後殘餘物之材料化應用等,期藉由本研究之相關成果,可提供類似污泥類廢棄物轉換為資/能源技術之重要發展與參考方向。研究結果顯示含鐵錳污泥因其具有催化活性物質及高比表面積等特性,可有效應用於污泥轉換能源處理技術之催化劑。經應用於下水污泥及漿紙污泥之催化氣化及熱裂解產能效率評估結果顯示,其催化氣化產生之合成氣之熱值,可由6.43 MJ/Nm3(未添加催化劑)增加至8.59 MJ/Nm3(添加催化劑),而合成氣之能源密度,則可達到1.5 以上,亦即能源利用效率較原有下水及漿紙污泥提高1.5 倍以上。催化裂解產油之產率評估結果顯示,生質油產率最高可達17%,其生質油之最大熱值及能源密度分別為5800 kcal/kg 及3.76。污泥能源轉換後殘餘物之資材化研究結果顯示,燒結產品已符合現行輕質化、隔熱性、節能性及高強度之建築材料規範。整體而言,本研究結果除達成有機性下水及漿紙污泥轉換合成氣及生質油之能源利用外,同時亦促進能源轉換殘餘物及含鐵錳污泥應用於建築材料之發展潛力。
EngTitle Integrated Development and Application of Sludge-to-Resource/Energy (StR/StE) Technology
EngAbstract This study investigates how to establish various pathways of sludge-to-resource/energy (StR/StE) application. The major objectives of this studyare to assess the energy yield efficiency of synthesis gas and bio-oil produced from organic sewage and paper-mill sludge by thermal conversion technologies. The catalyst was selected from water purification sludge containing Fe/Mn. The sintered lightweight building materials manufactured by residues derived from sludge-to-energy are also discussed. Based on the results of this research, importantinformation regarding the technical development of sludge-to-resource ( StR) and/or sludge-to-energy (StE) application can be provided. Experimental results indicate that the water purification sludge containing Fe/Mn can serve as a catalyst for application of sludge-to-energy technology, due to its active catalytic properties and high surface areas. Sewage and paper-mill sludge catalytic gasification and pyrolysis showed that the heating value of synthesis gas produced increased from 6.43 MJ/Nm3 to 8.59 MJ/Nm3, with increasing the tested catalyst addition. The energy density of synthesisgas was 1.5 and above. That is, the energy utilization efficiency could enhance 1.5 times the energy content of the sewage and paper-mill sludge. The maximum bio-oil production rate was approximately 17% from catalytic pyrolysis of the tested sludge.Meanwhile, the maximum heating value and energy density of bio-oil produced from tested sludge was 5,800 kcal/kg and 3.76, respectively. When the product was sintered,the sintered product had the characteristics of being lightweight, heat insulating,energy-saving, and having high strength, which are compliant with Taiwan standards for construction application. In conclusion, the experimental results of this research confirm that it is possible to enhance the energy utilization efficiency of synthesis gasand bio-oil converted from the tested sludge. It can also promote the potential for applying residue derived from sludge-to-energy and water purification sludge in construction materials.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 逢甲大學創新育成中心