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Title 消費性產品揮發性有機物管制制度建立計畫
Abstract 根據環保署最新的排放清單(TEDS 7.1)統計,民眾日常採購或是消費的產品所產生的NMHC排放量,約佔了全國排放量的五分之一,在74萬多公噸的NMHC所造成的空氣污染中,其中約有15.7萬公噸,是由民眾消費含有機揮發物質的產品與建築塗裝所排放,其排放量已經接近移動污染源的NMHC排放量(約17.4萬公噸),其對於臭氧污染的貢獻不容忽視,目前國內尚無相關的管制措施,國外則在近年陸續重視消費性產品影響而採行管制。本計畫以國內消費性產品製造與經銷狀況及消費性市場實際銷售狀況推估國內消費性產品使用狀況及排放量,於去年度完成「建物塗料」、「洗衣粉/精/衣物護理產品」、「洗衣預洗劑」、「浴室瓷磚清潔劑」、「空氣清新劑」、「玻璃清潔劑」、「汽車擋風玻璃清洗液」及「膠粘劑」八大類產品相關檢測,今年度篩選六大類產品,分別為「環保標章產品」、「農藥殺蟲劑」、「農藥除草劑」、「環境用藥」、「工業用清潔劑」及「印刷油墨」,進行TVOC含量檢測及成分分析。在檢測方法方面,參考國外針對消費性產品及國內NIEA相關VOCs之檢測方法,經適用性評析分別以NIEA A716.10C及NIEA A717.10C進行TVOC檢測,以NIEA M735.70B進行成分分析,並依此草擬國內「消費性產品揮發性有機物測定法」。本計畫另將TVOC檢測結果與各國限值做比較,研擬國內TVOC含量建議值,並推估含量限值管制初期消費性產品揮發性有機物可減量約9,259.29噸/年,建築塗料揮發性有機物初期可減量約11,098.4,經模式模擬顯示,產品減量後對臭氧濃度最大可達約5 ppb的減量效益。本計畫評估各先進國家含VOCs消費性產品管制方式之可行性,在國內既有法規授權下,建議7項管制策略:「制定消費性商品排放標準」、「對消費性商品徵收空污費」、「以許可制度管制超出VOCs含量限值產品之販賣及使用」、「公告使用VOCs含量超過標準之消費性產品為空氣污染行為」、「建議經濟部納入應施檢驗商品管制」、「建議經濟部增訂商品標示基準」與「建議環保標章規格增加VOCs含量限值」。消費性商品的範圍過於廣泛,因此各項策略均需對管制目標商品。管制策略中以「以許可制度管制超出VOCs含量限值產品之販賣及使用」、「建議經濟部納入應施檢驗商品管制」管制效益較佳。而「建議環保標章規格增加VOCs含量限值」性質上較為特殊,先進國家多有類似的環保標章制度,引領消費性產品與消費趨勢朝環境友善性發展,雖不具強制管制效力,但對於消費性產品低VOCs含量的發展具有指標引領作用,且推動成本較低,阻力小,仍值得推動。本年度先行推動「建議經濟部納入應施檢驗商品管制」與「建議環保標章規格增加VOCs含量限值」兩項策略。經建議經濟部將建築塗料納入商品檢驗,已經獲得經濟部採納,經濟部標準檢驗局預定於101年5月開始實施建築塗料之商品檢驗,要求其VOCs含量需符合CNS 15808限值之規範。另也建議「洗衣清潔劑」與「衛浴廚房清潔劑」兩項環保標章規格標準增加VOCs含量限值,後續獲得環境保護產品審議委員會採納進行規格標準修訂檢討。
EngTitle Plan for Establishing a Consumer Products VOCs Control System
EngAbstract According to the latest EPA emission inventory (TEDS 7.1) statistics, NMHC emissions produced by public procurement, or daily consumption of products, accounting for about one-fifth of national emissions. More than 740,000 metric tons of NMHC caused air pollution, of which about 1.57 million tones, is the public consumption of products containing organic volatile substances in the coating of construction emissions, its emissions are close to the NMHC emissions from automobile sources (about 17.4 million tones). For ozone pollution contribution can not be ignored, while the foreign attention in recent years in succession the impact of consumer products regulation adopted, there is no relevant domestic regulatory measures.The plan to the domestic consumer product manufacturing and distribution of the actual market conditions and consumer sales estimated domestic consumption of the product usage and emissions. The eight categories of product-related test "Architectural Coatings", "Laundry Starch/ Sizing/ Fabric Finish Product", "Laundry Prewash", "Bathroom and Tile Cleaner", "Air Freshener ", "Glass Cleaner", "Automotive Windshield Washer Fluid" and" Adhesive" was completed last year. Screening six categories this year products are "Green Label Products", "Pesticides", "Herbicide", "Environmental Agents", "Cleaners" and "Printing Inks", to conduct TVOC content testing and component analysis.In terms of detection methods, test methods of NIEA related VOCsIs reference to foreign and domestic consumer products, detecting the applicability of NIEA A716.10C and NIEA A717.10C for TVOC were the assessment guides; thereby drafting the domestic of "Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in Consumer Products Rule". This project will also detect by TVOC exam which the results will be compared with other countries, develop the recommended value of domestic TVOC content, and estimate the control limits for the initial content of volatile organic compounds in consumer products can be reduction of about 9,259.29 tons / year, an initial architectural coatings of VOC reduction of about 11,098.4 tons / year. The model simulations show, product after the reduction of ozone concentration benefits up to about 5 ppb of reduction.The program evaluation of the advanced countries with VOCs in consumer products control feasibility, under the authority of existing laws and regulations in the country, seven control strategy is recommended: "develop emission standards for consumer goods”, “levied on consumer goods air pollution fee”, “Licensing system to control content beyond the limits of VOCs sale and use of products”, “notice the use of VOCs content than standard products for the consumer behavior of air pollution”, ”Ministry of Economic Affairs proposed to be included in the control of inspection of goods”, ”Ministry of Economic Affairs to update product label recommended benchmark” and ”Green Label specifications recommended concentration limits for VOCs content”. Consumer goods was too broad, therefore, the strategy is required to control the target product. Control strategies in order to, “Licensing system to control content beyond the limits of VOCs sale and use of products” and ” Ministry of Economic Affairs proposed to be included in the control of inspection of goods” to benefits of better control. The “Green Label specifications recommended concentration limits for VOCs content” has unique nature, advanced countries have similar Green label system, which Leads consumer products and consumer trends towards development of environmentally friendly nature. Though not with the effectiveness of mandatory controls, But for consumer products with low VOCs content in a development-leading role, which promote low cost, low resistance, and worth promoting.This year the project helped to promote the "Ministry of Economic Affairs proposed to be included in the control of inspection of goods" and "Green Label specifications recommended concentration limits for VOCs content," two strategies. Ministry of Economic Affairs by the proposed commodity inspection will include architectural coatings, has been adopted by Ministry of Economic Affairs. Bureau of Standards, Ministry of Economic Affairs is scheduled of commodity inspection and the implementation of architectural coatings begin in May 2012, must meet the requirements of the VOCs content limits of the standard CNS 15808. The project also suggested the additional limit of VOCs content Green Label specification on both "laundry detergents" and "sanitary kitchen cleaning agent”, which got the Environmental Protection Products Committee reviewed amendments to specifications afterward.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 新系環境技術有限公司