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Title 毒性化學物質公告列管及評估計畫
Abstract 本計畫執行期間自100年2月1日至12月31日止,主要目標為蒐集更新化學物質及環境荷爾蒙之國際管制資訊,並進行重點化學物質之國內運作現況調查,據以提出法規修正建議及協助環保署推動跨部會分工管理。工作成果包括:(1)彙整美、加、日、歐盟、中國大陸等國家及斯德哥爾摩公約之化學物質管制資訊,依篩選原則檢討我國化學物質相關名單,協助新增納管甲醯胺、安殺番及鄰苯二甲酸酯類等27種毒化物,並研提毒管法修正架構建議及相關子法或管理工具之改善建議。(2)蒐集美、加、日、歐盟及中國大陸等國家之環境荷爾蒙管制資訊,協助召開跨部會管理推動小組會議及辦理環境荷爾蒙管制研討會1場次,並完成市售清潔劑、油漆及玩具等45件抽檢採樣工作。(3)完成17種觀察物質之國內運作現況調查,經本年度毒諮會討論後,鄰苯二甲酸丁基苯甲酯(BBP)等4種物質已於100年7月20日公告列管,氫氟酸及四甲基氫氧化銨則依決議不納入列管,其餘因無運作業者(七水合四硼酸鈉等6種物質)或背景資料尚未完整掌握,建議後續持續調查評估。(4)已完成苯等5種重點管制毒化物之減量輔導及6場次學術機構現勘輔導作業,並完成發行24期電子報及四氯丹等15種物質中文毒理資料摘編譯,俾供各界瞭解毒化物管理趨勢與特性。
EngTitle Project of Assessment, Proclamation, and Management of Toxic Chemical Substances
EngAbstract This Project was implemented over the period from February 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011. The main aims of the Project were to collect up-to-date information regarding international practice with respect to the management of chemical substances and environmental hormones, and to carry out a survey of the current domestic utilization status of key chemical substances, which is intended to serve as a basis for the submitting of recommendations regarding revision of relevant laws and regulations, and to assist the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) in coordinating the division of labor between different government agencies. The results achieved in the Project included: (1) Collection and collation of information regarding the management of chemical substances in the U.S., Canada, Japan, the European Union, China, etc., and within the framework established by the Stockholm Convention, so that the selection criteria included in this information can serve as a basis for reviewing the relevant lists of regulated chemical substances that are currently used in Taiwan. This work helped bring about the adding of 27 additional toxic substances – including formamide, endosulfan and phthalates – to the lists; in addition, recommendations were submitted regarding the framework for revision of the Toxic Chemical Substances Control Act and of the related sub-statutes and management tools. (2) Collection and collation of information regarding the management of environmental hormones in the U.S., Canada, Japan, the European Union, China, etc., as well as providing assistance for the convening of cross-agency management team meetings and holding a conference on environmental hormone management; in addition, sampling work has been completed with respect to 45 items (including commercially-available cleaners, paints, toys, etc. (3) Completion of a survey of the current state of domestic utilization of 17 substances subject to observation. On the basis of the conclusions reached at this year’s meeting of the Toxic Chemical Advisory Council, on July 20, 2011 it was announced that an additional four substances – including benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP) – would be added to the list of regulated toxic chemical substances, while hydrofluoric acid and tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) would not be added to the list; it was recommended that, with regard to a number of other substances, where either there were currently no firms using these substances in Taiwan (a situation which applied to six substances, including tetraboron disodium heptaoxide hydrate) or else it had not yet been possible to compile adequate background information, further surveys and evaluation should be undertaken. (4) Other Project work items that have been completed included the implementation of emission reduction guidance with respect to five key categories of regulated chemical substances (including benzene), the holding of six on-site guidance sessions involving academic institutions, the publication of 24 issues of the e-paper, and the compilation (based on translated materials) of Chinese-language abstracts of information regarding 15 categories of chemical substances (including captafol) to help entities in various sectors gain a more thorough understanding of recent trends in toxic chemical substance management.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 毒管處
ExecutingOrg 康城工程顧問股份有限公司