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Title 區域能源供應技術參考手冊編製
Abstract 本區域能源供應技術手冊主要提供未來社區更新開發、區域建築規劃及環境影響評估作業參考,並針對電力既有系統設備,以及未來新設之火力電廠開發案,整併規劃採用區域能源供應技術,為達前述目的,本計畫透過國內外相關研究文獻與成功應用實績之蒐集整理,提供我國建立推展區域能源供應技術之知識基石。技術參考手冊編製計畫主要成果包含:(1)蒐集彙整國內外有關文獻資料與應用實例,並研析該技術引進我國之可行性,參考納入技術手冊之內容;(2)辦理2次研商會議,徵詢國內成功整合區域能源之機關及專家學者意見,以修正編製內容之架構與方向。(3)參與環保署100年度邀請與本案有關國外學者召開之研商會議,協助相關意見之記錄與回應;(4)提出區域能源供應規劃程序,以供環境影響評估作業參考。(5)蒐集國際間技術發展成熟國家所製訂之相關法令與政策,作為推動發展之參考;(6)完成區域能源供應技術參考手冊之編製。
EngTitle Compilation of the District Energy Systems Handbook
EngAbstract It is the goal of this handbook to provide a guideline in integrating district energy system while performing community renewal, district development, and environmental impact evaluation procedures, concerning about utility power renovation and new plant installations. In achieving this goal, successful examples in other area have been introduced in establishing a foundation toward this purposes. The following content has been highlighted in this handbook in its completion, namely:(1) Analysis of the successful examples in other nations, including literature survey.(2) Gathering opinion from experts, twice a year, to pinpoint the new direction for further advancement(3) Participating the forum hosted by the EPA in discussing with foreign experts(4) Proposing guideline for planning a district energy system, especially Combined Heat and Power system and District Heating and Cooling system.(5) Analyzing the regulation and rules adapted in other nations to promote district energy systems, as a reference to be established in Taiwan.(6) Fulfilling this compilation of the District Energy Systems Handbook.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 國立中山大學