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Title 100年度「機車排氣檢驗站品質管理與資訊應用平台維護」專案工作計畫
Abstract 機車排氣定期檢驗制度自民國85年起,推行至今已邁入第15年。本年度配合環保署免檢期限延長及補助資格調整,修正補助款審查原則,因新車免檢期限延長及複驗補助取消,本年度補助費用較99年度減少21%,約1.4億元,另透過檢驗照片全面檢核,有效降低檢驗車號誤植問題。應用動態車牌辨識及各縣市稽查資料,有效更新死車資料庫,確保通知車籍之正確性及有效性。計畫主要工作包括機車排氣檢驗站查核管理及教育訓練、檢驗補助款審查核撥、檢驗設備認證作業、檢驗資料庫系統操作維護,以及定檢數據統計分析等。透過本年度計畫執行,在檢驗站管理方面,有效提升異常檢驗站品質篩選列管、查核結果回報的效率;檢驗軟體認證作業部份,於安裝檔導入MD5檢核碼機制,確保站端軟體與認證版本一致;針對標準氣體,本年度協助環保署辦理氣體認證之輔導審查作業,計已輔導3家取得環保署合格證。系統相關作業方面,本年度除系統操作維運,另配合監資處共構系統移植作業、行政區重劃進行系統功能調整。因應複驗補助取消,建置逾期未複驗管制平台,供環保局加強未複驗車輛之管制。車廠保修資料交換平台部份,新增通知紀錄回饋功能,並協調車廠回饋保養及通知紀錄,進行相關定檢成效之分析。
EngTitle The motorcycle exhaust inspection station’s quality management and information application platform
EngAbstract It is the 15th year of regular motorcycle exhaust inspection system since 1996. According to the extension of inspection-exempt term and the adjustment of subsidy qualifications announced by the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), we have amended the principle of inspection subsidy this year. Due to the extension of inspection-exempt term and subsidization only for first inspections, the cost of inspection subsidies, compared to 2010, were decreased about NT$ 140 million (21%). In addition, miskeying of license plate number for inspection record was minimized effectively through full-scale screening of inspection photos. Dynamic license plate recognition and auditing data collected from the Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) were used to update non-used vehicle database and ensure the effectiveness of inspection notification.The major project tasks consists of auditing management and training for the inspection station, review and appropriation of subsidy funds for inspection, test equipment verification, test database system operation and maintenance, and statistical analysis of regular inspection data. For inspection station management, the quality screening and control of stations with abnormal performance and the efficiency of auditing result reporting were improved; for testing program verification, “Message-Digest Algorithm 5” (MD5) identification code was introduced in the installation file to ensure the programs that the inspection station used is consistent with the verification version. For the assistance to EPA in consultation and review of gas verification this year, 3 firms were helped to acquire the qualification of EPA.For system-related operations, we accomplished the co-constructed system transplantation in accordance with the Department of Environmental Monitoring and Information Management’s regulations, and the functional adjustment of administrational zone redevelopment system. Moreover, in response to the subsidies for first inspections, a platform was established for the EPB to reinforce control over the unqualified vehicles. For the motorcycle maintenance records exchange platform, we established the “feedback of inspection notification records” as a new function, and negotiated with the vehicle manufacturers to feed back their maintenance and notification records for analysis of inspection achievements.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 春迪企業股份有限公司