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Title 一般廢棄物管理及全分類零廢棄-100年推動產品包材輕量化及環境友善化計畫
Abstract 本計畫彙整歐洲、英國與日本包裝減量管理模式與相關案例資訊,探討其包裝減量案例及推動現況。依據我國產品包裝使用情形,建議可延續限制產品過度包裝法令,考慮推動非酒精飲料、酒精飲料、罐頭食品、調味品、清潔用品及化粧品之個包裝輕量化工作,建議可結合與上述產品相關之公(協)會,參考國外推動包裝輕量化模式與我國歷年推動自願性包裝減量工作內容,配合輕量化評估指標,逐步推動包裝輕量化工作。在推廣包裝輕量化部分,歷年參與自願性減量協議之減量成果分別於99年達到包材減量3,691公噸,100年上半年度減量達到860公噸,皆已達到原訂目標。同時,本年度亦協助21家事業瞭解與推動綠色包裝設計工作,協助業者進行改善包括降低印刷面積、減少包裝體積、減少包材種類、減少包材使用與減少使用黏膠等項目,並協助12家業者共同參與101年協議簽署,業別擴大至通路、喜餅及飲料業,預估101年減量成效可達到965公噸以上。在綠色包裝設計宣導工作方面,持續更新綠色包裝評估程序工具及提供民眾與業者綠色包裝設計手冊,推廣綠色包裝設計概念,並藉由辦理綠色包裝設計研習宣導會進行實務分享以樹立標竿學習典範。此外,亦協助辦理2011綠色生活博覽會與研擬「綠色包裝設計獎評選及獎勵活動」相關規範等工作,作為未來進一步推動學生、業者等不同類別之獎勵方式執行參考。在含汞推動工作主要成果包括:研擬鈕扣型乾電池管制草案並檢討「限制乾電池製造、輸入及販賣」公告,鈕扣型乾電池因現階段評估管制後對汞污染減量效果有限但成本較高,建議先不列為優先項目;錳鋅電池及非鈕扣型鹼錳電池則因鎘含量抽驗結果較歐盟標準20ppm高者比例達25.6%,建議優先推動管制。此外已完成100式錳鋅電池及非鈕扣型鹼錳電池汞含量抽驗,合格率(<5ppm)為99%。
EngTitle 2011 Promoting Product Packaging Light-weighting and Environmentally Friendly Packaging Project
EngAbstract This project studies packaging reduction management methods and related case studies from Europe, United Kingdom, and Japan, as references for the assessment of packaging light-weighting categories and standards. Under current Excessive Packaging Restriction enforcement and Carbon Footprint Labeling framework in Taiwan, it is considered in prior to adding the enforcement in light-weighting packaging in alcoholic drink, non-alcoholic drink, canned food, condiment, detergent and cosmetic product. Those which six items of light-weighting packaging assessment indicators are based on the product weight ratio. In terms of implementing mechanism, it is recommended to joint venture with the above six product associations(organizations), take role models in packaging reduction promotion of other countries, and adjust our domestic enterprises’ voluntary packaging reduction agreements in the past years, to reach the setting excessive packing waste reduction goal gradually by applying designed indicators.In promoting packaging light-weighting work, the positive results from the enterprises’ voluntary packaging reduction agreement were 3,691 reduction tonnes in 2010 and 860 tonnes reduction in the first half of 2011, both met the reduction goals. In 2011 , this project has advised 21 enterprises to improve excessive packaging reduction, such as reducing printing area, reducing packaging volume, reducing packaging materials types and usage, and reducing the adhesive layer usage. Totally there were 12 enterprises, expanded to distributors, confectionary and beverage industries expected to reduce more than 965 tonnes excessive packaging waste in 2012. In advocating packaging reduction tool and green packaging promotion work, this project continues to updated the green packaging assessment tool, revised the website content, and provided two versions of green package design guide-manuals for the industry and general public. Besides, two green design workshops were organized to gather ideas and experiences to inspire the participants in upgrading expertise. Furthermore, this project developed the 2011 Green Living Expo by its public participation, and established kinds of rules for the “Green Packaging Design Competition and Awards” for rewarding and inspiring the muti-targets of students, professionals, enterprises and industries.In mercury-containing wastes management work, the positive outcomes include enact Button Type Dry Cell Batteries control and restriction measures and rectify Restrictions on the Manufacture, Import, and Sale of Dry Cell Batteries announments. In current status, the Button Type Dry Cell Batteries control and restriction measures meet its limitations in not only reducing the mercury pollution but also increasing cost revenue, which is not recommended in prior to take. On the other hand, it is a prior to suggest in controling and restricting those batteries with cadmium over than that of European Union, maximum permitted limit of 20 ppm by 25.6 percent in all. Moreover, this project performs purposely in mercury inspection by 100 designated battery type samples, which are meet the conformity rate (under 5ppm) in 99 percent.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 永發環境科技管理有限公司