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Title 綠色消費宣導及綠色採購推動計畫
Abstract 綠色消費宣導及綠色採購推動計畫,為鏈結民間企業、團體、商店、志義工、學校機關、旅宿業者、不動產仲介業者等對象設計出之多元化宣導與執行規劃之推動計畫,在於塑造全民好樂活、綠色消費樂窮等形象,鼓勵民眾優先選購具有環保標章的綠色商品,落實生活簡約原則,選用對地球衝擊最少的商品或活動。本計畫完成之工作項目包括:(一)辦理「民間企業與團體實施綠色採購計畫」執行會議3場次;(二)辦理綠色消費種子人員教育訓練10場次,共計627人參與;(三)辦理環保產品展售活動,共計80攤,2萬人次以上參與;(四)辦理「我喜歡的綠色商店票選活動」,共計14萬人次民眾參與票選活動;(五)辦理綠色生活大使選拔賽,共選出5名大使,辦理成功大學、清華大學等校園巡迴演講活動,共計1,000人次以上參與;(六)辦理「綠色消費推廣暨99年度綠色採購與銷售績優單位表揚」活動,共計237人參與,16家知名企業連署;(七)擬訂綠色生活及消費指引手冊及辦理5場以上手冊審查會議;(八)辦理綠行動傳唱計畫後續推動及輔導旅館配合措施之規劃,參與業者達到178家及3萬人次以上參與;(九)辦理綠色消費樂無窮系列活動記者會4次,錄製16支宣導影片;(十)辦理綠色硬幣捐贈記者會2場次及綠行動傳唱環保計畫成果發表會1場次。
EngTitle Advocating Green Consumption and Promoting Green Procurement
EngAbstract The objective of project for “Advocating Green Consumption and Promoting Green Procurement” is to collaborate with private companies, organizations, stores, volunteers, school and institutions, hotel enterprises and property agencies etc. to create various promotional event in order to establish an image of a better life and joyful green consumption, and also inspire consumer to purchase environmental friendly products with green mark, live simply and choose the products and events which have minimum impact on the earth. To conclude, the implementation of project is summarized as the following:(1) Three executive meeting of the “Project on promoting private enterprises and organizations’ green purchasing activities”(2) In total, 627 people attended the ten sessions of “Green consumption seed-instructor training workshops”. (3) Up to 20,000 people attended the 80 booths of “environmental products exhibition”.(4) Up to 140,000 people voted on the activity “I Love Green Stores”. (5) Held the event “Green Living Ambassador Selection”, and 5 green ambassadors had won the vote. In addition, up to 1,000 people attended the Campus Tour Lecture held in National Cheng Kung University and National Tsing Hua University etc.(6) Promoting Green Consumption and praising department for the remarkable performance of green procurement and sales in 2010. In total, 237 people attended the event and 16 enterprises have countersigned with it.(7) Make a draft of “Handbook of green living and green consumption” and held up to 5 examinations of it. (8) Plan the following project of “Green Activities” and assist hotel enterprises to cooperate with the plan. Up to 178 hotels and 30,000 attend the event.(9) 4 Press conference and 16 promotional videos of the event “Joyful Green Consumption” (10) Held 2 donation press conference of “Green Coin”, and 1 performance presentation of “Green Activities”
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 管考處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會