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Title 四重溪及和平溪水區劃定及標準作業程序建立計畫
Abstract 本計畫針對中央管之四重溪及和平溪水系進行水質、水資源用途等基本資料進行分析檢討,以進行水區劃定,並建立水系水區劃定之標準作業程序。
EngTitle Classification of River Water Bodies and Establish the Standard Operation Procedure
EngAbstract This project will focus on the classification of River Water Bodies for Suchung River and Heping River. In addition, the standard operation procedure of classification of River Water Bodies will be established.Suchung River, Heping River, River water body, Standard Operation Procedure.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 台灣水環境再生協會