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Title 100年度有害事業廢棄物戴奧辛及重金屬管制之調查與評估專案研究計畫
Abstract 依本計畫今年度之辦理成果,發現銅二次治煉業之集塵灰及部份中小型事業廢棄物焚化爐所產出之飛灰具有戴奧辛潛在有害之特性,依此提出針對銅二次冶煉業集塵灰應以加強廠內妥善儲存之管理、推動安全再利用及安全處理等管理措施建議;另針對小型事業廢棄物焚化爐則提出應加強查核輔導並汰除低效率之設施等之建議,以避免對環境造成不良之影響。 另針對有機性污泥併同一般廢棄物進入大型垃圾焚化廠試燒工作之辦理結果,在良好的管理及少量有機性污泥(3%及5%)混拌的操作模式下,可達成妥善處理之任務,並對環境不至於造成不良之影響,應屬可行。雖於過程中,我們亦發現部份反應灰有汞或戴奧辛,及部份底渣有鉻及六價鉻偏高之問題,但該問題透過良好之管理機制及操作條件下,應可有效的解決並達成最佳之處理。因此建議各垃圾焚化廠如欲開放處理有機性污泥,應可辦理類似之試燒計畫,藉以尋求最佳化之操作模式,以達成妥善處理之目的。 最終就我國污泥未來短中長期之處置對策,依現況問題,建議應以短期利用現有設施處理量能解決去化問題達成妥善處理、中期推動落實源頭減量提升再利用率為目標,以及長期完成多元化處理機制之建構促成環循型機制以達成資源永續之具體建議供參考。
EngTitle Investigation and Evaluation of Hazardous Industrial Waste Control of Dioxins and Heavy Metals 2011
EngAbstract Under the research results of this project¸ we found the fly ash waste from secondary copper smelting industry and some small and medium industrial waste incinerator potentially contained dioxins. So we proposed the management measures for fly ash of secondary copper smelting industry included properly storage, safe re-use and treatment. We also recommended giving a regular inspection to guide the small and medium industrial waste incinerator facilities in order to force them to operate in an optimal operation and eliminated facilities with poor efficiency to ensure such problem will not impact the environment. For the incineration test of mixed organic sludge and general waste into municipal solid waste incineration plant, we found the incinerator could function properly without adverse impact to the environment under proper management and small amount of organic sludge addition (3~5%). Although we saw some higher mercury and dioxins levels in the reaction product (fly ash) and some chromium and hexavalent chromium in the bottom ash, this problem could be solved with proper management and operation parameters adjustment. So any municipal solid waste incineration plant which want to treat the organic sludge, should run trial burns to find out the optimal operation mode and to ensure a properly treatment. Ultimately, base on the current sludge situation in Taiwan, our suggestions are as following. In the short-term future, use the capacity of current waste treatment facilities to solve the problem of the organic sludge which couldn’t be properly handled. Then ask sludge producer making proper reduction and re-use should be the mid-term target. Finally, establish diversified treatment and recycling mechanism to reach resource sustainable use will be the final and long-term target.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 中興工程顧問股份有限公司