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Title 建置室內空氣品質標準值暨室內空氣污染源調查及監測查驗制度(第一年)
Abstract 我國環保署透過一連串室內空氣品質標準與管制策略擬議的系列研究,於2005年公告我國第一個室內空氣品質建議值。歷經多年立法努力,始於民國100年11月08日三讀通過。唯隨時序演進及近年相關資料累積,本研究團隊重新評估甲醛標準之適宜性,並利用本土化資料,評估主要揮發性有機污染物物種及與健康危害有關的特定真菌菌種,為往後訂定標準之方向。由於政府單位近年積極推動室內空氣品質自主管理,商業化之直讀儀器廣泛被應用於實場檢測中,然公告方法分析過程繁複,本研究團隊亦依約利用5點次實場採樣結果,初步建立相關標準程序規範。此外,為了解室內環境與個人因子對健康影響,本研究團隊亦嘗試利用適應負荷模式進行評估。本研究彙整國內外室內空氣中甲醛的相關文獻資料,並進行13所小學/幼稚園及1處辦公室室內醛酮類及揮發性有機物量測及健康風險評估。結果顯示小學/幼稚園室內最常見之有害揮發性空氣污染物為甲醛、乙醛、苯、甲苯、乙苯及二甲苯。初步風險推估結果顯示,國小/幼稚園工作人員與學生,因室內空氣暴露總致癌風險介於5.55E-5至7.27E-06,主要貢獻為甲醛、乙醛及苯。我國甲醛目前建議值為小時值100 ppb(123 µg/m3),較國際間最常採用的100 µg/m3 (80 ppb)稍微寬鬆,短時間標準值可考量與WHO及其他國家地區一致。真菌指標的部份,本研究完成10點次的環境樣本採集,結果顯示室內的總真菌濃皆高於室內空氣品質建議值(1000 CFU/m3),因水害或潮濕而增加並會影響人類健康的Aspergillus spp., Penicillium spp. 和Fusarium spp.為優勢菌屬,因此除總真菌濃度外,為求完整有效之環境控制,亦應考量特定真菌菌種於環境的分佈。適應負荷模式初探方面,本次共收集32人的健康指標、生物檢體及7處室內空間的環境品質,結果顯示,受試者的平均適應負荷模式指標程度與室內環境中活性總真菌濃度有良好的相關性。而就目前結果看來,受試者的生活品質(壓力指標)及其所暴露的室內環境因子尚無法解釋對於SBS各類型症狀的表現,但室內HCHO濃度、活性總細菌濃度及PM2.5的室內外 (I/O)比值與受試者的第一秒用力呼氣量,即肺功能指標,有顯著的相關性。透過彙析國內外直讀式儀器使用規範與查驗制度和現場直讀式儀器與公告方法的比對結果,本研究團隊建議研擬出的『CO與CO2直讀式儀器使用規範與查驗制度草案規劃』應包含:(1) CO與CO2直讀式儀器基本性能規範說明,(2)採樣前,CO與CO2直讀式儀器需完成的校準項目、水準與流程,(3)採樣期間,CO與CO2直讀式儀器的使用規則,(4)採樣後,CO與CO2直讀式儀器監測結果的處理流程,(5)查驗項目與流程等五大部份,以提高直讀式儀器監測結果之代表性與應用性。
EngTitle Examination of IAQ recommendation levels, investigation of indoor source and establishment of monito
EngAbstract Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) first announced recommendation levels for 10 indoor air quality indexes in 2005. Nevertheless, scientific information has continued to grow and the need to revisit whether the proposed values reflect the local realities in Taiwan or the existing standard method was appropriate in future application has gained concensus. Objectives of this current study include: Analyzing the HCHO levels distribution in different indoor environments in Taiwan, and measuring the levels and species of VOCs in Taiwan to propose revised standards for local application. Moreover, this project will complete the sampling of major semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs), and collect references on sources and health outcomes of SVOCs. Preliminary assessment of the characteristics and distributions of fungi species with potential health risk in indoor environments. Develop a preliminary non-invasive measurement of comprehensive biomarkers so that assessment the relationship between indoor environmental factors and health outcomes. Assess the serviceability of real-time instruments in indoor environments, and make the relative standards.The major achievements, findings and recommendations of this study are summarized as following: Formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes were found to be the most abundant carbonyls and VOCs in the majority of the samples. The mean indoor concentrations of formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes in the schools were 26.9, 9.1, 0.5, 6.1, 1.3 and 1.1 ppbv respectively. The I/O ratios showed the potential existence of indoor sources of the carbonyls, especially for indoor formaldehyde (I/O ratio: 2.6) in the schools. Risk assessment indicates that the estimated lifetime cancer risk of inhalation exposures to indoor VOCs and carbonyls ranged from 5.50E-05 to 7.27E-06, which was attributable mainly to formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and benzene exposures. The mean indoor formaldehyde and acetaldehyde levels measured in this study exceeded the current reference concentrations proposed by Cal/EPA and U.S. EPA. According to the results from previous studies in different country, we could find that the predominant fungi in indoor environment included Cladosporium spp., Aspergillus spp., Penicillium spp. and Alternaria spp., and they were prone to growing in damp environment. Ten sampling sites had complete information about environmental biological exposure profiles in our study, and the fungal concentrations in classrooms from selected school were above the recommended value(1000 CFU/m3)of EPA in Taiwan. We also found that the fungi genera related dampness and water damage, including Aspergillus spp., Penicillium spp. and Fusarium spp., were not only the prevalent fungi in indoor environment, but also had significant health concern. Our study measured the health indicators, bio-samples and indoor environmental quality for 32 subjects. We used logistic regression models to examine the effects of environment and individual factors on allostatic load model. Results showed that allostatic load model was significantly correlated with total culturable fungi, but significantly negatively correlated with SBS (p < 0.05), we need more subjects to confirm this. Concentrations of HCHO, total culturable fungi, and I/O ratio of PM2.5 were significantly correlated with FEV1, the indicator of pulmonary function. In the future, this study will continue to collect more subjects, and examine the feasibility of using allostatic load model on the effects of quality of life and environmental factors. This project accomplished a draft document for “The standard testing method for using real-time monitors for CO and CO2”, and suggested that the contents should include: (1) the information of basic functions of instrument, (2) the items, level and flow path of compartison before sampling, (3) the operational guideline during sampling, (4) the collection and analysis of sampling data, and (5) the items and flow path of checking.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 國立成功大學